Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 334 Duan Shuiliu, big brother

Chapter 334 Duan Shuiliu, big brother

Three days later, the airship arrived at the Yanshan area.

Before the spaceship came to a complete stop, Wang Qi retreated from the room. After switching his composition, he floated out of the room and flew straight towards the core city in the Yanshan area.

Before he left, he saw the arrest warrants for the three of them on the internal bulletin board of the spaceship. The senior sister was very willing to spend money, not only offered a large reward for the news of the three of them, but also stated that If you can capture and kill any one of the three people alive, you will be given a chance to join the heaven.

Wang Qi didn't know that when the arrest warrant was spread in 27 regions of the Celestial Alliance, it was so powerful that it almost overturned the sky.

What is the Celestial Alliance?The Big Mac Taishang who has ruled 27 regions, each official member is under one person and over ten thousand people, and has the opportunity to learn top skills and become a peerless master.

Although the Celestial Alliance formally recruits personnel every once in a while, the pass rate is appallingly low. For those who rely on their own strength to join, even one in ten years is not bad.Most people just hold the mentality of just in case, but they basically don't believe that they can join in that way.

But now, as long as you kill or capture a wanted criminal, you can directly join the Celestial Alliance, which is the first time in history.So, everyone was boiling.

In particular, the information given in it shows that these three people have the highest probability of being in the Yanshan area at present.Therefore, here in Yanshan, all the top experts are watching the wind and looking for the footprints of the three of them.

Speaking of the Yanshan area, as mentioned earlier, it is famous for its special food.As for the source of ingredients, the central volcano, because the erupted magma rivers have six fixed routes, so on these six magma rivers, there are six large cities surrounding the volcano.

The six major cities are all the central cities of Yanshan Mountain, and their status is comparable. After discussing with each other, they decided that each city will focus on one type of food.Therefore, among the thousands of flame creatures, six kinds of ingredients recognized as the best taste were selected, and a variety of world-famous dishes were born.

This information can be known after a little inquiry, so at this moment, Wang Qi is rushing to fly to the nearest central city after getting off the spaceship.

It has already been torn apart with Tianjie, although it is a bit inexplicable, it is because the attitude of the people in Tianjie is too tough, which makes Wang Qi not very happy, and the two parties have come to this point.But in fact, none of them care about this Celestial Alliance, if they can't beat it, I won't fight you.The Fifth Wangxian destroyed the flying sword of the elder sister, which was an attitude of molesting her.

But in order to avoid trouble, Wang Qi walked outside with the gourd by himself.Anyway, he is the only one who has the ability to be invisible, and he is not afraid of meeting anyone, and the others are also happy and leisurely.

Still simply covering his face, Wang Qi flew into the first central city just like that.

This city is famous for its dish of flaming worms. Wang Qi didn't choose any other places. After inquiring about it, he went straight to the best restaurant in the city.

Although the whole city specializes in dishes with one ingredient, there are always differences in craftsmanship. The best chefs can naturally go to the best restaurants in the city to be the head chef. This is the rule.

Although the flame long worm has the word worm in its name, in fact... it is really a kind of worm.It is somewhat similar to a centipede, with many segments on its body, but the difference is that it is thicker at the front and thinner at the back, and there are three spikes on each segment, each of which is burning with flames of different colors, and it looks quite fierce.

But this thing looks fierce, but it can't match the mouth of a foodie.I don’t know who discovered that this flame worm has a very delicate snow-white body inside its hard shell. The meat of this body is very delicious, and there are almost no impurities. Even if it is eaten directly without treatment, it also has a fragrance. It can be called the top flame biological food .Moreover, there are so many of these long worms, and a large number can be caught almost every day, so they can be selected as the main food of this city.

In Wang Qi's pocket, there is still a large amount of money that Gongsun Bo filially respected before. This money is a unified currency in the Celestial Alliance, which is very convenient, and there is no need to exchange it.So he was very straightforward, and went directly to the best restaurant in the city.

The time at this moment is exactly in the afternoon of that day, the volcano has already erupted once this morning, and the freshest flame biological ingredients have been delivered, and this is the best time to enjoy delicious food.

They found a secluded corner and released all the other four people. They briefly covered their faces, and with the help of Wang Qi's water film, they swaggered into the lobby of the restaurant.After asking for a private room, everyone chatted and waited for the food to be served.

