Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 354 Richard's Gift

Chapter 354 Richard's Gift

Li Cha's story, in a nutshell, is a standard starting point for a novel about traveling through different worlds and fighting for hegemony.

One day ten years ago, when he just graduated from get off work, he met a little girl who was about to be hit by a cement tank truck, so he jumped out of his brain and pushed the little girl away, and then he was crushed by the cement tank truck The brains burst, and the bones were gone, only the paste left on the ground.

At that time, this incident was in the news, and he was posthumously awarded the Award for Justice and Bravery, but it was useless for his family to hold the award. I don't know how sad it is for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.

When he died, for some reason, his soul did not go to Guixu to purify his reincarnation, but his soul passed into the abyss of the spirit world, in the body of the son of the previous demon lord.

It just so happened that the former demon lord was murdered by his subordinates because of his kindness. The only son was also accidentally killed by the killer, and his soul took advantage of it.

After inheriting his identity and the talent of this devil, he awakened his cheating skills, as long as he defeats the enemy, he can upgrade.Although this plug-in is not as powerful as many systems, it is simple and easy to use, and the effect is straightforward.

Then, there was his magnificent and exciting five-year counterattack career.

Finally, he wiped out all opponents and became the new lord of this layer of abyss, and everyone came to worship him.

However, the environment of the abyss is really, too harsh.Li Cha didn't know where he was, and whether he had any hope of going back, so he had no choice but to lead his men to start transforming this layer of abyss world.

From lord hegemony to agricultural development, under the suppression of his absolute strength, the demons at this level accepted it quite quickly.After all, it's better than the lord letting them die.

In the end, it was the scene in front of everyone that everyone saw, a barren and scorching abyss environment that was supposed to be like the eighth floor above, but he forcibly transformed it into the current beautiful scenery of green water and green mountains.Those lava rivers are dotted in it, making it even more chic and harmonious.

Under his benevolent government, all demons at this level can survive, regardless of their species, and they must receive education from an early age, learning culture from a baby.So this layer of abyss has now become a paradise for demons, a pure land in the abyss.

"Huh? What did you say? You are a time traveler, from Huabang?"

The four looked at each other, and after looking at each other, they looked at him again.

"Yes, I didn't lie. In fact, if I didn't see your looks, I wouldn't tell the truth."

Li Cha nodded, looking expectant.

"So you know what Winbond is?"

"Well...the four of us are all from Winbond."

After thinking for a while, there was nothing to hide, Wang Qi nodded and admitted.

"Ha, ha! That's great! So I didn't travel to another world! I'm still on Earth!"

After Li Cha confirmed the information in this sentence, he was so excited that he jumped up. He waved his arms again and again, as if he was excited to a certain extent.

"Be sure, be sure. If you are so excited again, your subordinates should rush over."

Fifth Wangxian pointed at his back, and the knights saw that the lord was making such a big move, and immediately wanted to rush over to escort him.

"Oh, oh, sorry, I lost my composure."

Li Cha quickly calmed down, turned around and made a gesture to tell his subordinates to be calm, then turned his head and continued to look at the four of them.

"Since all of you are from Huabang...can you tell me where this place is? Do I still have a chance to go home?"

Li Cha looked at them expectantly.

"Okay, then I'll tell you, it's a long story."

Wang Qi nodded.So the five of them sat cross-legged in the air, giving Li Cha a brief overview of the world of spirit card masters, the spirit world, and the story of this abyss, as well as the reason why they came here.

"...In summary, we are passing by you now, and we are continuing down."

Wang Qi talked about the concluding words.

"So that's how it turned out to be. This world still has such a side. I was really ignorant before."

After hearing this, Li Cha murmured to himself.

"You used to be an ordinary person, it's good to be ignorant."

Fifth Wangxian shrugged.

"So, I don't know, can I go back now? Can I follow you and leave together? You must go back, right?"

Li Cha looked at several people expectantly.

"To be honest, we don't have anything. We can take one with you. But, are you sure, can you leave?"

Wang Qi asked curiously.

