Chapter 331

Wang Qilue was slightly distracted, seeing that Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen were not in the state of cultivation, he waved them out of the gourd.Forget about Shi Xiaozhu and Vivienne, the situation is unknown, they should just stay in the world with peace of mind.

Speaking of it, I always feel that every time I release them from the gourd, it is the same as summoning Pokémon from the poke ball.

"Ouch, beauty!"

Fifth Wangxian's personality has always been relatively flamboyant, as soon as he came out, he instinctively summoned the flying sword first, and after quickly seeing the situation in the arena, he immediately raised his eyebrows at the beautiful woman in the room.

And Xu Wen is more determined, after all, it is a cold personality, but he can't help but look at the woman in the room more, and then he secretly runs his mind to get rid of the influence.

Wang Qi had confirmed it just now, although this woman looks very powerful, in fact, she is only about 300-level and less than 100-level, and can at most be tied with Fifth Wangxian.Even if a few people want to kill out of this spaceship, it will only be a matter of minutes, so don't worry too much at all.By the way, the two little guys next to him actually have more than [-] levels of spiritual power, and the Zixuan girl next to him is also more than [-] levels, which is quite surprising.

When Zixuan and the woman in the house saw that someone really came out of the gourd, they were also slightly surprised.But... There are such things as cave bells in the light bell world, and it is not surprising that there are living people living in a space the size of a small courtyard.It doesn't seem too uncommon for Wang Qi to be able to take out a gourd to hold a person.

So the expressions of the two of them didn't change much. The woman invited the three of them to enter the house, and the three of them were not polite, and followed Zixuan into the room. After watching her bring three futons, they spread out and sat down.

"Xiao Duan, show some guests some tea."

After giving an order, the young man immediately took three more jade cups, and after some procedures, he poured a cup of fragrant tea for the three of them respectively.

"Now, the three of you can clear up the confusion for me."

Seeing that the three of them picked up their cups one after another and took a sip of the tea, the woman opened her mouth without urging her, but only showed some expectant eyes appropriately.

"It's all right. Let me give you the beauty first... Cough, let's call it Madam, let me introduce to Madam first, the three of us are all from the outside world. Well, don't guess for yourself, we are from the real world. of."

"The real world? Where is that? A new world that the Celestial Alliance has not discovered?"

The woman showed a curious expression.

"That's a long story. I don't know how many people have heard of a name. His name is Li Changkong."

As soon as these three words came out, Wang Qi immediately saw that the faces of this woman and Zixuan had changed.

"This is the name of the family teacher. I wonder if you have any advice for mentioning the family teacher?"

Tutor?It seems that the actual age of this woman is not young.The three of Wang Qi immediately looked at each other secretly, and exchanged their thoughts.

"Oh, Senior Li Changkong came from the same place as us. He even left me a letter. I would like to ask, Senior, he should not be in your Celestial Alliance by now, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the woman's expression changed drastically. She looked at the few people, and a trace of killing intent flashed in her eyes, but she finally endured it for the time being.

"You don't need to be nervous. Although what you said to the outside world is that he has retreated and practiced, I guessed that he must have already left. He also said in the letter he left me that he was going to explore everywhere in the spirit world. It’s not going to stay in the same place forever.”

Wang Qi took another sip from his teacup, and then spoke slowly.

"Well, what do you have to prove that what you said is true?"

The woman seemed to have regained her composure, and she also spoke slowly, noncommittal to what Wang Qi said.

"Ah, that letter involves some secrets between me and senior Li Changkong, so I can't show it to you. just so happens that I still have a painting left by senior here."

After speaking, Wang Qi took out the copy of "Journey to the West" from the gourd.

It wasn't the pair I got later, it was found in a small shop at the beginning, but it also had Li Changkong's autograph on it, so it was quite convincing.

As soon as the painting was taken out, the woman lost her composure and couldn't help but look at it carefully.Her eyes wandered in the painting, the more she looked, the more radiant she was.Finally, when she saw the signature in the lower right corner, she couldn't help but let out a slight exclamation.

It really is... the handwriting that the master is familiar with.

