Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 314 This is Overtaking

Chapter 314 This is Overtaking

[Discover a new map: The Sealed Cave]
[This is a cave with a long history that was sealed by the elves and guarded by the elders himself.It seems that this cave is one of the entrances to the legendary underground world. I don't know what is hidden inside? ]
[You have unlocked a new task, please check it in the task bar]

He filled his brain with a bunch of system prompts in the game, and Wang Qi followed everyone to this sealed cave.

This cave is very interesting. It is a hollow structure formed under the intricate roots of a very huge tree.This cavity is very spacious, enough for several people to pass through at the same time, and the height is as high as two people.

On the outside of the tree roots, there are two symmetrical wooden huts, which are obviously the places where the guards are waiting.The front of the cave was originally pulled by vines to simply block the road. At this moment, the vines also broke into several pieces and scattered on the ground.

Wang Qi went to the tree house and checked it with the ability of the master of data, but found nothing wrong.It seemed that the owner hadn't experienced any attacks before, so there was no trace of possible clues left.

The vines on the ground left some clues, that is, these vines were all cut off by extremely sharp blades.Because several of them are masters of swords, they can be seen by almost a little identification, this is a master who swung his weapon several times at random in an instant, cutting these vines into sections.

Of course, several people can easily do the same thing, and the strength of the other party is not easy to judge.

Apart from these vines, the most surprising thing was that there were no footprints left on the ground.But after thinking about it for a while, everyone can fly, so it doesn't seem surprising that they don't have footprints.It's just a pity that another channel for obtaining information has been cut off.

After finding nothing, Atalia spoke up.

"It seems that our guess has come true. The enemy is indeed related to the underground world. And you probably didn't find the wrong place for your props. Twilight and the others are probably down there."

She turned around and told her subordinates to go back quickly and report the matter to the other elders, Good Elf King.Then she looked at Gustav and the others.

"We'd better wait for reinforcements here, because we don't know how many enemies there are."

"I think it's better for the rest of us to go down first. Elder, you should stay up there first."

Fifth Wangxian directly rejected her proposal, they are still very confident in their own strength.

In the end, because there were many people who agreed to go down first, Atalia had no choice but to agree, and asked to follow them down together.

"Because this is the territory of our elves, it is my duty to accompany you." That's what she said.

Everyone entered the cave and began to walk inside.

Not too far into the cave, the ground began to slope, and the road became steeper and steeper, all the way down.

Some colleagues got out the light ball, but the line of sight was not obstructed.

After walking for a while, Wang Qi found that the cave he walked through was getting wider and wider.

"Shall we continue like this? It seems that the bottom is still very deep."

It was Shi Xiaozhu who asked.

"Well, it makes sense, you guys might as well get into my gourd."

Wang Qi thought for a while, and felt that it was indeed too slow for everyone to walk together, wasting time.And if the faction that kidnapped Mrs. Twilight is really here, it would be better to have elite soldiers here instead.

Everyone agreed, so the three with the lowest combat power all entered Wang Qi's gourd to fight the landlord again, leaving Wang Qi three, Gustav, and Atalia five.

The six people accelerated their speed this time. Wang Qi simply put a water blanket under the feet of the people. The people on the top didn't have to move, and the bottom would directly flow down the slope quickly, which made the speed much faster.

As it got deeper and deeper, it didn't take long for the road ahead to fork in the road, and it was eight forks at a time.

"Everyone wait here for a while, I will let the summoned beast investigate."

As Wang Qi said, under the astonished eyes of Gustav and Atalia, hundreds of Void Butterflies were directly summoned and flew into different paths.Because it is foreseeable that there must be more forks in the road ahead.

The speed of the Void Butterfly is much faster than all of them.As the Void Butterfly continued to penetrate rapidly, Wang Qi soon constructed a three-dimensional map in his mind, and he had already found the target this time.

"Found it! But the situation is a bit complicated, let's discuss it."