The Witch Emperor gave them a brief introduction to the situation in the abyss, and naturally mentioned the rules in the abyss.

The most powerful demon lords on each floor, like individual princes, ruled their respective lands.However, since the birth of these princes from the abyss, except for a few opportunities, they have no way to leave the abyss at all. They even have very few opportunities to meet each other. Most of the time, they only use special methods in the abyss occasionally. There is some communication.

The lord, the lord, means that he is bound to this layer of abyss.He can use the power of the entire layer of abyss to strengthen himself, and he has endured the luck of a whole layer of demons, but he is also tightly bound by this layer and cannot escape.

"Well, how do you know if you don't try?"

Li Cha looked at him somewhat expectantly.

"This... If you want to, I don't mind helping you try it now."

Wang Qi thought for a while and said directly.

Immediately, everyone was startled. Xu Wen and the others did not expect that Wang Qi had said before that there was a way to return to the real world, but they did not expect that this was true, and that Wang Qi could do it at any time.

No wonder the people from the Salvation Society wanted to find him before.

"However, I think that if you want me to experiment now, you'd better tell your subordinates first, otherwise I'm afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstanding."

"Well, you are still thoughtful."

After speaking, Li Cha turned his head and looked back. He waved lightly, and the loyal knight leader flew over quickly.

"Nuna Li, send an order that everyone stay where they are, no matter what happens, they are not allowed to do anything disrespectful to these four. I want to try with them to see if I can return to the real world. side."

"My lord, please let me accompany you!"

Nunnally quickly knelt on one knee to show her loyalty.

"I'm just going to take a look first, and I don't mean to leave. If I really want to leave, I will prepare carefully."

Richard shook his head.

"What's more, you are not as strong as me alone, and it is useless to follow the past."


Heartbroken, can the subordinates only be used as decorations?Nunnally felt very ashamed.

She nodded and got up, and suddenly took off her peeping, revealing her golden hair and her delicate and beautiful face.

Fifth Wangxian couldn't help but whistled, and Duan Shuiliu glanced at the female knight again.Compared with those who don't know what the hell is on the first few floors, this is the real devil!
The emoticon package suddenly appeared in the minds of several people, "What you think is XX, but it is actually XX".

"My lords, please be cautious. If you really do something to hurt our lord, even if you risk your life, I will definitely prevent you from getting out of this abyss alive!"

Nunnally showed a firm expression on her face, and she scanned the four of them with a strong threat and determination in her eyes.

"Nuna Li, it's a bit too much. They are all from my hometown, and I am willing to trust them."

Li Cha shook his head, showing an apologetic expression to the four of them.

"It's okay, it should be. It's because you are too careless to trust strangers so easily. Your subordinates are right to be worried."

Fifth Wangxian waved his hand indifferently.Several other people also nodded.

Li Cha nodded, looked at Nunnally, she bit her lip, turned around and flew back.

"Okay, Mr. Wang Qi, what should we do now?"

"Well, it's really nothing. I have two methods now, and I can try them both."

As soon as Wang Qi finished speaking, everyone was shocked again.Well, there is more than one way.

"Go ahead with my gourd. Don't worry, don't resist, it's safe."

Wang Qi took the gourd from his waist and pointed it at Li Cha.Li Cha relaxed his body and was taken in without any resistance.

"Wait a minute."

Wang Qi greeted the others, then switched directly to the clone and disappeared.

However, something unexpected happened. The moment Wang Qi disappeared, Li Cha was "squeezed" out of the gourd, and appeared in place again, without returning to the real world with him.Fortunately, this kind of behavior did not cause any harm to Li Cha, and he came out in an instant.

Wang Qi felt the disappearance of Li Cha in the gourd the next second he switched back, and he switched back without hesitation.

"Okay, I saw that the first method failed."

Frowning, Wang Qi didn't explain, everyone could only watch in wonder.Several other people really don't understand his operation just now.

"The second way, um, I'll make a platform first."

Wang Qi casually condensed a solid water surface with the Ten Thousand Water Control.It doesn't need to condense into ice, just make the water dense enough.

