Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 328 Don't bully the youth... Ah!

Chapter 328 Don't bully the youth!
Wang Qi took out such a thing in one breath, and after these people carefully identified it, they were shocked.

Because these things, although the shape is not quite the same as what they are used to, they can still be felt, and they are all very powerful treasures.

That's for sure, after all, these are the things collected and kept in the treasury by the top ten churches, so it can't be too bad.

Wang Qi stretched out his hand to signal everyone to take a look. The people around them couldn't sit still any longer, they all got up and walked to the front, and then picked up the weapons and equipment they were interested in to look at.

In particular, there are a few of them that look quite good, and there are quite a few people fighting for them. In the end, they won't let go after being picked up by one person, causing the people around them to curse inwardly.

"Okay, if everyone is satisfied with the selection, let's make an offer."

When Gongsun Bo saw it, he was waiting for him to speak first, so he coughed twice and held two things in his hand, one was a pair of wrist guards, which contained the power of thunder, as long as he input spiritual power, he could Using three lightning attack methods, the power is very impressive.The other piece is a piece of light armor, not bulky in style, because it is produced by the Illuminati Church, it looks very holy, looks good, and has excellent defensive capabilities.

"Mr. Wang Qi, I am willing to exchange these two items with a sonic bell."

The sound wave bell, as the name suggests, is a light bell that can emit a high-frequency sound wave and manipulate it to attack. The sound wave attack is invisible and invisible, and it is easy to be tricked secretly, but it is also a very good treasure.As for what else can be done, it depends on the specific development of the user.

Wang Qi frowned, didn't say much, and then looked at other people.

"What about you?"

Others saw Gongsun Bo's standard, and Wan Jian, who had been threatened by Wang Qi and Fifth Wangxian before, also made their own offers.

So these eighteen people made a total of seven sound wave bells, six sound transmission bells, three guardian bells, and two sword air bells.Eighteen people gave out eighteen bells, not many.But in their hands, they all held at least two spiritual items, and the one who was more greedy took a total of four.What they paid was only one bell per person, not including the most precious ones, only the common ones.

"I said, do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Wang Qi was a little annoyed.

"In this way," he waved his hand casually, and the invisible void butterflies summoned by the eighteen avatars immediately attached themselves to these eighteen people, "I have left a mark on you just now. You can follow what I just said. I'll exchange it, but as long as I know later that one of you took me for a trick, I'm sorry."

The expressions of the 18 people suddenly changed, and their faces were a little ugly.Especially those who held a bunch of them in their hands, suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

They don't know what Wang Qi's means are, but anyone can hear the threat in these words.Immediately, their expressions began to become constipated.The Fifth Wangxian narrowed his eyes in cooperation, with a very dangerous expression on his face, and he kept glancing at this and that, making them feel that this gaze was very cutting.

"This, Mr. Wang Qi, is because the price we quoted just now is wrong, that is only part of it, part of it. For these two items, I will offer a storage bell."

Gongsun Bo's complexion changed, and he said what he had said again.

Wang Qi was noncommittal, and looked at the others.

This time, no one dared to report indiscriminately, and offered a new price again.Then, in addition to the ones just now, two storage bells, a cave bell, a soul-absorbing bell, and a sword air bell were added.This time, because of the addition of more expensive storage bells and cave bells, Wang Qi was somewhat satisfied.At any rate, all seven kinds of bells are gathered together.

"Okay, remember what I said, that's all. Well, if you are still interested in the rest of these things, you can come to me privately later."

Wang Qi waved his hand to put away all the things, and then looked at them all.These people quickly remitted the bell they promised to Gongsun Bo, and then handed it over to Wang Qi.

"Okay, that's it. Let's take our leave first."

Nodding, Wang Qi and Fifth Wangxian got up together, ready to leave.

"Don't be too busy, I don't know if the two of you have a fixed place to live? If not, I still have an empty garden in Funing Country with the best scenery and climate. Why don't you give it to the two of you to live in? When it comes, I will let you know in time.”

"Hey, you know how to be a man. All right, anyway, we don't have any fixed goals, so let's go where you said. Shall we go now? You can lead the way."

