Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 364 Dream is to touch the sky

Chapter 364 Dream is to touch the sky

At this moment, on the first floor of the tower, the headquarters of the National Alchemy Association is holding a meeting with only thirteen people.

"Commander, according to my statistics, as the number of floors in our high tower continues to increase, the attacks of the demons outside the sky on the Pillar of Truth in the tower have become more and more frequent. When there were only 36 floors at the earliest, the frequency of demon attacks About once every six months. Afterwards, the frequency increased at an average rate of 1.17 days for each level up, and now the tower has begun to build the 190th floor, and the current frequency of demons has become once a day."

"If this continues, it can be inferred from this data that when the tower finishes building on the 190th floor and enters the construction of the 191st floor, the frequency of demon attacks will increase to several times a day."

"As for the increase in the strength of demons, according to our classification of demons, combined with the records of demon appearance collected from the beginning to the end, we have reason to believe that maybe in the next attack, there will be D-level demons as the main ones, or even There is a situation where there is a third-level demon leading the team."

The Alchemy Association has a total of ten grades for demons, with Grade A being the highest and Grade Gui being the weakest.Just like the ones Wang Qi had seen before, ordinary mobs were equivalent to Geng and others, and the ones that Wang Qi quietly killed were Ji and others.

"Based on the number of alchemists we currently have in reserve, there are only 21 alchemists who can independently fight against the third-level demons, including everyone here. And there are only 120 or seven alchemists who can independently fight against the third-level demons."

"The situation is deteriorating! We must come up with a plan as soon as possible to determine the next step of our country!"

A man with a single eye, wearing a loose gold-embellished black-bottomed robe, and bright silver hair reported the above content to the 12 people in front of him.

His tone was fast and slow, and he made this boring statement very touching.

"Bingyou, sit down first."

The commander sitting in the middle did not express his opinion, but asked the man named Bingyou to sit down first.

"Commander, what Bingyou said is completely true. Our country has indeed reached the moment of life and death."

Before anyone else could express their opinions, an old man sitting next to Bingyou spoke first.

"Although our country's dependence on alchemy has reached a deep level. But if this continues, sooner or later we will not be able to deal with the invasion of demons. When there are second-class, first-class or even stronger demons, we will be unable to protect them. After the pillar of truth is destroyed by them, we will also lose the power of truth, and we will pay a heavy price for losing the opportunity!"

"So, I suggest again! The National Alchemy Association should immediately issue an announcement for the whole people, vigorously promote the development of the spirit card ability system, encourage people to get out of the comfort zone of the tower, and expand our country to the land under our feet!"

After the old man gave a generous speech, he looked at the commander with burning eyes.

Before the Grand Commander could speak, someone next to him was dissatisfied.

"Thunder Dragon, what you said is light. If we give up alchemy, we will deny all the history of our country! What will the whole society be like? Have you ever thought about it? In the past [-] years, with the rapid development to today's mature system, if you throw it away, have you ever thought about how much loss it is?"

This is a sister Yu wearing black-rimmed glasses. She is also holding a thick book in her arms, but unlike the book in Bingyou's hand, the cover of her book is blood red, and it keeps sending out Outbursts of evil breath.

"Besides, why are you so unconfident about the research results of our Alchemy Association? We have so many powerful alchemists, and in the past few years, we have continued to introduce new ones. Alchemy has made great progress every day. How can you I know, will there be a way to completely solve the invasion of demons tomorrow?"

"You are afraid of death yourself, so don't deny all the efforts of us people!"

This Yujie's tone was very aggressive, she immediately blew out the beard and stared at the old man named Thunder Dragon, stood up and began to argue with her.

The generous speeches of the two represented two voices in the Alchemy Association on this matter, and they each had their own companions among the 13 people.So seeing, what was supposed to be a report meeting turned into a heated debate between the two sides, even approaching a quarrel.


The sound of the mallet hitting the table clearly reached everyone's ears.Everyone looked stunned, and looked at the commander sitting in the middle together.Sure enough, he slowly put the gavel flat on the table, obviously he was the one who hit it just now.

"Everyone be quiet. Sit down."

A deep voice came from the commander, and everyone sat down in their seats obediently.It's just that the two people didn't like each other, and they stared at each other fiercely.

"Tongyin, report your results."

He looked at one of the few people who sat calmly in the field just now without making a sound, and spoke.

"Yes, Commander."

The young man named Tongyin stood up, nodded to everyone in the field, and then introduced.

"According to the command of the Grand Commander, I chose a place outside the tower to create a special academy half a year ago. This academy selected a total of [-] talented people with more than [-] slots from across the country to keep them away from the Pillar of Truth The scope of coverage, and according to the spiritual power training method left by the sage, to cultivate spiritual power with all your strength."

"At the same time, relying on some of the spirit cards left by my lord, after obtaining some necessary materials from the world outside the tower, I made a batch of spirit cards for battle according to the method of making the spirit cards left by my lord."

"After all these spirit cards were handed over to these twenty students, their strength soon reached the extraordinary level recorded in the sage's book, comparable to our third-class national alchemists. Now, they have been able to Get the materials for making spirit cards by yourself, and enter a virtuous cycle.”

"I believe that if these twenty students are given enough time to cultivate their spiritual power and equipped with enough equipment, their progress will be very fast, and it is not impossible to reach the legendary level or the supreme level. By then , Their strength will be completely equal to ours, and they will not be affected by the coverage of the Pillar of Truth, and they can walk on the ground at will."

If Wang Qi was here, he could immediately hear that the division of strength levels left by the sage is exactly the same as those in the previous areas. The sage is the senior who came from the previous places, and he can already Hammered.

