Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 316 One Person, One Prophecy

Chapter 316 One Person One Prophecy
After reading the letter, although he still had a lot of doubts, Wang Qi put all these in his heart for the time being.

Instead, he suddenly had a new interest in traveling to the spirit world.At least knowing that before him, there are people who have already come to explore the spirit world and left many stories and legends, which is quite interesting.

The fifth Wangxian was very fast, and it didn't take long to return to Spiral City, the headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild.

He stopped not far from the city, and Wang Qi got out after seeing it.

After coming out, Wang Qi released everyone from the gourd.

The rest of the people had been waiting anxiously in the gourd since they were rescued. Now that they finally saw the light of day, they went straight back to the guild headquarters. Everyone was relieved.

"You guys wait here for a while, let's go to the guild to report the situation."

Madam Twilight and Gustav led everyone and flew towards the guild.They knew that Wang Qi and the others didn't want to go in, so they stayed outside the city.

After about two hours, several people played a few rounds of mahjong before they arrived late.

"Okay, the matter of the guild is over. We also brought back a piece of news. It turns out that the guild leader didn't disappear for no reason. He left a letter and left."

"He mentioned in the letter that he entered the Reya Mountains together with all the strongest in the human kingdom, because they found an unprecedented good opportunity. The monsters living in groups in the Reya Mountains in one direction turned out to be miraculously generally began to decrease."

"The top combat power of all human forces have all abandoned their prejudices and united for the time being, and have been setting off for a while."

Saying that, Mrs. Twilight glanced at several people with weird eyes.

"Speaking of which, I didn't even know that you still have such a resounding title as the Shadowless Three Thieves."

"If it weren't for the absence of all these top combat powers, the three of you... really wouldn't be able to take advantage of anything."

"Haha, that's a ridiculous compliment, nothing more than a ridiculous compliment."

Wang Qi and Fifth Wangxian giggled, but there was nothing embarrassing about it.

"In this case, we have nothing to do here, so we are going to leave."

Xu Wen opened his mouth to propose.

This is something that has been discussed, and everyone feels that it is meaningless here.Although there are still many places in the Reya region that they haven't visited, they haven't seen dwarves, orcs, or dragons.But so what, in fact, in the field of the real world, I have seen everything.

In terms of scenery, there are still many scenery on the road ahead, and it is not worth staying here for too long.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Twilight looked at her daughter.

"Vivian, are you going to leave with them?"

Vivienne has always been very low-key, never saying anything, just like a little transparent.But in fact, it was also because of her that Wang Qi and the others became attached to the Adventurers Guild.Otherwise they would have left long ago.

She looked at her mother, then lowered her head again, thought for a long time, and finally spoke.

"Mom, I want to go with them. Because mother, your predictions will never go wrong."

When Twilight heard this, her eyes were full of reluctance.

"Actually, you don't have to listen to me. I have always used prophecy to decide everything, which has affected many of your life choices. But now I hope that you can really think about it for yourself."

The others didn't speak, and quietly listened to the mother and daughter communicating.

"Mom, I admit that I went to him after hearing your prophecy, but...maybe he is the one I was destined for. After getting along these days, I have fallen in love with him deeply, and I am willing to be with him." Stay together. So... if they're going, I'm willing to go with them."

Hearing this, everyone knew Vivienne's attitude, and immediately looked at Mrs. Twilight.

"I understand." Madam Twilight's face was a little sad.

"Ahem, with all due respect, if you want to, you can actually go with us? Anyway, it's safe to stay in my gourd. It doesn't matter how many people I bring with me."

Wang Qi directly stated his proposal.

"We have too many entanglements here, and there is no way to leave like this."

Lady Twilight shook her head, and so did Gustav.

"OK then."

No longer interfering with their parting feelings, several people stepped aside.

Not long after, several people came over, and Vivian was handed over to Shi Xiaozhu by Twilight.

"I hope you can treat her well in the future. If you leave this time, you may never see her again."

