Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 311 I Don’t Know How to Name It, Just Forget It

Chapter 311 I Don’t Know How to Name It, Just Forget It
Naturally, Wang Qi and Fifth Wangxian were not afraid, the three of them sat together without moving.This teahouse is like a Taoyuan independent of the world, and there is not a trace of mirage coming in.The ordinary people inside, the shopkeeper and Xiao Er, who were drinking tea just now, were all horrified and inexplicably watching everything around them disappear, some were too scared to speak, some screamed, and the scene was slightly chaotic.


Fifth Wangxian knocked on the table, and the voice was heard clearly in everyone's ears. Immediately, these people's hearts tensed up and they forcibly calmed down, but they were obedient and did not dare to say anything.

They are all ordinary people who have been implicated, so the three of them will naturally not affect them.

Slowly finished the pot of tea, the three of them got up to pay the bill, then turned around and walked into the thick fog, and disappeared, leaving only a crowd of ordinary people in the teahouse, watching them disappear without daring to say a word .

Xu Wen held the mirage bottle in his hand, and the mirage phantom sea was fully activated, so he could create illusions however he wanted.

"Xu asked, do you want to kill all these people?"

While walking, Wang Qi asked.

"I'm not a murderer, not to mention that we don't care about it, we just divide things and run away."

Xu Wen answered lightly.

Within the range covered by the mirage, ordinary people have already been evacuated by the people of these churches, leaving only the people of their respective churches.

Right now they are experiencing all kinds of weird illusions, and many people have fallen into panic and are running desperately.It's just that they didn't realize that everything was a near miss, and it didn't cause any harm to them at all.

"Very powerful. But that's not why I let you go."

A man's voice suddenly pierced through the fog and came to the ears of the three.

"Yeah, fortunately the three of us are here, these subordinates are really useless."

It was the gentle female voice just now.

"What nonsense! It's the right thing to beat them to death!"

Obviously a grumpy old man.

Leading the main force of the ten churches to surround the three leaders of Wang Qi, they all got rid of the influence of the illusion at this moment, walked out of the mist in a blink of an eye, and appeared in front of Wang Qi and the three of them intact.

I didn't think about this question just now, but now I think it's a bit strange, these churches actually only sent three strong men to catch Wang Qi and the others?Is it because the reputation of the Wuying Three Thieves is not loud enough, or are the rest of the masters caught up in things and unable to get away?
Just turning this thought in my mind for a moment, I forgot him.Anyway, it has nothing to do with us, Wang Qi thought.

Three against three, people on both sides stand together.

"Ha, it seems that we have to fight. We are one by one, which is just right!"

Fifth Wangxian laughed, and turned around to ask the two of them.

"Then let's fight."

Stop talking nonsense, Wang Qi pointed his sword at the irritable old man according to his position, and the two of them fought together.

The fifth Wangxian confronted the man, and Xu Wen confronted the woman. The two of them separated the battle group directly, and the three of them were directly scattered in different positions.

Although Wang Qi doesn't like to fight head-on, he is never afraid of it and cherishes this rare experience.

After interacting with each other for a few rounds, Wang Qi judged that this irascible old man was a master of the Church of Eternal Freeze, and was very good at freezing abilities.

At the beginning of the battle, the old man put on a cold and transparent armor, which could be seen to be completely made of ice.And in his hand, he held a crystal warhammer that was taller than others, and he looked majestic.

However, contrary to what it looked like, the old man turned out to be a remote output.

The hammer danced vigorously in his hand. Every time he swung or tapped, Wang Qi would receive an attack in the air, and an ice flower would explode at the place where he was attacked, exuding a piercing air. chill.

This is just one of the tricks. When the old man uses the hammer as a spear to stab, an ice cone will be generated in front to stab; when he raises the hammer, an ice shield will instantly condense and block the attack. When the hammer is lifted from the bottom to the top, a hailstorm will fall from the sky after a few seconds.

It is completely a changeable and very flexible legal system output.

Wang Qi dealt with it very easily.

Just the effect of a spirit card of the Sword of Ten Thousand Waters can block all attacks with the flow of water and take the time to counterattack.