Wang Qi directly condensed a large cloud of clear water, then directly controlled the water flow, and began to build a three-dimensional map in his mind in the air.

In less than ten seconds, a very three-dimensional model of an underground cave floated among the crowd.And this model is still expanding, that's because the Void Butterfly is still continuing to explore.

"Look here, everyone." Wang Qi pointed to one of the huge holes, "The person we are looking for is right here."

Everyone looked at the blister he was pointing at, and Wang Qi thoughtfully filled it with water and even simulated the outlines of all objects.

It looked like a group of people were walking, and a relatively large number of them gathered together, and around them were some small people standing scattered, walking around.

It is easy to recognize that this is one group of people pushing forward on another group of people.

"I don't know Mrs. Twilight and the other kidnapped people, but I found a lady with a face somewhat similar to Vivienne, so I must be right."

Wang Qi specially highlighted one of the little figures to make it more obvious for everyone to see.

"It's a little strange, why do they have to come to the elves' emerald forest to enter the underground world? Obviously they can choose to go through other passages."

Xu Wen thought about it and felt something was wrong.

"It's hard to say, but there should be a reason why we have to leave here. How about it, shall we save people now?"

Wang Qi looked at several people.

"How far is that cave from us?"

Gustav asked.

"If we follow the speed just now, we can catch up within an hour."

Following Wang Qi's words, a faintly luminous stream of water outlined a road map in it. Everyone can see that without Wang Qi's ability, in this intricate three-dimensional underground maze with many forks and roads, whoever wants to find the road map? A moving target is really not something that can be done in an hour.It has been a long time since the enemy took the prisoners.Now thanks to Wang Qi's presence, he was able to buy back so much time all at once.

"Wang Qi, use the gourd to fly with us. If you go alone, the speed can be faster."

Xu Wen said it directly.

"That's right, if we speed up, we might be able to solve the problem before dinner, and we can go back to have dinner without the need for the support troops to work hard."

Fifth Wangxian chuckled and agreed to the proposal.

"Okay, let's do that."

Without waiting for the other two to speak, Wang Qi directly agreed, and then signaled everyone not to resist.

Although Atalia was very puzzled, seeing that everyone had no objections, she had no choice but to suppress the doubts in her heart, and entered the gourd together.

Then, she was surprised to find that everyone found the comfortable sofa and sat down on the comfortable sofa, and drank the drinks by themselves. The three of Shi Xiaozhu were really fighting the landlord. Personally talking and laughing.

"This... is really a magical prop!"

"Don't be too surprised, there are still many things that can surprise you with a few of them."

Gustav did not forget her, and after handing her a cup of tea, he happily sat down to watch some people play cards.

Regardless of what the people inside the gourd were doing, Wang Qi directly joined the flying sword, turning into a sword light with an extremely fast speed. Relying on the powerful control ability of the data master, he quickly moved through the huge and complicated underground labyrinth. Shuttle through.

In fact, this is still a relatively shallow underground world, so Void Butterfly didn't find any underground creatures along the way. At most, there were a few ordinary underground animals occasionally, very quiet.

After flying around and around for more than ten minutes, Wang Qi caught up with the progress and had already arrived at the rear of the team in front.

Gently stopping in mid-air, Wang Qi showed his figure.Because there was no light, the people in front did not notice him, so he had the opportunity to calmly confirm the appearance of these people with his own eyes.

With the help of Void Butterfly, after sweeping through the team, Wang Qi counted a total of 74 people who were crushed in the middle with a pair of shackles on their hands.But there were a total of 180 people guarding the team around, including seven guys who looked like the leader.

The way these people treated the prisoners was not like guarding prisoners. Except for the shackles on their hands, the prisoners looked very calm and walked without any stumbles. Obviously, they did not suffer much.

"So this is basically an operation to kidnap technicians?"