Madam Mu Hui's face has calmed down, she looked at Shi Xiaozhu, and said solemnly.

Shi Xiaozhu was a little embarrassed, but Vivienne expressed his emotions so resolutely, and he didn't hate this girl after getting along these days, so he could only nod seriously.

"I will use my life to protect her for the rest of her life."

Madam Twilight stared into his eyes for a while, then nodded, and put Vivienne's hand in his.

"By the way, as the most powerful prophet in Reya, if you have any questions, I can make a prediction for each of you."

Turning around, Mrs. Twilight said to several people.

"Then trouble you."

Several people did not refuse.

After finding a place where there were no people, everyone landed on the ground and watched her set up the magic circle used in the ceremony.

Everyone gave Shi Xiaozhu the chance to ask the first question.

The question Shi Xiaozhu asked was when would he be able to enter the next historical landmark.

"The thing you are looking for is deep in the sea. It is not an ordinary sea, it has been lost in the legend."

After the ceremony, Mrs. Twilight said a very straightforward sentence, which everyone can only keep in mind for the time being.

Only Wang Qi was moved when he heard this.He thought of the map on the golden plate in his hand. In the middle of the two sides of the golden plate, there was a huge ocean no less than the four seas.However, on the current map, this ocean has disappeared. Could it be that this is what is mentioned in the prophecy?
The second person is Xu Wen.

The question asked by Xu Wen is very simple, where is the opportunity to become stronger in the next step.

He came out with a few people this time, it was completely invited by Fifth Wangxian, and he had no special purpose of his own.So he has always upheld his original intention, which is to keep getting stronger.

"Don't separate from your friends and you will achieve your goals."

After Xu Wen finished listening, he thanked Mrs. Mu Hui, and then went aside to think for himself.

The third is the Fifth Wangxian.The question he asked was the simplest, when would he find his wife.

"Hahaha, I've been single for too long, and I've always wanted to get out of it."

Seeing everyone looking at him with strange expressions, Fifth Wangxian laughed and explained loudly.

"The person you wait for is the person you know best."

Huh?Everyone looked at him together. Hearing this, he already has a partner.

Fifth Wangxian frowned, and thought for a long time, when suddenly a figure flashed in his mind.

"No turned out to be her..."

Everyone was curious about who he was talking about, but he became tight-lipped and refused to reveal a word, but his expression changed back and forth, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Finally it was Wang Qi's turn.

Wang Qi thought about it for a long time, but he always felt that he didn't have much to ask, and felt that he wanted to ask about everything.In the end, he thought about it for a while and asked his question.

"Can I meet the guy who interferes with my destiny?"

This question lingered in his mind for a long time before he finally decided to speak out.

Never knowing when it started, Wang Qi had a strange feeling.Sometimes, what I experience is too coincidental.

It's like the protagonist in a novel, just at a certain time and place, encountered something, and then made a choice to go along with it.

This feeling was clearest when facing the Void Lord in Return to the Ruins.

In the days that followed, this feeling kept appearing, and Wang Qi once suspected that it was his own illusion.But later, he denied this view.

Because, he discovered that the effect of the Lord of Data began to slowly strengthen after his strength continued to improve.

Among them, the ability of data analysis is also one of his very commonly used abilities. Gradually, from just modeling the spirit card and then predicting the fusion result, to occasionally predicting some future fragments in a flash of inspiration.

Because he was running the ability of the data master all the time, inadvertently, his brain collected a lot of data fragments related to himself.

These fragments may not be noticed by him, but occasionally, data analysis automatically analyzes some inadvertently collected data, and then automatically predicts the future development.

That figure that interfered with his own destiny flashed in his mind like this.

Especially after getting a letter from Li Changkong just now, the repeated mention of "that guy" made this kind of flashing thoughts more and more.

Therefore, Wang Qi can be sure that this guy does exist, not because he is suspicious.

Everyone was very puzzled by Wang Qi's question, but Mrs. Mu Hui didn't ask anything, but started the ceremony again.

