Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 318 Overtaking the Exploration Team

Chapter 318 Overtaking the Exploration Team

Except for Xu Wen, the three of them shared some information they knew one by one. After putting it together, everyone found that there was such a secret in the starry sky above their heads.

Because Xu Wen has always devoted himself to cultivation, there are many things in the family that he does not know, and he has never read such records, so apart from the taboos that the fifth Wangxian said that the sword fairy knows, there are many things in the family that he does not know. There is nothing more to say.

"In short, there may be really dangerous things in the starry sky. Wang Qi, you must stop using your ability to observe. You were injured just now, which shows that at least your strength is not enough to bear the strange things. damage to things."

"Well, I see. It's also quite strange, but there is nothing when I look directly at it with the naked eye. What are these monsters?"

"Okay, no matter what, these things are not what we should explore now."

Fifth Wangxian ended the topic, and everyone continued to eat the unfinished dinner and chat about other things.

At this moment, Wang Qi discovered something from the Void Butterfly's field of vision.

"Hey, look, those monsters, why do they all seem to be heading in the same direction?"

There are too many monsters outside, and the chaotic movement between monsters is not conspicuous.But Wang Qi has been very good at observing since he got the data master. He found that these shadow monsters began to move in a fixed direction after gathering their own group.It's not obvious if you look at one, but if you look a little more, you will find that the directions of these monsters are surprisingly consistent.

"That's probably where the exploration team is headed!"

There was a map in Wang Qi's mind, and he immediately discovered that that direction was the direction that the expedition team composed of all the masters in Reya was heading.

"Hey, this is really interesting."

The heavy rain of the shadow monster lasted for several hours before it gradually became thinner, then gradually stopped, and the brilliant starry sky above the head reappeared.

At this time, everyone had returned to their own rooms, and Wang Qi also quietly left the gourd and went outside alone.

After activating the spirit card "Mystery of the Starry Sky", I would take time out every night to summon the projection of a random star from the starry sky according to the effect description of the spirit card, refining it into star points and putting it into my body , forming a star power independent of spiritual power.

The role of star power is not particularly obvious now, but it doesn't overwhelm you with too many skills, not to mention that it is a special card that can be used at will, so Wang Qi has been practicing it all the time.

At this moment, when he was looking up at the starry sky above his head, he had a sudden thought, could this spirit card have something to do with the secrets in the starry sky?
No matter what, that ghost, the avatar still has to keep an eye on it.Well, it seems that we have to continue to fight the autumn wind.The last few opportunities have been given to others, but he has been let go all the time. Now it seems that he still has to continue to squeeze his wool. (Ghost: I cnm, did you hear me, I cnm!)
After the practice, Wang Qi returned to the gourd, and each of them practiced and rested that night and did not mention it again.

At the same time, more than 2000 kilometers ahead are still in the Reya Mountains.

"This damn monster, why are there so many!"

A man could not help but complain.Taking a closer look, this is exactly the exploration team formed by the masters of the human kingdom.

At this moment, although they vaguely retained their usual demeanor of strong men, they were more or less embarrassed.

"Don't complain, it's already settled. The monsters have been leaving in one direction, and we are already much more relaxed than our predecessors."

Another person said lightly.If Gustav or Twilight were here, they would be instantly recognizable. This person was the president of the Adventurer's Guild.

"Okay, those who can be here are those who have great enthusiasm and ideas for exploring the outside world. We have inherited the wishes of countless predecessors. This time we have such a good opportunity, the monsters have no known reason. Carrying out the migration will reduce the obstacles we face in moving forward, we must seize this opportunity to find out what the outside world is like."

The man who thought his whole body was wrapped in armor said in a deep voice, and everyone fell silent after hearing his words.

Yes, human beings are like this. When they develop to a certain level, they will question the circle in which they live, and then start to explore the unknown.

Unlike the lazy dragons who can sleep for hundreds of years, not like the elves who like to live in the woods, nor like the dwarves with low reproductive ability who are only fond of iron, and not like those with intelligence Orcs with low, daily wishes only to eat and reproduce.Uh, those underground things don't matter.

Humans are different from these races. Humans like to forge ahead, discover, and explore.

So these people here, although they were enemies, friends, and strangers when they were in Reya.But all of them have a philosophy inherited from a long time ago.

Hot Asia is too small.

Although this place surrounded by mountains is the hometown where they grew and multiplied, it is too small.

When the cultivation reaches a certain extreme level, that is, the peak of level 20, which is infinitely close to the mythical level in the legend, it only takes a mere day to fly around the entire Reya.

Just like a bird in a cage or a cricket in a jar, they are trapped in this circular narrow area. Once they step out of the range, they will face endless powerful monsters, and will eventually be submerged in it and turned into dust.

Although the sky is vast, there are indescribable stars in the sky. After reaching a certain height, it cannot rise any further.Although the underground world is also very huge, there is an end to the underground, which is an endless magma.

With only four weeks, it looks like there is hope.Monsters can still be defeated after all, as long as they become strong enough, that is a visible goal.

Therefore, exploring outside and seeing how big the world is has become the eternal pursuit of all human beings in Reya.

"Yes, that is our belief, our ultimate pursuit."

Everyone was silent, just recovering their energy silently.It is rare to find such a place where they can rest temporarily. They must take a good rest and meet the challenges that will continue tomorrow.

The night passed, and it was dawn.

The exploration team in front went on the road again silently, while Wang Qi and the others behind continued to rush forward.

After searching all night, Void Butterfly has actually found the person in front.If it weren't for the fact that the direction they were heading this time happened to be in the direction Wang Qi originally planned, the two sides might not have any intersection at all.But now, contact is only a matter of time.