The master has always liked calligraphy. Although he is also a good swordsman, he never leaves the brush and ink. He uses calligraphy as a sword technique. His strength is superb and he is very elegant. All the apprentices worship him as idols, even the top five Several brothers and sisters have also regarded calligraphy as their greatest hobby throughout their lives.

Although she was not ranked high and started late, she still practiced calligraphy with her brothers and sisters for a long time. She was very familiar with the master's handwriting, so when she saw those three characters, she immediately recognized them. This is the authentic work of the master.

"Sure enough, it is the authentic work of the master. But this does not mean that what you said is true."

She looked at Wang Qi who took out the painting, and still doubted his words.

"Hehe, I'm telling you this not to ask you to believe it. It doesn't make any difference to me whether you believe it or not. I just want to talk to you because I heard that you are the influence left by Senior Li. By the way, I would like to ask him Some things here. If you don’t believe it, forget it, we’re just passing by here anyway.”

Wang Qi shook his head indifferently, picked up his teacup and drank it down in one gulp, and got ready to get up after speaking.

"Don't be too busy. Although I can't determine whether your words are true or false, but you are a guest from afar. No matter what, the merchant ship in the heavens will not let you act on your own when you see a single pedestrian. The goal of our ship is It just so happens that the next one is Yanshan Mountain, and it will be okay for you to take a short journey, you can stay here with peace of mind and go with us, and it will not be too late to leave when the time comes."

"Okay, I don't care anymore."

Wang Qi looked at Wu Wangxian and the other two, they didn't seem to care, Wang Qi could choose whatever he wanted.

"In this case, Zixuan, treat the three guests well, and I may excuse you in advance."

Saying that, the woman stood up by herself, holding the "Journey to the West" that Wang Qi took out, and was about to leave.

"Hey, this painting is mine. I didn't intend to give it to you. Where are you going to take it?"

Wang Qi suddenly became unhappy. I will show you the things I bought with money, and you will take them away if you say so.

"This... I'm rude. You can put forward any conditions. I want to exchange this painting. I don't know if it is okay?"

"It seems that I don't have any needs..."

Wang Qi didn't mind selling this painting, which he bought for only [-] Nigerian coins, but he didn't seem to have anything in particular he wanted.

"Oh, by the way, since you have judged that this is the authentic work of senior Li Changkong, it should be very valuable to you. I just thought that I don't want anything else. I will take all the textual things left by senior in your heaven, For example, cheat books, exercises, magic weapon refining methods, just show me all of them. By the way, I can also tell you where this painting came from. There is one, two whole new worlds, which can expand the territory of your Celestial Alliance."

This is really the lion's mouth.I also want to know that this girl's school, Li Changkong can teach them so many powerful apprentices, and the things left behind will not be too ordinary, and it can even be said to be the secret of the school.

But... the woman hesitated for a moment, and then thought about it.Obviously, this painting is also very important in her mind.

Gently put the painting back to its original place, she thought for a while, then looked at Wang Qi.

"I have to discuss it with my family. Please wait here for a moment, and I will give you an answer soon." As she spoke, she looked at Zixuan, who was sitting quietly aside, who seemed to be very surprised by the master's behavior, "Zixuan Xuan, please treat the guests well, don't be negligent."

Saying yes, she nodded, and without waiting for a few people to say anything, she got up and left.

"Hey, Wang Qi, you can do it. Next, are you going to take the opportunity to turn your face and let us all go to heaven?"

The fifth Wangxian said carelessly, and the teenagers and girls next to him trembled, obviously frightened.

"Three guests, don't make such jokes. The master has gone to ask the door, and there will be a reply soon. If you have any needs, you can ask them, and I will try my best to meet them."

Zixuan kept her master's explanation in mind, and her voice became a little softer.

"Okay, we don't care, let's wait here now. Little girl, let's play a cheerful tune. Wang Qi, it just so happens that you get something to eat. Let's eat while listening to the tune."

So, Wang Qi took out a bbq grill while Zixuan and the other three were stunned, and happily grilled bbq in their yard, not treating himself as an outsider.

After about an hour, the woman who had not reported her name finally came back.