Soon, the results appeared.

"That person will meet you at the top of the world."

Hearing these words, a thunder rang in Wang Qi's heart.

It's confirmed, there really is such a person who is interfering with his own destiny!
Fifth Wangxian, Xu Wen, and Shi Xiaozhu, after hearing this result, were also stunned, and began to think about the meaning behind it in their minds.

At this moment, they and Wang Qi are companions relying on each other. If Wang Qi's fate is being fiddled with by a pair of invisible hands, isn't their fate also being interfered by this person in disguise?
Everyone became a little quiet because of this result, and it was Gustav who finally broke the silence.

"I don't think you should think too much about it. Even if there is a black hand behind it, and there is no real god in this world, it may just be a very strong person. Work hard to become stronger, and eventually surpass him, and you will be able to control your own destiny. What's more, Madam's prophecy said that you will meet him at the top of the world. Doesn't this prove that you will become extremely powerful in the end, maybe you just found him and killed him .”

"Well, Monsieur Gustav is quite right."

Several other people nodded and agreed with this statement.Wang Qi also accepted everyone's comfort.

In fact, no matter what, I have no way to resist that guy for the time being, so it is indeed to work hard to become stronger, there is no second way other than this.

"Okay, this is the end of the prophecy I gave you."

"Don't take it too seriously. Although here in Reya, my prediction is [-]% accurate. But who knows if it will come true after leaving the range of Reya."

"Fate is ultimately in your own hands, and predictions are just an aid to future trends."

Madam Twilight tidied up, and then spoke to a few people to persuade them.

Everyone nodded together, and at Fifth Wangxian's suggestion, they simply had a farewell meal here together.

Wang Qi took out a lot of ingredients and tools from the gourd, and everyone happily cooked many dishes and tasted them together.It's just that Vivienne and Twilight knew that they were going to part soon, and they kept hugging each other and whispering, which made people unbearable to disturb.

After dinner, Wang Qi excused himself to pack his things and entered the gourd.

With the wool collected from the top ten churches, he fused six top-level spirit cards.And there are still many spirit cards left. When he was free, he also fused a few spirit cards that were second only to those six.

Now that they were going to separate, after much deliberation, he decided to give these spirit cards to Mrs. Twilight, old man Gustav, and Vivienne who was leaving with everyone.

There is no need to reveal your fusion ability, as long as you have achieved results in your research and production of spirit cards.Anyway, those millions of books of various kinds are not decorations. Everyone knows that Wang Qi spends time reading and studying.

As soon as he got out of the gourd, Wang Qi saw that everyone was waiting for him, so he walked up to them.

"Ma'am, and Mr. Gustav, I want to give you a gift."

Passing over the spirit card in his hand, Wang Qi explained a little.

"You all know that I have harvested a large number of spirit cards. After research, combined with our technology and ideas, I have produced these things that are far more powerful than your spirit cards here. You can choose one as a A parting gift."

The two curiously took the several spirit cards that Wang Qi handed over, and after looking at them, they couldn't hold the look of surprise on their faces.

"How did you do it? How did you have such a strong spirit card?"

When Xu Wen and the others heard this, they also looked closely at it curiously.

The effects of Reya's spirit cards are all written on the back, so when several people passed on the effects of these spirit cards one after another, they couldn't help being surprised.

"Hehe, I have to brag about myself. My learning ability is probably at the level of a genius."

"Well, that's true." Gustav had seen Wang Qi's ability to learn and analyze, and nodded in agreement.

The two were not pretentious, after each picked a spirit card that suits them, Wang Qi indicated that the remaining few cards should be divided among others.

"Anyway, I still have it myself, and maybe I will make stronger ones by then, so I'll give you these as gifts."

Everyone didn't refuse any more, everyone chose one and accepted it directly.

Shi Xiaozhu got into the role very quickly, he changed hands and stuffed the one he got into Vivienne's hand, which made Mrs. Twilight feel relieved and satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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