Soon, a table full of dishes was brought up, and many of the dishes also had wonderful flame special effects, exuding bursts of tangy aroma, which seemed to make the index finger move.

The five people were not too polite, and started to eat one after another, admiring while eating, it is indeed a place that specializes in food, and the standard of this dish is really high.

Because humans in the spirit world are different from ordinary people in the real world, every human being can more or less equip spirit cards, so compared to ordinary humans in the real world, everyone here actually has one or two special abilities .And the chefs in this city are naturally equipped with Link Cards that can help cook dishes.

As a result, the cooking techniques of each dish are not something ordinary people can learn. Many dishes require a special combination of abilities, and they really cannot be eaten elsewhere.

Just when everyone was eating happily, they suddenly heard commotion outside the window.The few people didn't care too much. Wang Qi happened to be by the window, so he stretched his head to look outside.

"Jing Dongliu! Do you dare to come out and fight with me! Today I will regain the throne of Tianchu that belongs to our Qiao family!"

One looked to be in his twenties, dressed in strong clothes, with two short knives slanted behind his waist, and a huge sheathless long knife in his hand. He pointed the long knife at the restaurant, not caring about the surrounding crowd There was a lot of discussion among the audience, and loud challenges were issued.

"George Yuan, it's time to entertain guests. You have to challenge and don't disturb the many guests in the hotel."

A calm voice came from the hotel lobby, and the onlookers started talking after hearing it, "This is the current chef!"

"Okay! I'll wait for you until the end of hospitality time!"

That George Yuan stabbed the long knife in his hand to the ground, and then sat down cross-legged on the spot, as if he was going to sit at the main entrance of the hotel and watch the well flow out.

There was no sound in the restaurant anymore, and the bustling scene seemed to be restored with people coming and going. The guests should eat and drink, and no one cared about this small episode.

"It's interesting. The chefs here also have this kind of challenge system, which feels like the one in the animation."

After Shi Xiaozhu finished reading it, he said something, and then turned to explain to Vivian what animation is. Wang Qi vaguely heard strange words such as what is explosive clothes and Yaowang.

"No matter how much, let's continue eating. If you can watch the excitement after eating, it's not too late to watch the excitement and then leave."

Everyone was not very interested in this episode, and continued to taste the delicious food on the table.

The five of them are all practitioners now, and their appetites are not small, so they ordered all the delicacies in this restaurant according to the menu. After eating all of them, it was basically the afternoon break time of this restaurant.

The afternoon sun was shining high above the city at this moment, making the air outside the house that was already scorching hot due to the volcano and the molten river become a little hotter.

After eating and paying their bills contentedly, Wang Qi and the others went downstairs, only to see that the main entrance below was already surrounded by people.

In the open space in the center of the crowd, there were two tables, and two young men who were so handsome that they could be idols stood behind the tables, shooting biubiubiu back and forth at each other with eyes that could wipe out electricity.If a rotten girl saw this scene, she would probably be so excited that she would scream.

One of them was George Yuan who had just pretended to be at the gate to invite a fight, and the other, needless to say, was Jing Dongliu.

The two of them are standing here in a pose, but they haven't started to eat halberds and don't compete. What they heard from other people's mouths is that they are waiting for the arrival of ingredients.

That's right, what the two of them are going to compete with is the city's signature dish, the flame worm.Naturally, it is impossible for them to use stale ingredients in their competition, so someone from the restaurant has already gone to catch the latest ingredients, and by the way, some authoritative people in the city are invited to be judges.

It was just right for Wang Qi and the others to come. They had just squeezed to the front, occupying a very clear and close-up seat, and they were surrounded by three layers of spectators who came to ask questions.

"Then have a look!"

Several people talked to each other, and then listened to the discussions around them with great interest.

These onlookers were very gossip, and by listening to them casually, they knew everything about the love and hatred of the two people in the field. It was simply the best soap opera.

It turned out that the two had been neighbors since they were young. Both their mothers died young and were brought up by their fathers, so the two became close friends and grew up together.The adults of the two families, Qiao Anda and Jing Yuefeng, are also very close chefs, and they both work in this restaurant together.Therefore, the two father and son have been honing their cooking skills together for a long time, and they are constantly making progress together.