Regardless of the restraint relationship of the ice attribute, many times it has a bonus to the water system, but the control of ten thousand waters can condense Xuanming True Water, one of the seven true waters.

In addition to the ability of Xuanming Zhenshui to control all waters, another characteristic is that it can cause coldness from the extreme yin.It is a state that also has an extremely low temperature, but still maintains all the characteristics of water.

Just using Xuanming Zhenshui, the old man's attacks were easily blocked.

Facing Wang Qi's response, the old man's behavior was completely inconsistent with the irritable personality before, and he played very patiently and delicately.

The ice hammer was like a light straw in his hand, and like a gust of wind, countless ice attribute attacks were released in an endless stream, which obviously meant to start a war of attrition.

He didn't believe that the kid in front of him had more spiritual reserves than himself, who had the highest spiritual quality in the Permafrost Church.

"Forget it, don't waste time."

Wang Qi saw through his thoughts, gave up the idea of ​​wanting to see if he had other means, and then began to increase his strength.

The left hand summoned the Book of Spirit Cards, and the book opened automatically without wind, and the Howling Shadow Wolf, Diamond Flying Dragon, and Dragonfly Expendables appeared from the void, and rushed towards the old man; the White Nightmare Reaper took Wang Qi and threw it away In the place where the elements were tyrannical, he turned over lightly and left the battlefield, aiming at the old man's body from a distance.

Another ability that he had forgotten for a long time was directly used at this moment.

"Anduin's forgiveness."

Three square walls of light appeared around Wang Qi's body, one of which was manipulated by Wang Qi to meet the ice attribute attack from the old man.

According to the description of the attributes of these three light walls, they represent the three attributes of ice, thunder, and wind, and can completely resist ten attacks of the corresponding attributes.Every time you resist, the corresponding attack power of the enemy will be reduced by 10%. After 10 times, the rune will disappear, and the power of the enemy's moves will become zero, and it will last for 24 hours.

It's a coincidence that this old man is playing pure ice attack, so who else can Wang Qi bully if he doesn't bully him.

Regardless of the variety of attacks that the hammer swung, they were all abilities, so after hitting the light wall ten times unprepared, the old man was shocked to find that his hammer seemed... to fail.

The moment the skill got stuck, the diamond imprisonment of the diamond flying dragon was released instantly, fixing the old man in place.The White Nightmare Reaper seized this momentary opportunity, aimed at the old man's body, and fired a random light-attribute bullet.

The thick layer of ice crystal armor on the old man's exterior couldn't stop the bullet, and it flew out as it grazed his scalp. The moment the bullet made contact, a ball of dazzling light burst out, blinding his dog's eyes. .

That's right, Wang Qi didn't want to kill him, so he kept his hand.

The body was imprisoned, the skills were invalidated, the armor was broken, and the dog's eyes were blinded by the quadruple attack, which made the old man almost lose the ability to resist in an instant. Xiaoyue Shadow Wolf threw him down to the dungeon and held him firmly. Wang Qi's gourd moved , put him in it.

"Hey, good fight."

Fifth Wangxian clapped his hands, walked over, and casually threw his opponent, the middle-aged man who had been knocked unconscious, over.

Wang Qi used the gourd to put the man away again, and then looked expectantly at Xu Wen next to him.These two won faster than me, there is no doubt about it, since I can play so leisurely, the two of them will only be more relaxed.

Xu Wen coughed twice, then spread his hands.

"I didn't capture her and let her go. It's not gentlemanly to do something like that to a lady."

"Okay, okay, the prisoner is not missing anyway. Let's go?"


The three stopped talking, turned into three sword lights and rushed into the sky, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

After a while, Xu Wen removed the effect of the mirage and the sea, and everyone appeared from inside profusely sweating, and everyone fell to the ground, panting heavily.

Only the woman looked at the sky with complicated eyes, as if she was shocked by the strength of the three of them.

A day later, the name of the Shadowless Three Thieves spread throughout the Skaan Empire.Facing the siege of three masters sent by the top ten churches and more than a hundred elites, the three retreated calmly, and took away two of the masters. Only Ms. Misha from the Music Church escaped.

