Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 351 Intermission

Chapter 351 Intermission
Returning to the real world after a long absence, but Wang Qi has no plans to meet acquaintances.Because the interchangeability of the avatar and the main body is one of his biggest secrets, it is better not to reveal it if it can not be revealed.

After resting at home for a day, the avatar was still running. After setting a coordinate, Wang Qi turned around and left the door.

In order to prevent accidental encounters with acquaintances, he simply set up Jianguang and flew away from Shui'an City at the highest speed.

Just when Wang Qi's almost invisible sword light pierced the sky and flew out of the city, as usual, he sat quietly in the lobby of the company, holding a book in his hand, and beside him was the book that Wang Qi had brought back for him. Gongxi and Yu, who were holding the knife box, seemed to have sensed something, and forgot to glance out of the window.

"Did you pass by?"

He said something to himself and shook his head as if nothing had happened.

And only a few people in the city had the same reaction as him.These people are, the boss Zhang Tiansheng, Li Chuan, an unknown old sweeper in the Spirit Card Association, and... the dog next to the grand uncle Subaru.

Everyone's reaction was the same, because the sword light piercing the sky was really too fast.No one would think of him as anyone in the city, but just a strong man passing by.

Wang Qi didn't know that his whereabouts had attracted the attention of acquaintances, but he didn't care.

With his current flying sword speed, under full flight, he flew to Linshi, which is not far away, in just over ten minutes.

Randomly landed in a deserted alley near a crowded street, Wang Qi walked out calmly, without anyone noticing his figure, so he easily blended into the crowd.

"Well, it's been a long time since I walked on such a street. Is it different from the other world, or this side is more friendly."

The familiar hustle and bustle of the city, the traffic on the street, and the crowd in all kinds of clothes made Wang Qi feel at ease.

This kind of ordinary and peaceful life, although without much passion, does not have the thrilling feeling of heartbeat when adventuring in the spirit world, but it has its own attraction.It was a kind of plain happiness.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi casually bought a cup of hot drink on the side of the road and drank it.

The season at this time has come to autumn, and the streets are already a little cool. In this city at the junction of the north and the south, there are also a few scattered leaves on the ground in the streets and alleys.

Sensing everything in the city, he did not observe with the Void Butterfly, he did not use the eyes of the starry sky, but with his own eyes, Wang Qi looked at the world around him, and his heart was extraordinarily peaceful.

Randomly walked into a small home-cooked restaurant and ordered three home-cooked dishes that he hadn't eaten for a long time. Wang Qi picked up a bowl of rice and ate quietly.While eating, he began to browse the latest news on his mobile phone.

First, I read the news from the world of ordinary people.The world is normal, and it is still the situation where the country is safe and the country is in dire straits. Seeing this, Wang Qi feels relieved.

Clicking on the forum of the Spirit Card Association, Wang Qi logged into the news page, and when he opened it, he saw a large number of new posts.

"Hey, is there anything interesting?"

Wang Qi glanced around and saw many posts discussing the same thing: the International Spirit Card Master Competition.

This is a national competition for the world of Spirit Card Masters, co-organized by the World Spirit Card Association Headquarters and the Supreme Headquarters of the Spirit Card Associations from all over the world.

After finding the competition registration post on the top of the association, Wang Qi glanced at it and understood the origin of this competition.

This is an event that focuses on the significance of exchanges. Every country in the world that has spirit card masters can send its own representative team. Contest.

In addition to the competition, the association will also hold the largest trading conference in the world in recent years. There are countless spiritual cards presented by the world association and national associations.

Although it seems that the content of this grand event is not much, it is actually enough to attract the attention of all spirit card masters in the world.Every place has a lot of the most distinctive local Link Cards. Fortunately, the neighboring countries have relatively close exchanges.However, it is rare for some big countries separated by oceans to have such large-scale exchanges.Even if there were before, it was only limited to high-level spirit card masters, and low-level spirit card masters were useless at all.But this time, as long as you participate, there is no limit at all.

Moreover, as far as purely competitive competition is concerned, it is not meaningless, and many events are full of fun.Among the spirit card masters, there are many guys who have specialties in a certain aspect or like to do certain things, so they are the most enthusiastic people to participate in these competitions.