"Let's go, let's go now. Everyone, let's go here first for today's meeting, and I will take these two to my garden."

Seeing Wang Qi agreeing, Gongsun Bo was overjoyed.He was thinking about the remaining things, so if he wins Wang Qi over, he will naturally have a great chance.

When the rest of the people saw Gongsun Bo open his mouth, Wang Qi agreed, and immediately regretted it, why didn't he say it first.Especially the one who took four things regretted the most.He was originally the person most interested in these things, and his usual hobby was researching and refining various treasures. Unfortunately, his pockets were tight, so he took four of them just now.At this moment, Gongsun Bo took the lead, and he secretly decided to visit these two great gods tomorrow.

Gongsun Bo came out with Wang Qi and Wang Qi, and before he could say how to go, Wang Qi got out the sun chariot and floated in front of him, immediately making the eyes of the people following him very hot.

"Mr. Wang Qi, dare to ask this?"

Gongsun Bo looked at this impressive sun chariot with envy.

"Oh, gadgets, used for transportation, the speed is not very good."

Wang Qi had a disgusted expression on his face.

"Then can we exchange this?"

"That's impossible, you can't afford to change."

Wang Qi vetoed this idea, which disappointed everyone.

With a light jump, Wang Qi and Fifth Wangxian jumped onto the chariot, glanced at Gongsun Bo, and he jumped on with his two apprentices in a hurry.

Seeing that the people had already come up, Wang Qi didn't move. With a thought, the chariot rose from the ground, flashing raging flames and golden light, piercing the sky and heading away into the distance.

Gongsun Bo pointed in the direction of the chariot while secretly envious, and the envious expressions of the people who stayed on the ground were not hidden.

"These two people seem to have really come from the outside world. Just these things, and that flying car, are not treasures that the Celestial Alliance can produce at all."

The guy who wanted to make friends with Wang Qi and others just now had a good eye, and he could see the difference between Wang Qi's sun chariot and those treasure ships at a glance.One is a perfect treasure, and the other is just a low-end mechanism prop that is just put together. The two are not on the same level and cannot be compared.

"Oh, Wan Jian, you and your apprentice had better keep a low profile recently. The two of you don't seem to like you two. Today, we are all doing peace with you and the boss stopped you. If you meet alone again someday, it will inevitably be a big mess. The sword was chopped off."

A man turned his head to look at Wan Jian and his apprentice Shangguan Wudi, and said sarcastically.

"That's right. If you want me to say that you shouldn't have engaged in such outrageous things, then starting a war for a child's play, is it really worthless?"

Another person followed suit.

But they didn't want to think about it. It had been five years since Shangguan Wudi started this matter. There were countless casualties between the two countries, and they hadn't seen a single word from them. Now it's clear.

Shangguan Wudi's face was ugly, but he didn't dare to say a word, he just clenched his fists secretly.He knew that the difference in strength was too great, so he didn't dare to hate Wang Qi and Fifth Wangxian, but he kept all the sarcastic remarks in front of him in his heart.

"Wait, don't bully the young and poor, you old bastards, wait a few more years, and see if I don't cut you one by one under the sword!"

A few people didn't even know that Shangguan Wudi had already turned against them with just a few words, and wanted to kill them soon.

Here, under the guidance of Gongsun Bo, Wang Qi and the three arrived at the manor of Fu Ning Kingdom he mentioned within a few hours.On the way, Fifth Wangxian and Wang Qi started to practice directly, but Gongsun Bo couldn't talk to him when he wanted to talk, so he had to practice too.

Seeing him practicing, Wang Qi secretly observed it, and sure enough, the exercises here are all close to the form of Huabang's internal energy, and it is the theory of meridian transfer when practicing.

After landing in the manor, Gongsun Bo hurriedly arranged for his apprentices to ask the servants to clean up, and he led the two into the front hall.

"Two, you two should rest here first. If you need anything, just speak to the servant, and someone will clear everything up. I will bother you two again in a few days."

"Okay, what a bother."

