Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 386 Blue Bird's Treasure Room

Chapter 386 Blue Bird's Treasure Room
"Since this is your girl, I won't waste any time."

Wang Qi was too lazy to wait for the competition organized by Lei Feng'er, so he directly took out two things he made, a big firework and a crystal music box.

"what is this?"

The little white bird that had just announced its name, Bai Shengsheng, looked at two things curiously and asked.

Lei Feng'er and Bai Lingling also flew over together, and many other birds also flew over together, surrounding Wang Qi in the middle.

"Didn't Lei Feng'er hold a treasure offering meeting for your girl? Whoever's gift can make your girl's heart move, he will give someone a benefit. I just happen to represent the Dongshan Chamber of Commerce in this matter, um, Lei Young Master Feng'er, remember to record these two things of mine on the Dongshan Chamber of Commerce."

Wang Qi explained briefly, and then put the music box in front of Bai Lingling.

"what is this."

Lei Feng'er was a little embarrassed, his arrangement was so straightforwardly broken, and he couldn't help looking at Bai Lingling's face with a little embarrassment.But Bai Lingling didn't think too much about it, pretending to be completely ignorant, and looked at the music box in front of her.

After briefly introducing the usage of the music box, Wang Qi demonstrated it in public, and suddenly a burst of crisp music came out of the box, and the ding ding dong dong sounded very pleasant.

He chose a few very well-known songs for this song, all of which were very soothing, so the eyes of this group of birds suddenly lit up, and some excited birds flew around him.

"Thank you! I like this gift so much!"

Seeing a group of birds all around staring at the music box, Bai Lingling nervously landed on it, declared her sovereignty, and then thanked Wang Qi.

"Well, there's no need to compare, it's just you. Dongshan Chamber of Commerce? They are really lucky."

Lei Feng'er saw that Bai Lingling was happy like this, and she was also happy, so she immediately made a decision.

So a special bird servant went out to convey the meaning of the young city lord, which immediately drove the major forces who were still preparing nervously crazy.

"What's the other one?"

Bai Shengsheng asked Wang Qi curiously. It looked at the crystal clear ball in Wang Qi's hand, and wondered what it was.

"Ah, this one is called fireworks."

Wang Qi answered casually.

"Want to see it? If you want to see it, I will demonstrate it to you."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's have a look!"

So Wang Qi asked the surrounding birds to spread out, and casually threw the thing in the middle.Suddenly, like a piece of the most common fragile glass, this thing fell directly to pieces.

But before the birds showed regretful expressions, all the shattered pieces suddenly flew up, flew out of the yard, and flew towards the sky.

After a burst of crackling light, there are super-large fireworks one after another.Different colors, different shapes, and different combinations make the entire Jade Bird City beautiful.

At this moment, all the people in the city were attracted by the wonderful fireworks show, stopped everything in their hands, and raised their heads to watch.

Even Lei Feng'er's city lord father, who was drinking and having fun with his favorite concubine, couldn't help but look up at the fireworks ceremony.

"It seems to be made out of, my house?"

It didn't care about the concubine immediately, and flew out of his bird hall, and within a few steps, it saw a group of birds gathered together, including its own son, its own guest Bai Sheng father and daughter, and a human being.

When the fireworks, which lasted for more than half an hour, finally disappeared and there was no trace left in the sky, all the people, birds and other races in Jade Bird City felt lost in their hearts.The strong impact of watching fireworks for the first time made them feel indescribable.

"This is called fireworks? It really is a good thing!"

When all the birds were reminiscing, Bai Shengsheng, who was standing on Wang Qi's shoulder, called out, and all the birds immediately responded.

"Well, it's called fireworks, a specialty of my house."

"Could you make me another one? No, ten more!"

Just at this moment, a voice came in, everyone turned their heads and saw Lei Zhuantian, the lord of Jade Bird City.

This Lei Zhuantian is a famous bird in the city, even Bai Shengsheng, a guest, has to respect him when he sees him.All the birds saluted one after another, and Wang Qi also cupped his hands.

"Not busy, not busy, who are you? Can you make me ten more of that thing just now?"