In fact, after Wang Qi found out that the monsters were heading in one direction inexplicably last night, he took out the map, and through some parameters obtained by the data master, he determined the direction they were heading to, which was the exact center of the spirit world.Although there may be deviations, there should be no problem with the general direction.

"So what's in that direction? From what I said before, these monsters didn't move in the first place, but this time they suddenly started to move, which gave those people hope."

With these thoughts buried in their hearts, everyone began to move forward at an accelerated pace.

"By the way, let me tell you, I have already found the traces of those people. They look a bit embarrassed, but the team is still neat and there is nothing serious."

Back then, when Fifth Wangxian flew into this area, he actually didn't notice any monsters in the mountains.With body and sword united, there is only a very thin and dim sword shadow left in the air, and the speed is extremely fast, so it came over without feeling it at all.

But at this moment, like those people, walking forward slowly, I can really feel the overwhelming aura of these monsters.

There are many monsters on the ground, and there are also many monsters in the air.And those that can fly in the air are theoretically more powerful than those on the ground.So when we move forward together, it is better to walk on the ground.

Of course, someone said, why not use some ability to go underground?

These shadow monsters have even more strange abilities than spirit card masters. Wang Qi and the others have already seen many of them in the real world.In the underground world, the enemy is dark and we are clear, and it will only be more dangerous to walk.They are experience, and the exploration team is a lesson drawn by the blood of the predecessors.

Some people still have to ask, then why didn't these people use some special abilities to directly jump over the monsters?

This Wang Qi can really answer.He searched countless books and spirit cards of so many sects, but he had already discovered that the spirit card abilities in Reya region were all simple and crude.

Except for the two churches of Dawn and Abyss, which I have never seen before, in fact, from the comparison of books and real cards, other churches can find that the spirit card abilities here are really biased towards that kind of combat-type ability cards. Or simply it is the external power card that opens and closes.

Like the abilities of these spirit cards on Wang Qi, such as avatars, such as
"Do you want me to go directly to meet them? I'll take you to fly there."

Wang Qi turned around and asked the next few people.

After discussing it, everyone felt that the proposal was feasible, so they simply agreed.

So Wang Qi put everyone into the gourd, and then controlled the flying sword, turned into a sword light, and flew out with a whoosh, bypassing countless monsters.

More than 2000 kilometers is just the distance that Wang Qi can fly for an hour now.

So an hour later, Wang Qi had already found the group of people who were fighting hard.

At this time, they were forming a conical formation, using a man with a long spear and shining with thunder as an arrow to kill the surrounding monsters.

From their respective attires and the abilities of their spirit cards, Wang Qi recognized at a glance that these people really came from different churches.

In addition to the people from the top ten churches he has met, there are more than a dozen people who have never seen abilities here, and they are probably the top figures of other forces.

Wang Qi appeared not far away, and with a wave of his hand, Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen appeared beside him.

Those people were also sharp, and three figures suddenly appeared next to them, and they suddenly became very vigilant.

The abilities of these monsters are all kinds of strange, and there are not a few of them who can transform into human forms, and many of them use the ability of hallucinations.What's more, in their view, the human beings who can come here, except for them who work together, they don't believe that three people can enter this dangerous mountain range at will.

Wang Qi and the others didn't say hello, and started to quickly clean up the monsters, and then slowly approached them.

Among the group of people, seeing these three "humanoid monsters" approaching them slowly in this way, they immediately winked at their companions, and then made a tacit attack together.

In an instant, a huge sword light, three cyan arrows, and more than a dozen balls of light shining with lightning flew directly towards the three people.

The sword light cut horizontally, majestic and majestic, it seemed to have the power to tear down all obstacles, and the spiritual power contained in it was also very abundant. It seemed that it was blessed with the double assistance of the spirit card and the spiritual props.

And the three arrows shot out from a bow, not in a straight line, but in a constantly changing route in the air.The faint green awn above carried a trace of unknown strange power, and it seemed that even the surrounding air had corroded vacancies.

The dozen or so electric balls are condensed to the extreme, and even from a long distance, one can feel the violent power compressed to the extreme, which is a kind of unparalleled power that will be released instantly once touched.

"Hey, are you treating us like monsters?"

The three of them figured out the reason in an instant, and immediately used their own methods to dodge these three powerful attacks lightly.

The eyes of those who made the shot were fixed, and the threat level of Wang Qi and the three of them was immediately raised to the extreme.These three "humanoid monsters" used a fighting method they had never seen before, and managed to avoid the three of them so easily. It seemed that they had to be careful.

Wang Qi took the opportunity to shout out loudly.

"We're here to help! We know Lady Twilight! We're not from Reya!"

Three simple sentences, naming the triple identities, immediately made the opposite person slow down.

When everyone heard these three sentences, they couldn't help looking over. Wang Qi saw a few people who were even a little distracted, so he simply summoned summoned beasts and water spirits to help, and then created a The water film also made a few shield walls around a few people to help block them.

And Xu Wen was also simple, directly opened the Mirage Sea, and suddenly a faint mist began to fill the surrounding area, gradually submerging all the monsters in it.

Seeing that the three people were indeed helping, these people immediately shrank their formation, gradually stopped, and then looked at the three people.

The president of the Adventurer's Guild took the initiative to step forward, stood still in front of the three of them, and then spoke suspiciously.

"I don't know how many people, can you explain what you just said?"

"Well, it's very simple, just literally."

Wang Qi spoke.

"We are from outside your world, just passed by you, and met some people by the way, including Mrs. Twilight. Just when we left, we found out about the disappearance of the adventurer's guild leader, and also learned that you people entered I want to explore things in the mountains, so I just catch up and see if I can provide you with some help."

As he said that, Wang Qi added in his heart, after all, I have taken so many things from you, so why don't I be ashamed not to help.

(End of this chapter)

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