The two cupped their hands, and after his apprentice came over with a few people who looked like housekeepers, Gongsun Bo took his apprentice away knowingly.

Wang Qi waved his hand and sent the three of Xu Wen out of the gourd. As soon as the three of them came out, they were a little surprised to see that they were in a house.After a brief explanation, everyone didn't feel anything.

This manor covers a large area, and each of them chose a yard he liked to live in, and then they rested.

Wang Qi returned to his room, told his servants not to disturb him, and closed the door, then switched his avatar and left the manor quietly.

The scope of Qingling District is actually not that big on the map. Although the location of Qingling Valley is not marked, Wang Qi thinks that if you look carefully, you should be able to find it.

Anyway, I'm going to stay here for a while, although I won't really wait for two months to wait for the merchant ship from the Heaven Realm to arrive, but I will still stay for at least a few days.

In fact, it cannot be said that there is no goal at all.Wang Qi put void butterflies on those eighteen people, but he decided to find Shangguan Wudi's mentor and apprentice.

Who made these two people dislike him? The expression of Shangguan Wudi was clearly seen by Void Butterfly throughout the whole process.This kid is convinced on the surface, but he doesn't know what to think in his heart, why let him go.

The speed of Wang Qi's avatar controlling the flying sword is much faster than that of the main body, and the speed of three times is comparable to that of the fifth Wangxian.So it didn't take long for him to find Wan Jian and Shangguan Wudi's master and apprentice who were still on their way back to his mountain.

These two people were driving Feijian, whose speed was much slower than Wang Qi's. They didn't say anything along the way. Wan Jian's face was full of displeasure. Damage (long hair gone), and it's all because of the trouble the apprentice caused.Having just been told that by others, he couldn't help but feel a little angry at Shangguan Wudi, so he kept a cold face and didn't speak along the way.

Shangguan Wudi was also unhappy with this master, he used to think that the master was invincible, and he himself would be invincible soon.Who knew that if he met Liang Wanjian casually today, he would be helpless to fight back, which made his proud heart unavoidably have some thoughts.

So the two flew one after the other, thinking about things in their hearts, and the atmosphere was strangely harmonious.

"Hey, isn't this just a chance to make a move?"

The avatar looked at it, just right, without even thinking about it, it flew to the back of Shangguan Wudi, and Duang's sword directly hit his head.

Shangguan Wudi was thinking about something, and he didn't have any precautions. This time he was hit so hard that he became dizzy and couldn't fly stably.Wang Qi added a "hang" at the right time, and made him put his legs upside down. A few wisps of spiritual water turned into flexible tentacles, immediately tied him up firmly, and made a mouthful by the way. stop him from yelling.In less than a second, Shangguan Wudi lost his resistance and was taken into the gourd by Wang Qi's avatar.

At this time, Wan Jian didn't notice anything wrong behind him at all, he still walked on with his head sullen, his avatar waved to him as a gesture of goodbye, watched him go further and further, then turned and left.

It is still the gourd-in-a-gourd method, so what Shangguan Wudi enters is the gourd of the body, and the dog-legged Jack is already waiting inside, and he doesn’t say anything after he comes up. , Let him recall the tragic memories of his childhood that were dusty in his memory.

But Wang Qi is not interested in knowing his story, he only cares about where Qingling Valley is.

Jack had already been instructed. After Reya was subdued by Wang Qi, he often did this kind of torture, and he had already developed a proficient skill.This Shangguan Wudi has never experienced any hardships since his fortune, and his journey went smoothly. At the very beginning, he was able to shout a few words: "Don't bully the boy...ah! 30 years ago...ah!", but at this moment Jack cleaned him up. , I couldn't hold it any longer, and finally stopped talking nonsense.

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced! No matter who you are! Just say what you want to know and get! I will definitely tell you everything!"

Taking a contemptuous look at this soft guy, Jack felt that he hadn't used any powerful means yet. This guy is going to die, he is really weak.

Soon, Shangguan Wudi clearly revealed the location of Qingling Valley and some precautions for collecting Qingling. When the avatar heard this, it couldn't be better.

(End of this chapter)

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