Chapter 309
The light angel spirit card set is very ingeniously designed.

All fourteen spirit cards, the lowest level is seven, and the highest core "Heart of Light" is level eighteen. The effects of each card are related to each other, and are integrated by the core spirit card of level eighteen.

For example, a simple "light wing" spirit card, the effect is only to generate a bunch of light wings, granting the ability to fly and limited defense.But when paired with the other two spirit cards, one is called "Scattering of Light" and the other is called "Spiritual Amplification". The latter is to link the light wings with other spirit card effects and the user himself. The stronger the spirit matter in the body, the more logarithmic the light wings will be.

And these two spirit cards can be matched with other spirit cards to form a network structure that is connected with each other, making it a perfect suit.

And the most creative thing is that the Light Angel Spirit Card Set keeps the core Spirit Card unchanged. Even if a few other Spirit Cards are removed, the corresponding ability can still be maintained without affecting the overall situation.Of course, that is the weakened version of the Angel of Light, which is how the other battle angel suits are actually derived.

After an unknown period of evolution, the light angel suit was invented from the very beginning to the present level, and it has achieved today's brilliance through the hard work of countless card makers.

It's a pity...there are far more suits than there are people who can use them.

But today they are all in Wang Qi's hands, and this trouble will probably disappear.That being said, the Guangming Church has to be grateful to Wang Qi.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi chuckled, then took out all the Bright Angel suits, put them away in categories according to their parts, and opened the book of spirit cards.

Having already got it in his hands and not planning to return it, Wang Qi simply decided to combine all of these.

If the 33 sets of Bright Angels are integrated into one set, it should not be an empty talk to believe that quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes.

Soon, after skilled one-by-one operations, 33 sets were combined into one set.

Looking at a whole set of spirit cards that are stronger than anyone knows how much from the effect description, the general level has been raised by several levels, and the core spirit card has even been upgraded to the full level of 20 in the Reya region according to the old man Gustav.

"Well, it looks a lot stronger, but I don't know how it works."

Wang Qi nodded in satisfaction, and then proceeded to the next step.

There are hundreds of other suits, and it is useless to keep them all in hand. Wang Qi is not planning to form a corps.

Except for keeping a set of different types as a collection, the rest of them all started to perform fusion operations, merging into that set of already very powerful light angels.

This job was very boring, but he couldn't ask others to help, so he had to be patient, place the spirit card again and again, activate the fusion, take out a new card, and repeat the above steps.

Finally, all the set spirit cards, including some matching spirit cards, were all integrated together by Wang Qi.

The spirit card lying in Wang Qi's hand, after nearly an hour of continuous integration, finally left only a complete set in his hand.

At this moment, this set of fourteen spirit cards probably cannot be called an angel of light anymore.The effect of each card has undergone earth-shaking changes, but with the help of Wang Qi's data master, it still maintains the original relevance, so this set of spirit cards can still be called a set.

"The quantity is a bit too much... It seems that it is a pity to use it for Jack. It is better for me to use it myself. In this case, continue to integrate."

Fourteen of Reya's top spirit cards, probably never seen in the history of this place, were put into the book of spirit cards by Wang Qi again for the final fusion.

Relying on the ability of data deduction to ensure that the fusion will not fail, finally, Wang Qi obtained the final spirit card.

When this spirit card was held in the hand, it itself shone with a faint white-gold brilliance.The Katu on the front is a human figure whose face cannot be seen clearly, and whose whole body is covered in a gorgeous platinum hooded gown. There are six pairs of light wings connected with the void on his back not far from the body.Twelve different runes are engraved on the twelve wings of light, which rotate slowly all the time, emitting lights of various colors that flicker on and off with the slight trembling of the wings of light.

A simple image of a bird jumping on the card surface looks like a magic stick.

On the back is the effect of this spirit card.

"Bright Angel Ultimate: ?? Level. When you equip this spirit card, you will become an ambassador of light."