After seeing it clearly, Wang Qi lightly landed on the ground, and then released the fifth Wangxian and the others with a wave of his hand.

"It's already here, Mr. Gustav, please confirm again, are these people?"

Gustav stood in the darkness, looking forward intently, carefully identifying them one by one.

"That's right, all of them are my companions."

"That's all right, let's get ready to work."

Recycling set up a sound-proof water curtain, and several people began to discuss how to act.

"It's simple. We have five people. The two of you are responsible for protecting the captured people. The three of us are responsible for killing all the enemies."

Fifth Wangxian's tactics were simple and crude, but they were approved by Xu Wen and Wang Qi.

"I will release fog to assist, so that the enemy will not be able to take prisoners as hostages."

"Okay, that's it."

Wang Qi nodded.

The old man and the elf are a little confused, why do we seem to be just here to watch?However, the work of protecting the hostages is also very important, they didn't say anything, and directly agreed.

"It's really a coincidence. What I'm best at is guarding."

As Atalia said, she took off a string of bracelets from her wrist, and with a slight shake, it became larger. You can see that there are many exquisite small shields hanging on it.


Seeing that everyone was ready, Fifth Wangxian let out a soft drink, and the three sword lights flew out against the cave wall, while the old man and the elf followed closely behind, and also rushed out a little slower.

The team surnamed Jin was very bright, and someone specially maintained the spell of light.However, the speed of the three sword lights was too fast, and they had already arrived at different positions just by showing three shallow shadows.

Xu Wen didn't show his body either, and the blue mirage bottle appeared beside him, and the mirage began to spread around.

"Enemy attack!"

The appearance of the mirage alerted the enemy. Many people shouted in unison, and suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the cave, which made people's ears hurt a little.

But it was too late for them to speak.

Atalia was already in place at this moment, the old man Gustav waved his magic wand, and two barriers protected themselves, while the Elf Elder threw the bracelet and rose directly in the air, directly turning into many huge monsters. The shield fell around the hostages in the middle, and it has the same effect as Wang Qi's unbreakable barrier, but it is not so convenient.


Mrs. Twilight immediately recognized her best friend's signature ability, and immediately shouted out in surprise.

"Twilight, all of you move closer!"

The old man yelled, while waving his staff again and again, shooting out rays of light, hitting the enemies in front of him, causing them to randomly move to the surrounding positions and get out of the way.

Xu Wen's mirage had no effect on the teammates he set in mind, so no one reacted to the old man's rays. In a blink of an eye, the number of people staying near the captives was reduced by more than half.

The two people were already in place and joined the hostages to reminisce about the old days and unlock them. Not to mention, the three sword fairies had also taken the opportunity to make a move.

This time, they encountered several powerful resistances.

Wang Qi didn't care about others, he focused on taking care of a group of fifteen people.Among the group of people, one person held a torch aloft, and the surrounding fog didn't seem to be able to affect them. Obviously, the torch was also a prop that could invalidate the fog.

Fifteen people formed a circular formation, looking around nervously, trying to find the enemies who didn't know where they were hiding.

Wang Qi casually summoned the land of tyrannical elements without looking at it. With the ability of the master of data, he directly raised his hand and shot the torch directly.

Bang, with a soft sound, the torch was extinguished, and the mist enveloped these people again, and the illusion began to take effect.

These people, who were already nervous, suddenly found themselves in the mist again, and the companions around them disappeared, but there were some very terrifying monsters.When these monsters appeared in front of them like this, no matter how strong their psychological qualities were, they would be startled and then attack backhanded.

Thus, fifteen people began to kill each other.

Wang Qi didn't take the initiative to attack at all, but just took the time to fire a shot from the side, knocking down some unlucky guy to the ground, and then took it away with a gourd.

Soon, the fifteen people became less and less, and there was only the last one left, who was knocked down by him with a light sword from behind, and then thrown into the gourd.

Can not kill, Wang Qi still does not like to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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