For example, the simplest race has been played with many tricks, such as pure flying straight line race, ultra-curved maze race, inverted fly race, underwater race, fastest summon race, etc., with all kinds of tricks , At least seventy or eighty kinds of projects have been set up.

Similarly, there are magically modified shooting, weightlifting, throwing, various ball games, etc.

Of course, there are also standard battle modes, one-on-one, team battle, KOF battle, all kinds of modes are available.

And, totally unexpectedly, the all-time favorite Pet Wars.

In the animations of ordinary people in this world, animations in which trainers command their pets to fight have been popular for a while. Its super many pet settings, perfect combat system and skills have made countries all over the world very popular, and many Related games, peripherals, and card games with the same rules are very popular.

Spirit card masters are not separated from the lives of ordinary people, so many spirit card masters are fans of this work, so in this competition, I don’t know who suggested it, so I made a magically modified version of this animation, and all the rules and so on It is an innovative modification based on the original work.Because there were many spirit card masters who took the summoning style, there were so many applicants all of a sudden, making this event a big hit.

The World General Assembly, the organizer, saw that this event was so popular, and opened up a channel for exclusive broadcasting.And many contestants lived up to expectations. All kinds of weird summoned creatures conducted very interesting battles according to the rules. The number of people in this competition suddenly increased.

It's a pity for Wang Qi that he wasn't there. He was a super fan of that work and bought a lot of related games and peripherals, otherwise he would have to participate.Based on the few summoned beasts under his command, it is estimated that at least he will make it out of the audition and enter the formal knockout round without any major problems.Even making it to the finals is not hopeless.

Now he can only sigh and turn on the broadcast channel to watch the live broadcast of the match that has reached the top sixteen.

"... Dear viewers! Jessica's two-headed tyrannosaurus is about to fail! Although it used its famous stunt, the ground spike, but the opponent is a flying three-clawed Thunderbird! Look! Three-clawed Thunderbird Dodged the attack! The double-headed Baolong is empty!"

"Three-clawed Thunderbird seized this rare opportunity! It circled to the back of the two-headed tyrannosaurus at super speed, between the two heads!"

"Come out! It is its strongest stunt, the ball lightning that has been brewing since the beginning of the game! In this case, the double-headed Tyrannosaurus should have no chance to come back! Unless, it can use that trick very well It depends on the luck of the earth and stone substitute! You know, after so many game statistics, the probability of success of that move is less than 5%!"


"It's used! It's used as an earth-rock substitute! Not only did the two-headed tyrannosaur escape the attack perfectly! It also teleported directly behind the three-clawed thunderbird, showing its fangs! This is A beautiful Jedi comeback! The three-clawed Thunderbird is dead this time! Unless it has another hole card, it must be dead! It seems that the winner of this match will be Jessica!"


"Three-clawed Thunderbird really has a trump card!"

"After so many games! Morud even let the Thunderbirds of the three races hide their hole cards!"

"Friends in the audience! What did we see! It turned out to be an illusion just now! The real position of the three-clawed thunderbird is actually above..."

"The ball lightning in the middle of its three sharp claws has already charged to its maximum power!"

"Let's shout together! Ball lightning!"

"The two-headed Tyrannosaurus has fallen! It was blown to ashes by the spherical lightning, and the effect is outstanding!"

"Friends in the audience, let's cheer for the three-clawed Thunderbird of Molud! The No.3 quarterfinals have been born!"


Wang Qi looked a little speechless.

At one point, it was a matchup between the top sixteen.The game was very simple, but it couldn't hold back the passionate commentary using various languages, and the open mouth that made the plot constantly flip. It had a stage effect, and Wang Qi couldn't help but think of a certain video A well-known UP of the website.

But to be reasonable, this match with this commentary is indeed full of excitement. From the cheers at the scene, it can be seen that they are all a group of spirit card masters, and they are also happily shouting, which shows the success of this match .

Molud took his three-clawed thunderbird around the arena like a star to express his gratitude, and then exited gracefully.Although his opponent Jessica was not reconciled, she had no choice but to leave sadly.