The simple description of the effect fully complies with the setting that the stronger the spirit card, the fewer words it has.

"Hahaha, it looks like I can pretend to be a birdman now."

However, this card is still a purebred Reyaling card. Wang Qi has tried it before, and it is equivalent to an ability card, which can only be equipped in those limited card slots.

After replacing this spirit card with the position of Lord of the Wind, Wang Qi immediately understood the true effect of this spirit card.

Like the Lord of Ten Thousand Waters and the Lord of Wind, the effect of the Angel of Light is to change the object of manipulation to light.

In terms of ability gap, Wang Qi feels that this has already broken through level 20, what has become? ?His spirit card, compared to his own spirit card level, should have reached the mythical level, and it must be stronger than the legendary level of the Wind Lord, and it cannot be compared with the Wanshui Yuyu.

It's just that this card is a little different. It also comes with very powerful defensive and auxiliary abilities, which are brought by the six pairs of wings and the white robe with a hood.At this point, at least it is better than Lord of the Wind.

The most interesting thing is that after the outer skin is summoned, the position of the hood is exactly the same as the one in the picture, completely covering his handsome face, leaving only a mass of darkness where the lineup cannot be seen clearly, which is very interesting.

"Haha, there is another identity. I can also tell people in the future, 'act according to my face', poof."

After entertaining himself for a while, Wang Qi tried to manipulate the light element, experienced the thrill of being a birdman, and then put this spirit card into the spare card slot with satisfaction.

In any case, this harvest is fully worth the ticket price, full of sincerity.

He also temporarily put away the remaining spirit cards that he hadn't used before, and kept them for future use.

After all, Reya has so many influences, and he has just picked up the first wool, and there are still a lot behind, so don't worry at all.

Wang Qi himself was enjoying himself in the gourd, but the world outside had turned upside down.

After searching in vain, the dispirited Guangming Church finally began to expand its scope, carrying out blanket investigations to all surrounding places.

Although they know that this approach may not help at all, the Holy Son and the 26 angels of light agree that the Church of Light should not show the slightest hesitation or retreat in this matter, and all members of the Church of Light must express their anger with the utmost anger. , the most violent posture, declaring his anger.

It is impossible to recover the loss, and it is necessary to restore the reputation.

Then, when Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen came back from a stroll outside, they happened to meet such a team of twelve battle angels, announcing their presence above Deping City like twelve light bulbs.

"What's wrong with them? What's the point of coming here in the middle of the night without sleep?"

Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen jumped off the flying sword and landed on the roof of the hotel, looking at the Birdman light bulbs above them, very curious.

"I can probably guess that Wang Qi probably caused the trouble..."

Xu Wen chose the correct answer after a little thought.However, he didn't pay much attention to the birdman brand bulbs above that only glow but not heat, and his tone was very flat.

"Oh, it makes sense, it should be. Forget it, these little guys don't seem to be interesting, let's go back to sleep."

Fifth Wangxian waved his hand, and was about to go downstairs and return to his room.

But since the two of them suddenly appeared and landed on the roof just now, they have attracted the attention of the light bulb above.

"Those two people are very suspicious, go and have a look."

The leader of the bird said to the two next to him, he pointed to the fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen below, and made arrangements.


The two birdmen flapped their wings lightly, and with a very swift movement, they turned into two beams of light, which landed not far in front of Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen, and looked down at them.

"You two, what identities, what powers, report your names."

One of them was very arrogant, with a wave of his hand, a light blade tore the ground in front of Fifth Wangxian, and then pointed his sword at the two of them and scolded them.

"Oh, I didn't want you at first, but I didn't expect you to send it up to slap your face yourself."

Fifth Wangxian chuckled.Although they didn't like these bird people and didn't bother to talk to them, since they were all in front of their faces, there was no point in avoiding them.

"'s the middle of the night, it's not good to disturb the neighbors, it's better to make a quick decision..."

He turned to Xu Wen and said.

