Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 367 Probably Two People Meeting Barabara

Chapter 367 Probably Two People Meeting Barabara Talking

Wang Qi's cleaning up the monsters is not a useless effort, don't forget, he actually has meritorious deeds.

The accumulated spiritual power has already exceeded the amount required for leveling up, and the only thing that gets stuck in leveling up is the merit points.So when he slaughtered a large number of shadow monsters, his level also improved slightly.

No matter how these shadow monsters are overwhelming, if they turn into numbers on the experience bar, there are actually not many.

When he finally cleared the sky outside the tower with the continuously condensed Blood River Flying Knife, he breathed a sigh of relief and stopped his figure in the air.

Manipulating this kind of pseudo Wanjian Jue is undoubtedly extremely exhausting.Even with Wang Qi's increasingly powerful mental power and his ever-improving data master ability, in this ever-changing battle, he can control countless blood river flying knives to attack the enemy, and control the minimum spiritual power required to maintain the input water spirit attunement. The whole body's spiritual power is in balance, and when the old Blood River Flying Knife is disillusioned, a new one is condensed, and at the same time, it does not stop any movement of slashing the enemy.Adding all these things together, the instantaneous computing power required may not be enough if it is placed on the latest supercomputer in the real world.

But Wang Qi just felt a little tired.He has used the master of data for a long time, and he has regarded this as his instinct.Since its activation, it has never left the state where everything can be turned into data, which is why it has such a brain-burning extreme operation today.

This is also the reason why he has the confidence to face anyone, including his companions, Fifth Wangxian, Duan Shuiliu, Xu Wen and other experts, and he will not lose any advantage.

The whole process is actually not long in practical time, and the ultra-high efficiency is brought under the limit speed.It only took less than 5 minutes from when he came out to killing all the shadow monsters.

"Okay, leave it to them in the tower. If you can't even handle that... I can't be a nanny forever. At most, I can take people away as much as possible."

Wang Qi looked at the tower in front of him and said this to himself.And the National Alchemy Association in the tower did not seem to disappoint him.

Although the panic scene on the 95th floor he saw just now was happening in most of the floors.But in fact, the National Alchemy Association's actions have been very fast.

All the high-end combat strength of the Alchemy Association, including the 21 special alchemists who can kill C-level demons including the Grand Commander, and the 120 seven senior alchemists who can independently fight against D-level demons, have all been involved since the beginning of the battle. Put in, and guard several layers of space separately, and clean up the demons in order.

The demons that appeared this time were mainly from the D-level to the already-level. Although it took some time for the special alchemist to kill them, it was still quite efficient.So when Wang Qi resolved the crisis outside the tower for them, without knowing what was going on outside, they tried their best to quickly restore peace inside the tower.

When the last demon was brutally killed by an alchemist with a huge sickle, the commander beside him held a firecracker in each hand, and walked steadily to the 140th floor where he was at the moment Beyond the portal, above the spiral tower stairs.

Then, he saw Wang Qi who was quietly floating in the sky outside the tower, watching the tower.

Wang Qi didn't intend to hide himself this time, but he didn't expect that he would directly meet the most powerful commander in the entire tower. It can only be said that this is probably the commander's luck.

I didn't know Wang Qi's identity, but thought he was a new type of demon. The very conspicuous sword light in the night sky made Wang Qi look extraordinarily eye-catching and mysterious.And he is dressed in very casual combat clothing, which also reflects his overall chicness.

The commander's gaze was slightly concentrated, and his vigilance was raised to the highest level.Outside the high tower is not their battlefield, so although his double guns have enough range, he doesn't want to shoot easily, but slightly clenched the double guns, and began to inject the power of truth into his body.

"Don't be nervous, I'm helping you, you really don't think there's nothing outside just now, do you? The demons that entered the tower are only a small part."

Wang Qi saw his nervousness, and without being wordy, he directly opened his mouth to reveal his identity.

Hearing Wang Qi's words, the commander secretly breathed a sigh of relief.At least this can prove that the mysterious person in front of him is not a demon.