It was much larger than the other birds present, so it landed on an exquisite bird stand and asked Wang Qi.

Wang Qi shrugged.

"I'm just passing by, and I'll stay here for two days to go shopping. That thing can be done, but the required materials are currently gone."

"What kind of materials do you need? I'll send someone to fetch them for you right now!"

Wang Qi sized up the blue bird, and suddenly he had some understanding of its strength.

This blue bird is worthy of being the lord of the city. It is an outstanding bird of the nine bird families under the Phoenix. The spiritual power contained in its body is close to the level of 400, which is much higher than the level of all the birds present. Barely not bad it's too much.

However, Wang Qi is naturally not afraid of it. Speaking of the level of cultivation, even though Wang Qi's level is only more than 200, he may not be able to beat it, but when it comes to the ability to escape, Wang Qi is still There really isn't much to worry about.

"Well, there is a material that you don't have here, but I can make some by myself, but it's a bit troublesome."

Wang Qi was talking about glass.He didn't want to work hard for nothing, so he naturally wanted to say that he was better.

Lei Zhuantian also calmed down at this moment, and immediately understood what Wang Qi meant.

"Don't worry, as long as you can give me ten more of these things, I will repay you well! Whether it is wealth or power, I will give you whatever you want!"

"I'm really not interested in these... I'm leaving in a few days, and I can't take them with you."

"Then...replace it with a special treasure?"

Lei Zhuantian pondered for a while, and immediately asked in a discussing tone.

"Well, this is fine. But you'd better let me take a look first. The spirit world is so big, and I've traveled to many places. Maybe your treasures are nothing in other places."

"Okay, you come with me!"

In a few words, one person and one bird can easily negotiate a business.

This Lei Zhuantian probably also saw some of Wang Qi's strength, seeing that he was confident and showed no respect for himself, and knew that this human being in front of him must have something special.Besides, Bai Shengsheng was standing on his shoulders, looking very familiar, obviously this human being is not simple.So his attitude was more respectful, and he really started a fair deal with Wang Qi.

So, under the surprised eyes of all the little birds, the blue bird father and son, the white bird father and daughter, and Wang Qi, one person and four birds, were taken by the city lord to visit his treasure house.

This bird can build a mansion, and naturally a place like the treasure house is indispensable.But because no one would come here usually, the entrance was repaired extremely small.Wang Qi didn't mind either, a Shui Dun followed and got in, and the four birds who saw it were very surprised by his methods.

Entering the treasure house, it is magnificent and spacious.

"My treasure house is not very good. I haven't collected too much in these years. If you have something you like, just ask it. As long as you think it can be equivalent to those ten fireworks, then I will not be stingy."

Lei Zhuantian didn't talk about the value, and only let Wang Qi choose and evaluate it himself.If he is really a greedy person, then Lei Zhuantian thinks he can deal with him.

"I'll take a look first."

Wang Qi looked around and began to size up the collection of the Blue Bird City Lord.

It has to be said that as the lord of a city, although he claims to have a poor treasure house, the collection is actually very rich.In addition to a large number of various rare materials, there are also a lot of various magic weapons, some used by birds and some used by humans, presumably all of them were donated to it by humans.

However, most of Wang Qi felt that it was just so-so. In the end, when they reached the end of the treasure house, there was only a few things placed on a shelf that attracted some Wang Qi's attention.

The first to bear the brunt was a huge nine-color feather.This Ling Yu was solemnly placed in the middle of the top of the shelf, constantly emitting a faint nine-color brilliance, very eye-catching.

"This is?"

Wang Qi looked at Lei Zhuantian with questioning eyes.

"No way, Lao Lei, you even collected a fallen feather from Master Feng!"

Before Lei Zhuantian could speak, Bai Shengsheng shouted out first.

"That's right. This is one of the fallen feathers left by Master Feng's Nirvana more than 1000 years ago. It was rewarded to me by Master Feng in recognition of my meritorious service."

"Hey, it sounds very powerful. Do you want to change this thing?"

Wang Qi was very moved when he heard it.The feathers of the phoenix fell off during Nirvana. No matter what game or anime it is in, it can be called a god-level prop.