Then there was the commercial in the middle, Wang Qi was not interested in watching it, so he clicked on another live broadcast of the game.

After eating while watching the live broadcast of the game, Wang Qi continued to wander the streets, and soon reached the supermarket.

"Since we're here, let's add a batch of living supplies."

There are still a lot of things in the gourd. In the previous city, there were fresh food and meat, but Wang Qi still prefers to eat the familiar taste in the real world, so after shopping in the supermarket, he found the local supply I placed a large order, bought countless snacks, beverages, staple foods, and non-staple foods, and then found a large warehouse as quickly as possible to receive the goods temporarily.

Originally, the owner of the warehouse did not agree that Wang Qi would only use it for one day, but he gave too much. The owner of the warehouse did not talk nonsense, and obediently handed over the key to him and left, waiting for tomorrow to receive it.Anyway, the money was in place, and he had no intention of exploring what Wang Qi was going to use the warehouse for.

In the afternoon of that day, countless large trucks and workers began to transport the truckloads of goods to this warehouse, where they were neatly stacked.Wang Qi didn't explain, and was only responsible for signing and counting. After a few hours of busy work, all the purchased items filled more than half of the warehouse before they were collected.

After everyone left, the warehouse door was closed, and Wang Qi put away everything with a gourd.He hung the warehouse key outside the door, and there was nothing to steal inside anyway, so he was not afraid of losing things.Then, there was another sword light, and Wang Qi left.

After finishing the supplies, the next step is to go to a field to relieve boredom.

Although the monsters are beaten every day in the spirit world, there is no loot there... The sense of expectation and satisfaction is completely the lowest, which makes people feel unmotivated.The game of fighting monsters and dropping treasures is the most fun.

Looking at the time, it's almost the hour of the domain refresh.Wang Qi returned to the city and waited quietly in the sky above a tall building.

Soon, when the time comes, the domain will be refreshed, and it is impossible to find it with the naked eye, but this is not a problem for Wang Qi now.

It only needs to fly around the city at the fastest speed with Jianguang, and the whole journey does not take many seconds. Wang Qi already knows how many areas there are in this city and what is going on.

"Well, let's just pick this medium-sized field."

Wang Qi, who hasn't played in a domain for a long time, faced the city with the largest and only medium-sized domains, so he had no choice but to choose the largest one that he was most interested in.

"This field is very interesting."

After taking away a monster that looked like a rice cooker with a single sword, Wang Qi saw its level.

[Magic Rice Cooker: Level 67]
That's right, all the monsters in this field are common household appliances.It's just that they all have big eyes, and a big disgusting mouth full of fangs and dripping saliva.

If it didn't have that mouth, this monster would actually be quite cute.But with that mouth, the overall beauty is gone at once, and it becomes a hideous monster completely.

"Speaking of which, there are also household appliances in the spirit world?"

It is already known that the monsters in the domain are actually monsters sent from the spirit world, and these monsters must have prototypes from the spirit world.

So, this means that somewhere in the spirit world, there is an area where the level of advancement is comparable or even the same as the standard of living in the real world.Because even the household appliances used are basically the same, it is too similar.

Someone from the local cleaning company had already entered the field from the other side, but Wang Qi didn't plan to fight him for the monsters, he just leisurely slashed at the monsters one by one from the direction he entered.

In this way, his speed was much faster than the person who cleaned up the company, and soon Wang Qi reached the boss area in the center.

The boss of this field is a huge electric fan, which can set off a storm of more than fifteen levels.But... Wang Qi didn't feel it.

Then the boss has seven subordinates, each of which is a different household appliance, all of which are a bit taller than ordinary mobs.

"Ah... sorry, goodbye."

Without stepping forward, he summoned the Bow of the Starry Sky and the Arrow of the Starry Sky, and with one arrow at a time, the boss will be punished directly, and those who die cannot die again.

The Miracle Compass was ready just now. After Wang Qi clicked on Settlement, he flew directly to a house and found a dilapidated water cup.

The moment you touch the cup, the field is over.

Chapter 350 has passed, and Wang Qi finally discovered that he can finish a spirit card field so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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