After thinking for a second, he put away the double guns and disappeared between his hands.Then looking at Wang Qi, he spoke loudly.

"I see. I don't know if you can come to the tower to talk about it. We would like to thank you in person."

Although he is not good at spiritual power, he is still very proficient in using the basic spirit card to use the Grand Commander, so regarding Wang Qi's ability, he guessed in an instant that it should be a unique spiritual power method.Therefore, he directly invited Wang Qi.

"Okay, I've put in so much effort for you, you really have to thank me, I'll ask for a reward if you don't tell me."

Wang Qi smiled slightly, and without hesitation, he sent the flying sword lightly, and he came to the commander and landed on the ground.

The flying sword was retracted by Wang Qi's thoughts, but the commander's eyes were fixed. He was also very keen, and he noticed the fundamental difference between this and his own retraction of the double gun.

Temporarily suppressing the doubts, the Grand Commander straightened his face, and immediately greeted Wang Qi with a smile all over his face.

Regardless of whether the person in front of him was bragging or not, he was aware of the situation outside the tower just now, so this person must be worthy of his serious treatment.

"plz follow me."

The prestige of the Grand Commander kept the people around him from expressing their opinions. Seeing his gesture of invitation to Wang Qi, one of the black-robed alchemists quickly stepped forward, and took out a ball from his waist to Throw it on the ground.In everyone's eyes, the sphere rapidly deformed and expanded, and finally turned into a very luxurious alchemy vehicle.

It's not the kind of vehicle that requires a mechanical horse, but the same type as a real-world car, except that there are four wheels missing underneath.

He personally opened the door for Wang Qi, Wang Qi was not polite, and sat down with his head down, while the commander turned around and sat on the other side, the alchemist in the front row just sat in the driver's seat, and then started the car.

Without any feeling, the car flew up gently, without flying high, just half a meter above the ground, and began to drive down the spiral passage quickly, steadily, and silently.

Wang Qi looked at this alchemy speeding car very curiously. In the materials of the Alchemy Academy that he had read before, this kind of speeding car did not appear. Obviously, this is the exclusive material of the Alchemy Association.

"I don't know what to call Mr.

The commander inquired tentatively.

"Oh, just call me Wang Qi. Commander, you don't have to be so polite. In fact, I have been in your tower for a few days. If it wasn't for the right time, I might not appear in front of you."

"I see. I don't know if Mr. Wang Qi came from the outside world?" The commander nodded and asked again.

"That's right, the outside world is very big. I just happened to pass by you, and I was very curious about your tower, so I stayed for a while. By the way, I also found information about one of my seniors here , just seeing you now, it seems that I can ask you for help."

"Oh? I don't know what the name of your senior is?"

"His name is Li Changkong."

When Wang Qi said this name, the commander-in-chief's eyes froze, and he couldn't believe it.

"It turned out to be Master Li Changkong? Sure enough, at that time, many people suspected that Master Li Changkong was not a native of our place, but he was too mysterious, and he left without making a sound, and finally nothing happened."

The commander-in-chief nodded, as if he was talking to himself, and he seemed to be explaining to Wang Qi.

"Well, it's normal. Senior likes to run around very much. I followed his footsteps all the way here, and your place is just one of the stops. It's a pity that we separated before, otherwise you would still have a chance to meet his pro-disciple Woolen cloth."

Wang Qi smiled and didn't care.However, it seems that the commander-in-chief still has some more information about Li Changkong, so just come and have a look at it later.

The two found a common topic, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.Just chatting casually along the way.

The speeding car went all the way down the spiral road outside the tower, and the speed was not slow at all.And in some positions, the flying car can always take a shortcut, so it is much faster than expected, and the flying car has reached the [-]th floor, where the fourth branch of the Alchemy Association is located.

When the flying car was stable at the gate of the branch, several people got out of the car together.The other alchemists did not come back, and they had to go to the nearby floors to do the aftermath.