"The above is my result. The report is over."

After Tong Yin finished speaking, he sat down with a very calm expression, as if what he said was not surprising.

However, these words surprised everyone present except the commander.

The happiest one was Thunder Dragon. After confirming these contents, he immediately burst out laughing, and looked at the Yujie proudly, as if saying, look, the commander-in-chief supports our opinion, abandoning alchemy, and turning to The Link Card system is imperative.

At this moment, the Grand Commander stood up.

"Everyone, you should have understood what Tong Yin said just now."

He looked at the twelve people around the round table, and then continued to speak.

"What Bingyou said is true. The dilemma we are facing has reached the point of no delay."

"However, we shouldn't be afraid, but face him positively, Thunder Dragon, your evasive thoughts are bad."

He looked at Lei Long, shook his head, suddenly Lei Long's smile froze on his face as if he had squeezed the brakes.

"However, blood curse, self-confidence in alchemy is a good thing, but blind self-confidence is not advisable. You have just heard the effect of the spirit card. This kind of thing that was abandoned by us for hundreds of years and brought by the sage, Now it's proven how brilliant he can shine."

"We should not ignore or give up this powerful force. Our combat system should fully combine the two! This is the real development direction of our country!"

"Therefore, I now order as follows!"

"From now on, everyone will start to fully assist Tongyin and Bingyou, vigorously develop the promotion and application of the Lingka system in the tower, and continue to build a new Lingka academy on the ground outside the tower, and bring those People with superb spirit card talents will be cultivated into our other backbone!"

"Everyone, it's time to give full play to your wisdom as the country's top alchemists! Work together to combine alchemy with the spiritual power system, and use your whimsical ideas to make us stronger!"

"Evil is not scary. As long as we unite, we will be able to protect our country, our tower, and our pillar of truth! Sooner or later, we will stand on the top of the tower and touch the sky!"

"Please, everyone!"

The commander's passionate words fully mobilized the emotions of the 12 people present. The groups with different ideas on both sides of the Thunder Dragon and the Blood Curse no longer struggled with their own ideas at this moment, but began to imagine together the scene depicted by the commander. .

Everyone stood up together and bowed to the commander.

"I will definitely live up to my trust!"

The loud voice almost broke through the most heavily guarded and most secure conference room in the National Alchemy Association.

After the meeting ended, everyone's actions were extremely fast, and they were almost racing against time to carry out various tasks.

Therefore, at this moment, Wang Qi inexplicably found that the pace of many people in the Higher Alchemy Academy he came to has become hurried, and many people are still discussing with each other, as if discussing what was posted on the bulletin board. Latest Announcement.

After thinking about it, Wang Qi decided to satisfy his curiosity first, and changed the goal of going to the library to go to see what the announcement said.

Then, he saw the announcement stamped with the article of the National Alchemy Association and signed by the Grand Commander.

The content of the announcement is not different from the content discussed in the above meeting, but the wording is full of motivation, which made many students and teachers very excited after reading it.

After Wang Qi finished reading, he admired the people of the National Alchemy Association a little bit.

He didn't expect that this announcement would explain the current dilemma facing the tower so bluntly, and then proposed his own solution.

Although everyone is accustomed to the demons that invade more and more frequently, no one likes them.Every time demons invade, there will always be unlucky ordinary people who are unlucky to be injured or killed.In this case, the Alchemy Association can only give a little compensation at most, but no one is willing to take this compensation.

Well now, the association has proposed a solution, and encourages everyone to participate in the cultivation of the spiritual power system, and to truly combine alchemy and spirit cards, instead of just using some weak spirit cards to provide weak buffing abilities That's enough.

This has made many people very excited, and they have begun to wonder what they can do.

"Well... it seems interesting. I thought that they were completely indulging in the power of truth, and they were gradually isolating themselves from the spirit world. Now that they can wake up to this point and reintegrate into the spirit world, it's not a bad idea." It’s not too late to make up for it.”

After Wang Qi talked to himself for a while, after thinking about it, he turned around and walked towards the library.

"I'll help you after I finish learning the alchemy first."

He holds a large amount of materials for making spirit cards in the spirit world. After learning the knowledge of alchemy, it is very easy to use the data master's ability to help with some deduction.

As he walked, he slowly revealed his figure.The Starry Sky Clothes automatically changed into a robe that was the same as that of the surrounding academies, and Wang Qi strolled into the library.

Since you want to help, it's better not to be invisible at all, it's more convenient to do things like this.

Seven days later.

Wang Qi digested all the books in several of the highest alchemy academies nearby.More advanced knowledge of alchemy, or how to make advanced alchemy props, can only be obtained from the Alchemy Association.

The power of the Lord of Data oscillates in his mind. Countless knowledge of alchemy and methods of making alchemy props form a nebula like stars, constantly revolving around the image of the Lord of the Void in Wang Qi's heart.

While rotating, these star points slowly approached and merged together.This process is similar to when Wang Qi mastered the witchcraft training system in the Wuhuang Palace.

And he himself, it seems that because of his superb alchemy talent, the power of truth accumulated in his body is extremely powerful. If you measure it, it is more than enough to reach the national special level alchemist.

This has nothing to do with his body being transformed twice at level [-].Except for the special power of cultivating witch power, which has no bonus, Wang Qi would feel that it is very simple and easy to cultivate other abilities.

The knowledge of alchemy is colliding and merging, and finally, all the light spots are fused together, and in the void of the heart, it becomes an equation whose two sides are constantly changing, and a constant equal sign in the middle is shining brightly.

This represents the ultimate truth of alchemy: equal exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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