"Sorry, because we can't leave the rock wall, so we can only let you pass by yourself."

As he spoke, Wang Qi summoned the Book of Spirit Cards, then activated the domain exchange ability, and drew a circle on it.

"Okay, let's stand in."

Pointing to the circle, Li Cha walked up and stood still inside.

As soon as the domain exchange was activated, everyone saw that the water surface created by Wang Qi's ability turned into a lush grassland.

However... Li Cha still stood quietly on it, as if waiting for Wang Qi to activate his ability.


Wang Qi shook his head regretfully.

"I don't know what to do."

Hearing Wang Qi's conclusion, Li Cha's face was full of regret.However, he can only hide this emotion in his heart, and doesn't show it too much.

"It's nothing, thank you very much, at least you helped me try hard."

As he said that, he actually bent down and bowed, which surprised his subordinates who were behind.

"You are too polite to help you. I can only say that I am not capable enough."

Wang Qi waved his hands again and again, telling him to get up quickly.

"Is the area under my feet the green grass on the other side of the real world? It's such a familiar fragrance."

Squatting down slightly, he twirled the grass under his feet with his hands, and looked up at Wang Qi.

"This piece of grass, can I take it away?"

Because it was only exchanged with a layer of water platform only a few centimeters thick, the root system of the grass is basically intact.Wang Qi nodded, and with a light wave of Li Cha's hand, he used his magical power to completely cut out the grass. A transparent energy cover carefully wrapped it into a spherical shape, and the spherical shape quietly floated beside it.According to Li Cha's intention, he planned to take this piece of grass back to his palace and plant it in his beloved garden.

"Ah, yes, it suddenly occurred to me that although I can't help you there, but... if you really want to see your family, I can help you bring them here."

Wang Qi suddenly remembered this, and said hastily.

"Huh? Is it really possible?"

Li Cha suddenly asked in surprise.

"Of course. It's just that after I help them come here, if we leave here, they will never go back. You have to think about it."

"This...or would you please ask me?"

Li Cha could imagine how traumatic his death had caused his parents.If there is a chance to meet again, he still wants to see them.And... if you come here, you are equivalent to a god here, and it is not impossible for your parents to live forever.

So he didn't hesitate anymore, and gave Wang Qi his home address and the contact number he had remembered for ten years.I just hope that my parents didn't have any accidents because of my death, and they can all live well.

After Wang Qi got the address, he said hello, threw the gourd to Xu Wen, and went into the gourd by himself.

After switching to the real world, the distance of that city is not close.While flying towards that city, Wang Qi used points to purchase the service of checking the information of Li Cha's parents through the function of the Link Card Association platform.Soon, there was feedback that his parents were still there, but they had moved back to their original old house.

Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, then changed his body, and flew towards the new address at a high speed.After a while, they arrived at the place.

It was a very ordinary unit building.It seems that this is a community of family members. The courtyard looks like it has a history of several decades, and there are old traces everywhere.

When he came to their house, Wang Qi confirmed that there was someone inside, so he knocked on the door.

Soon, a gray-haired old man who looked old opened the door and came out. He was taken aback when he saw Wang Qi.

The subsequent explanation convinced them, and then they arranged their houses and brought them back to the abyss to recognize Li Cha in tears. I won't say more here.

After a while, Li Cha finally comforted his delighted parents, and then asked Nunnally to bring them to his palace, while he himself came to Wang Qi.

"I don't know how to repay you for this kindness. Our family's property in the real world, my parents have just said that they are going to give it to you. We don't need it anymore, and you don't have to refuse. As for me , I thought about it for a long time, only by doing this can I repay your kindness."

With that said, Li Cha took out a long sword from his storage ring.

This long sword has no scabbard, and its whole body is pitch black with crimson flame patterns.The position of the gauntlet is the head of nine dragons looking at the tip of the sword together. The handle is the body of nine dragons intertwined together, and at the bottom is a crystal clear orb.

"This Nine Dragon Sword is the first gift I gave you."

(End of this chapter)

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