"Hehe, the value of this thing is not worthy of your gadget, so change it to something else."

Lei Zhuantian smiled, with some sarcasm in his laughter.

Wang Qi didn't mind at all, thinking about it, it was a gift from their lord, the phoenix bird, how could it be possible to exchange a few fireworks for fun?Only when your brain is pumped will you do it.

Shaking his head, Wang Qi continued to look to the side.Soon, he noticed another thing.

It was a card that looked very similar to a spirit card, but Wang Qi was sure that it was definitely not a spirit card.

After inquiring about whether it was possible to use it, Wang Qi picked up the card and put it in front of his eyes for a closer look.

The size of the card is exactly the same as that of the spirit card, but this card is very strange, with the same pattern on both sides, an endless hourglass, intersecting with the Mobius ring, and an unknown symbol around the outside Wen, slowly rotating.

When Wang Qi saw it, he immediately understood, but on the surface he remained calm.

This is exactly the spirit card in the real world, completely different from the handmade spirit card in the spirit world.

It was obvious that the two spirit cards were glued together face to face by unknown means, leaving only two card backs.In this case, it probably cannot be equipped in the card slot, so no one will think that this is a spirit card.However, this thing has a very mysterious feeling, before it was cracked, Lei Zhuantian also threw it here as a collection.

The level of the spirit card cannot be distinguished from the back of the card, only the pattern on the front can determine the level of the spirit card.However, Wang Qi thought for a while, anyway, refining ten fireworks only took a few minutes, and he didn't suffer at all. Even if the two spirit cards were of ordinary level, he actually didn't lose anything.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi didn't look at anything else at all, and turned to look at Lei Zhuantian.

"That's it. I think this thing is interesting, and I want to study it."

Qingniao doubted for a moment, whether Wang Qi saw something.But this spirit card has been thrown by him for many years, and he doesn't know what it is, and he can't try it out, so he just gave up.If it weren't for Wang Qi today, it really wouldn't remember that it had this.

So it only hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed to Wang Qi's request.

"Although the transaction is completed, does the city lord mind if I appreciate your collection again?"

Wang Qi changed hands and put away the spirit card, and then looked at Lei Zhuantian with a question.

"Go ahead and watch!"

While Wang Qi was observing these treasures, the other three birds were not idle either, and they went around admiring various collections.Wang Qi got the approval, and he was not polite, so he continued to watch carefully on the shelf.

After a while, when he saw the last layer, he found another thing that looked good.

This time, it was a long bamboo pole.It leans quietly against the innermost part of the shelf, hidden in a dark corner.If it weren't for Wang Qi's sharp eyes, he really wouldn't have found this thing.

After picking up the bamboo pole, Wang Qi was surprised to find that it turned out to be a fishing pole, because one end was connected with a coil of fishing line, and there was a stone hook attached to it.

The data lord's ability has been running at full capacity, even if he can't get too many things, it is always good to have knowledge.So Wang Qi quickly took a thorough look at the bamboo pole, and found that it was also a refined treasure.

The thin bamboo pole seems ordinary, without any fluctuation of spiritual power, but looking at the essence through the phenomenon, Wang Qi was surprised to find that it has nothing to do with the structure of the spiritual power runes contained inside the bamboo pole, and the lines as thin as nerves. It is not inferior to Qiyao who is slung around his waist.

You know, from the design to the manufacture of Qiyao, Wang Qi didn't think anyone else in the world could make something as fine.This is not boasting, but an absolute confidence in the ability of the data master.

But at this moment, the fishing rod in front of him overturned Wang Qi's cognition.Unexpectedly, the complexity of its internal structure is comparable to that of Qiyao, and the ingenious design is so ingenious that even Wang Qi can't see it. The function of the spiritual power runes contained in it can only be known by trying it.

So Wang Qi decided that this and the fishing rod must be in hand.

He turned his head to look at Lei Zhuantian with a questioning expression.

"City Master, how do you change this with a fishing rod?"

"Well... let me think about it."

This time, Lei Zhuantian was not as straightforward as before.As if recalling something, its expression became a little erratic.

(End of this chapter)

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