"Three, there is no consensus within my sect. They say that your asking price is too high. Would you consider lowering it a bit?"

"Oh? Forget it, anyway, I didn't want to sell this painting."

While eating the barbecue, Wang Qi looked at him and directly rejected the price reduction proposal.

In the worst case, I will go and get it myself. I wanted to save some trouble, but who knows, I still have to make a trip.

"I said, are the three of you overconfident? Although we in the heavens are concerned about our reputation, we won't do things like plundering, but... if it involves a teacher, we will let go of our hypocrisy and make a decision at that time." What kind of bad thing, I think the three of you don't want to see it."

When the woman heard Wang Qi's reply, her expression darkened immediately, her tone lowered a bit, and she directly threatened.

Thinking about it, the heavens became an alliance, ruling a total of 27 huge regions, which is equivalent to 27 countries in the real world that are bigger than Winbond.Every high-ranking person in the heavenly realm, presumably, has developed the authority to be superior to ordinary people.

As one of Li Changkong's apprentices, this woman personally sits on a celestial merchant ship. Her status in the celestial alliance is even more incomparable. Her brothers and sisters.

Now, in the face of Wang Qi's casual refusal attitude, her demeanor instantly changed from graceful and luxurious, to a state of murderous aura, as if sheathed a sharp sword.

"Heh, awesome, are you really ready to do it? Come on, come on."

The Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen saw it, immediately pushed the roast meat into their mouths, chewed it a few times and swallowed it, then dropped the chisels in their hands, and each summoned their long swords.

"Are you sure, this is the attitude of your heavens? Let me tell you first, I have a good relationship with Li Changkong. If I really want to see him, it's hard to say who he will help."

Wang Qi opened his mouth and came. While putting away the grill and other things, he took out a toothpick to pick his teeth, as if he didn't pay attention to this woman at all.

Hearing what he said, the woman's face froze immediately.She was worried about this, because Wang Qi took out the master's painting casually, and the unidentified letter left, saying that he had nothing to do with the master, so I'm not sure.

It's just that when I contacted the brothers and sisters in the door just now, there were a few grumpy ones who had already yelled to detain all three of them and asked carefully where they got the master's paintings. None of them believed the three of them. The origin of what people say.Of course, some seniors were more cautious and proposed to stabilize the three of them first, but after being rejected by most people, they stopped making a sound.

She herself was also inclined to detain the three of them.Because she really didn't feel a particularly strong message from these three people.If she wanted to make a move, she was sure to kill the three of them in an instant by the sword, using the sword technique taught by her master.

Moreover, there is also a brother who is more anxious. When she said it, he turned off the communication and was on the way. It must be a while before he will arrive.

All the senior brothers and sisters felt very uncomfortable for the master's leaving without saying goodbye, so many people are constantly expanding outwards, just to find out where the master has gone.Now that there is news of a master suddenly, everyone is a little excited.

Thinking of this, she raised her head slightly to stop Zixuan who was nervous beside her.

"It seems that the three of you are very confident in your own strength. Since this is the case, why don't we go out and have a fight before we talk about it."

She cherishes her spaceship very much.

"Tsk, you're going to tear your skin apart, why are you so polite?"

The fifth Wangxian let out a whistling sound, and immediately turned into a sword light.He circled around Zixuan lightly, subdued the girl who was too late to draw out her weapon, then stretched out her hand and flew outside.

"Uh, why did Brother Wangxian leave and bring a girl... Are you going to take her away as a daughter-in-law?"

Xu Wen and Wang Qi were dumbfounded, and also shocked by his flamboyant operation.However, the two of them still reacted quickly, and they turned into two sword lights to keep up.

The three sword lights merged into one place immediately, and the woman's eyes were about to burst, she never thought that these three people would make a move, and directly kidnapped her beloved apprentice.She also threw out a very small flying sword, which swelled in the wind, and grew to a normal size in the blink of an eye, and then she joined the sword and chased after it.

Four sword lights flew back and forth from her courtyard, and the subordinates outside had lost track of them before they could figure out what was going on.

Only those two boys and girls ran out in a hurry and gave orders loudly, and these people understood what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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