Xu Wen didn't speak at all, and didn't even move his body. A mist that couldn't be seen clearly in the dark night quietly wrapped around the bodies of the two people in front of him.

In just one breath, these two people suddenly realized that everything around them had changed.

The sky brightened instantly, and a huge red sun slowly rose on the horizon. The feeling of brilliance sprinkled on them and the whole land made people feel moved involuntarily.

Well, then the two of them were on fire, literally.

The irresistible golden flames devoured every inch of their bodies while they watched, and in the end, there was not even a residue left, and nothing was left.

All of this was an illusion made by Xu Wen using the mirage, but the two people didn't have time to distinguish, they died in the illusion, and then completely sank into the sea of ​​illusion, never to wake up again.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xu Wen just took half a step forward, not even a step, and these two guys turned into two very dull walking corpses.

"... yes."

The fifth Wangxian saw this clearly before he finished speaking, immediately put on a speechless expression, glanced at Xu Wen, and the two walked downstairs without stopping.

The birds above didn't notice the abnormality here at first. In their minds, two members of the Battle Angel Legion are enough to suppress most of the world's strong men.If there was something they couldn't deal with, the movement was enough to attract support from the people above.

But what I didn't expect was that the two of them were cleaned up so quietly, and they couldn't be seen from the outside at all. Even the light wings behind them didn't change, and they were still flapping slowly.

Finally, after a full five or six minutes, the people above noticed that the two targets who said they wanted to interrogate had disappeared, and their own people seemed to have stood motionless for a long time. Only then did someone feel that something was wrong and quickly flew over to observe.

As a matter of course, the people who flew again were also hit.

Xu Wen's mirage was not just a decoration, after wiping out the last trace of struggling consciousness of these two people, the mirage was like a cunning snake, quietly wrapping around the two newcomers.

And then... replay it.

For a while, the four of them were all standing on the roof of a building, without saying a word or taking any action, just standing there.

The other people above also felt that something was wrong, and the leader finally flew down with the others, leaving behind some "suspects" who were arrested in other parts of the city.

"What's wrong with you guys? Answer me!"

Someone stepped forward and touched the breath of the four people, and found that it was very normal, but the eyes of the four people were empty and out of focus, obviously they were hit by a trick.

The leader who felt bad in his heart quickly made the most correct judgment, left here, and returned to the front of the large army.

However, it's too late.

The mirage easily entangled all the people he sent here on his own initiative again, and then took them on a wonderful illusion journey, never to return.

Wang Qi didn't expect at all that Xu Wen and the two of them outside had picked up a wave of pursuers for him, but even if they knew about it, they wouldn't care too much.

And Xu Wen naturally didn't care about it, he knew very well that it was impossible for these guys with a huge gap in strength to regain consciousness from his illusion.At that time, no matter who discovers these people, they will definitely be curious whether they are still alive or dead.

The three of them left behind what happened that night and rested until dawn.

Wang Qi had already finished experimenting with the new spirit card, so he temporarily threw this spirit card into the spare slot, and prepared to study it slowly in the future.

When he came out of the gourd with two books that he picked out as reading materials, he saw the scene on the roof from Void Butterfly.

"Hey, are you chasing soldiers?"

After thinking for a while, Wang Qi came to the top of the building and didn't see anyone else, so he just put them all in the gourd.

"Looking at it like this, it should be Xu Wen's handwriting. This is really cheap for me."

After collecting the captives, Wang Qi didn't think too much about it, and went to rest.

Then, when Shi Xiaozhu, Mr. Gustav, and Vivienne, who were frustrated that no one took him to play, came downstairs for breakfast, they caught the scene of the big event that happened last night from the buzzing and noisy environment. information.

"Damn it, they can move so fast in one night!"

Shi Xiaozhu couldn't help but patted the table, amazed.

 My eyes are sore... a little bit of conjunctivitis... I still can't code tomorrow's chapter tonight... I have to continue to code tomorrow during the day...

(End of this chapter)

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