Suddenly one day, Qiao Anda didn't know if he was enlightened, and his cooking skills were instantly mastered, and he created a very delicious and superb dish of flame worms, and successfully won the position of sky chef in the restaurant.And his good friend, Jing Yuefeng, although on the surface he is also happy for his friend, but secretly he has stepped up his cooking skills, hoping not to lag behind his friend's level.

But as the days passed, his cooking skills did not improve, and even because he had seen the scenery of his friends for a long time, he developed some obsessions. In the end, he couldn't even maintain his ordinary cooking skills, and was finally persuaded to leave the restaurant. I can only go to one of the most ordinary small restaurants to make a living.

So he became distorted, instead of thinking about working harder, he began to blame Joanda.Qiao Anda was very open-minded, and kept trying to comfort his friend, but he couldn't listen to it at all. Finally, amidst the constant verbal conflicts, one day the two had a big fight.Qiao Anda is very good at sword skills, but Jing Yuefeng is only good at ordinary fire control techniques, the level of the two is not the same, after a fierce fight, Jing Yuefeng was cut.

Qiao Anda hastily withdrew his hand, regained his sanity, and wanted to help his friend, but was attacked by Jing Yuefeng, who pressed his palm on his chest, and fought back in a hurry, directly breaking the opponent's arm.

The chef's loss of an arm was basically the loss of his life. Jing Yuefeng almost went crazy on the spot, but he knew he couldn't beat Qiao Anda, so he fled away in a hurry with the young Jing Dongliu.

After Qiao Anda was slapped, he regretted that the blow was too heavy, and he vomited blood continuously. He was powerless to stop his friend from leaving, so he could only watch Jing Dongliu and his son disappear like this with George Yuan.

Unexpectedly, Jing Yuefeng's palm turned out to be very vicious. The fire-attributed spiritual power eroded Qiao Anda's internal organs like tarsal maggots. Unable to use his own strength, he could only hand over the position of Tianchu and leave the restaurant in a depressed mood.

The fathers of the two families made such a quarrel, and the two children were naturally hit hard.The experience of the fathers of both parties can be seen in the eyes, so they both secretly hate each other's father.Jing Dongliu secretly hated Qiao Anda for not knowing how to keep his hand, cut off one of his father's arms, and bid farewell to the chef industry. Later, Jing Yuefeng hanged himself at home, which made him change drastically; Hate Jing Yuefeng doesn't know how to flatter, his father has done his best, and instead of trying to make progress, he blames and hates his father, and even made a surprise attack on his father, causing him to lose his position as a chef.

So both of them contacted cooking desperately, looking forward to seeing each other again one day, and must avenge their father.

Finally, in the year when both of them were married, Jing Dongliu returned.He found the home of his childhood friend, and used words to stimulate Qiao Anda, who had not cooked for many years, to compete with him in cooking.Qiao Anda had no choice but to fight, and in front of this restaurant, he was directly defeated by Jing Dongliu, who was as powerful as a rainbow, and was directly cut off by Jing Dongliu's design.

Qiao Zhiyuan, who was on the sidelines, was deeply resentful that his former friend turned into such a appearance and hurt his father. After he rescued his father, he challenged Jing Dongliu on the spot, but he challenged Jing Dongliu hastily. Still hated and defeated, they could only leave with their father in the midst of ridicule, and the two formed a deep hatred ever since.

Qiao Anda passed away due to serious injuries shortly after returning home. The hatred in Qiao Anda's heart reached its peak. After he buried his father, he took the knife skills he inherited from his father and left his hometown to hone his cooking skills and skills.

Until today, he finally came back for revenge.

"Dude, how do you know such details!"

Wang Qi and the five looked at a man next to him who looked a little older than Fifth Wangxian, with admiration on his face.

"That's right, my hobby is to collect all kinds of gossip. After knowing the story of George Yuan and Jing Dongliu, I didn't intend to. I followed George Yuan all the time, knowing that today is finally the finale."

This old man has a proud face, and his spirit is even more admired by several people.

"Disrespect, disrespect, brother, you are so awesome, we really admire it. I don't know what you call it?"

"Hehe, it's too much of an award. I'm sorry."

The old man cupped his hands and announced his name.

"Pfft..." Wang Qi sprayed out again, why is the name so coincidental, "Brother Duan Shui Liu..."

"Hey, did you see through this? You are indeed the one who can escape from my junior sister."

Although he didn't get Wang Qi's stalk, he touched his chin when he heard the word "big brother", and then looked at several people and said it.


(End of this chapter)

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