"This is a challenge to us!"

People from the top ten churches gathered around a round table, and one of them slapped the table angrily.

"That's right, we must put in more power. The face of the top ten churches cannot be trampled upon."

Another person folded his hands in front of his mouth, wearing reflective glasses, and spoke gloomy words from his mouth.

"Continue to send more masters. We underestimated these three thieves before."

"Reconsideration. It's a pity that our top combat power is not here now, otherwise these three little thieves would not be arrogant.",

The rest have reconsidered.

"By the way, is there any news about that incident? How are they doing?"

Someone suddenly asked.

"The expedition team has begun to enter the Reya Mountains, and has lost contact. I hope they can succeed this time."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

Although the major forces in the empire, and even in the Reya region, are at odds on the surface and have many disputes with each other, in fact, the top leaders of all the forces have had a supreme purpose since a long time ago. It is to conquer the Reya Mountains and go to the outside world.

Wang Qi and the others easily flew in here, and did not feel the danger of the Reya Mountains.But in fact, people in this world have long wanted to leave the mountains that surround their world and look at the outside world.

However, in this mountain range, it is too dangerous.

The three of Wang Qi have proved with facts that even with the same spiritual power in their bodies, the combat power of the people here is still a bit inferior to theirs.So several people can easily defeat their opponents, and even Wang Qi can leapfrog the challenge.

In the Reya Mountains, there are countless monsters that are far above level 20. There is not only one place in this situation, but all over the surrounding mountains, underground and sky.

No matter how top-level powerhouses are in Reya Continent, if they want to walk in that mountain range, they must be careful.Because the monsters living in it are full of various strange abilities and are aggressive.

Fortunately, for some unknown reason, these monsters never left the mountains and came to the Reya Continent among the mountains.Otherwise, there would no longer be any civilization here, and it would directly become a barren dead zone.

But even though they have obtained a safe living environment, this place is still too small for those top powerhouses.Isn't it like this for all human beings, when they have reached their own extreme, they always want to see the wider world.

Since a long time ago, people have been organizing and working together to open up the road to the outside world.It's just that they all left and never returned, and occasionally those who survived and came back brought news of failure.

But this exploration has never stopped.No matter how many people in front fall, the people behind will continue to keep up.

This time, it happened to be led by the Church of Dawn and the Church of the Abyss. The top masters of each church participated together, including the strongest of several other races such as dragons and elves, forming a team of more than 40 people. The team of people once again embarked on the journey to conquer the Reya Mountains.

Well, having said so much, Wang Qi and the others don't know.

It was just a coincidence that when this master was not around, a few people ran around, but no one caught up all the time, which made them really underestimate the top combat power here.

However, the three people at this moment have already learned about this matter from the mouths of the two captives.

"Ummmm, I always feel that we have completely become villains."

Fifth Wangxian, together with Xu Wen, followed Wang Qi to meet the two captives.

Wang Qi didn't ask Jack to use any kind of torture, probably he couldn't beat these two people, so he could only use the ability to manipulate space in the gourd to force them to recognize the facts.

The irritable old man kept yelling, so Wang Qi had to isolate him temporarily, leaving only the more rational middle-aged man.

He didn't have anything to be stubborn about, and he happily told the whole thing about the church, and told Wang Qi and the others everything.

"Sounds interesting. Wang Qi, you have almost achieved your goal. Although it is a little bit different from the beginning, but with so many books, you should be able to learn what you want to learn."

"Well, we can stop. Anyway, I have gathered a group of card making masters from various churches. I will hurry up and ask for advice in the past few days, and I will almost be able to learn it."

At first, Wang Qi thought that he could just read books, but later found that some things still need to be taught by precepts and deeds. After all, it is handicraft work, so he came back with some masters who captured some card makers and prop makers. Just let them go if you learn how to do it.

Over the past few days, Wang Qi has almost learned the basic courses and the intermediate courses, and only some advanced techniques and practical exercises are left.

"Well, let's find a place to settle for a few days, and then release all these captives, and we can leave here. Let's keep up with their expedition team to see what it is, and open this area to the outside world. The footsteps have been blocked for thousands of years."

(End of this chapter)

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