The guards at the station recognized that it was the speeding car that the Grand Commander was riding on, and saluted him one after another.At this moment, most of the alchemists were sent out to do the aftermath, appease and restore the city, but there were hardly any people in the station.

After returning the salute, the commander made an invitation gesture and led the way by himself.Soon, they came to a very spacious office.

The office was brightly lit. Wang Qi saw several huge portraits of people hanging on the wall. After a little guessing, he guessed that these should be the previous great commanders.

"Sit whatever you want. Although this is only the fourth branch, because it is in the middle of the tower, I usually work here."

The commander invited Wang Qi to sit down together on the sofa, and then the alchemist who had just acted as the driver turned around and went to boil water to make tea.Soon, a cup of fragrant black tea was brought to Wang Qi.

"Hey, I didn't expect that you still have black tea here. Was it introduced by the seniors?"

"Senior? No, this is not brought by Lord Li Changkong, this is something brought by Lord Sage before."

The commander shook his head and corrected Wang Qi's mistake.

"Oh, you misunderstood, maybe I didn't make it clear just now. The senior I mentioned, and another one, is the sage you mentioned."

Wang Qi calmly blew, and then took a sip of the black tea in his cup.Well, it's fragrant and rich, very authentic.

The commander-in-chief was holding the teacup, his eyes were wide open, as if he was surprised by what Wang Qi said.


"No way, didn't you record that the sage came to your country from outside?"


The commander twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, shook his head, took a sip of tea, and put the cup on the coffee table.

"I just didn't expect that you all come from the same place."

"Hehe, this world is much bigger than you imagined. If you are interested, I can tell you about it."

"Then trouble you."

So the two drank tea, and the capable alchemist next to him kept adding tea to them at the right time, and then Wang Qi told the commander what the real world looked like.

"It''s incredible!"

After listening to what Wang Qi said about the journey, the commander-in-chief exclaimed, and even the alchemist was surprised.

For people like them who have lived and died in the tower all their lives, if the outside world is really the same as Wang Qi described, it is really beyond imagination.

Wang Qi took a sip of tea, and then quietly admired the expression of knowing that he was just a frog in a well.

He never hides his origin, as long as someone is willing to listen, he will talk about it wherever he goes, and he doesn't care at all. The content is actually so amazing.

"So, Mr. Wang Qi, you will leave our place in a while?"

The commander recovered quickly after being surprised, and while secretly thinking about recording what Wang Qi said, he asked.

"That's right. In fact, I have quietly learned the alchemy of your place, and I was planning to leave. If I didn't catch up with the large-scale invasion of this wave of demons at the right time, I really wouldn't care about your place. "

"That's really...thanks to you, sir, for making the move."

Although there was a big age gap between the two of them, and the Grand Commander was already five or sixty years old, he still showed enough respect to Wang Qi, a young man.

"It's nothing, I'm still a soft-hearted person, and I don't want to see people's lives being ruined. I also killed a lot of demons along the way, which is not bad."

Wang Qi waved his hand modestly, making the alchemist standing behind the commander complain crazily.

"Since that's the case, I have a heartfelt request. Can you please stay a little longer, sir. We are currently implementing the promotion of the spiritual power system. If you can give us some pointers, I would be very grateful."

The commander-in-chief talked for a long time, and finally stated his purpose.

"No problem. Since I am willing to come here with you, I actually have the same thoughts. After killing those demons outside, I thought about it and thought I should help you, otherwise your tower will be reduced to ruins sooner or later. "

Wang Qi nodded and continued.

"After studying your alchemy, I found that you rely too much on this pillar. To be honest, this kind of dependence on too much power is not good, and you are aware of this situation yourself. In the tower, you You can fight back and forth with demons, but if you are even one meter away from the tower, you will become weak ordinary people. In this way, in such a dangerous environment of the spirit world, you can survive to this day, it is considered Good luck."

"So next, I will help you sort out how to use spiritual power and teach you some things. I will leave after you have mastered it."

"That would be much appreciated!"

The commander stood up and bowed directly to Wang Qi, his tone full of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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