Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 391 Rune Particles; Seed of the World Tree

Chapter 391 Rune Particles; Seed of the World Tree

A tall stone tablet stands quietly in the center of the island. It is as smooth as a mirror, and the shadows of people can be seen indistinctly.

It was not ordinary at first glance. Wang Qi didn't intend to test how hard it was with a sword, but circled around a few times to get a clear look at the stele.

Sure enough, before the time, there was no trace on it, and nothing could be seen.

"It seems that you can only use the ability of the data master."

With such an obvious reminder from Feng and Huang, Wang Qi didn't waste any time, and sat down cross-legged. To be on the safe side, he released a bunch of summoned beasts to protect him, and then started to use his data analysis ability with all his strength.

In Wang Qi's eyes, the stele, from the simple data of length, width and height at the beginning, gradually showed weight, density, and material, and then gradually, like every analysis before, the basic materials that make up the stele gradually magnified under Wang Qi's seriousness. , the ordinary appearance has completely disappeared, and the most real face is completely exposed in Wang Qi's eyes.

Then, he saw the most basic, extremely small, and indivisible elementary particles that make up this wordless stele.

Last time, it was the truth particle that saw this level.It was a luminous regular hexahedron, engraved with six runes representing the basic elements that make up everything, earth, water, wind and fire, as well as time and space.

But this time, Wang Qi saw something new.

Every elementary particle that makes up the Wordless Heavenly Book is completely different.It is a sea of ​​tiny runes that is completely incalculable, endless, endless.

Each rune exudes a different light, and Wang Qi can feel the purest power from it.That kind of power seems to be able to transform into all known power systems of Wang Qi, such as spiritual power, witch power, truth power, abyss power, and so on.

Some of the structures of these runes are similar to those of the spiritual power runes that Wang Qi has now mastered, but most of them are completely different.

It's just that the few lucky ones found similar-looking runes, and he found that these runes were completely more optimized runes than the ones he had mastered.

Wang Qi knew that he had found the treasure.

Infinity, there is not a single rune that is the same, just like the smallest atom, making up this smooth, ordinary-looking stone tablet.They also seem to be moving weakly in an extremely slow manner.

"So, is it possible that once in 1000 years, the special skills, or knowledge, that surfaced on the stone tablet are actually the manifestation of these runes after they have run to a certain level?"

Guessing the truth in an instant, Wang Qi became even more excited.

The knowledge manifested by a mere part of the runes can already be as powerful as the phoenix and the phoenix.

If he could memorize all the runes inside the stele, then could Wang Qi become the most knowledgeable existence in this world!

Excited, Wang Qi immediately decided to complete Feng and Huang's mission first, and sent back ten stones.

Through the positioning of the void jump, this time he easily returned to the Hall of Thousand Birds.After seeing Feng and Huang, Wang Qi delivered the stones they asked for and expressed his thanks.

Feng and Huang did not break their promise, when Wang Qi easily took back these seemingly ordinary stones according to the agreement, Feng took out something and handed it to Wang Qi as their reward.

"Excuse me...Master Feng, what is this?"

Wang Qi looked curiously at the round ball in his hand, which looked like a handicraft, a little puzzled.

"This is a seed of the World Tree."

When Feng opened his mouth, it was another incredible message.

"Although the giant tree we live in is still not a world tree, there is a seedling of the world tree in the core of this giant tree."

"That was planted by a seed we found from a subspace by chance."

"At that time, we found a total of seventeen seeds from the wreckage of a real World Tree in that dying subspace. The one given to you is one of them."

"This thing is precious and very precious. As long as you activate this seed in a subspace and then water it carefully, when the seed germinates, that subspace will be completely stabilized, and it will continue to grow. the size of the boost."

"We see that the gourd you carry is not bad, and there must be a good subspace in it. Then this seed actually happens to be the most suitable for you."

"Remember, water it with Wanhua Lei water a lot, this seed should be easy to germinate and take root."

Feng explained the origin and usage of this seed to Wang Qi in detail, which made Wang Qi very grateful.

Unexpectedly, this seed turned out to be such a precious thing.

As we all know, there are many ways to upgrade a spirit card. In addition to the common use of spirit cards of the same level to enhance attributes, you can also rely on some special spirit cards, natural treasures, or opportunities to improve.

For example, Wang Qi's avatar before was only the lowest-level common-level spirit card.But once the natural spirit card was strengthened with five-color sky-replenishing stone fragments, Wang Qi's strength took off immediately.

And later, there was a coincidence in Taixu Wonderland, which made the clone card directly evolve to the mythical level.This allowed Wang Qi's strength to completely unleash, and thus gained countless benefits.

Now, looking at the seed of the World Tree in his hand, Wang Qi was extremely sure that it would definitely be able to raise the level of the Qiankun Gourd and make the Qiankun Gourd even stronger.

"Thank you two adults!"

After thanking again, both parties were very happy, and Wang Qi submitted his resignation in due course.

After that, he went to Jade Bird City again. President Zhao of Dongshan Chamber of Commerce did not forget his entrustment, and finally prepared all the books he wanted.

Knowing that Wang Qi had easily completed the entrustment of the Blue Bird City Lord and had such a good relationship with the White Bird Clan, Chairman Zhao made up his mind and spared no effort to complete the matter Wang Qi said.

So after Wang Qi looked at the various books in the third warehouse, he was also very satisfied.He expressed his appreciation for the strength of Dongshan Chamber of Commerce, and casually refined a few gadgets for Chairman Zhao that were not worth mentioning in his opinion as a thank you, and then he left.

Afterwards, relying on these few gadgets that Wang Qi casually refined, they were actually quite excellent magic weapons, and Chairman Zhao trained several capable masters.He also made friends with Lei Zuantian and his son because of Wang Qi's relationship. From then on, the Dongshan Chamber of Commerce's business was booming and out of control.

After dealing with all the matters in the Little Bird Kingdom, Wang Qi jumped through the void again and directly returned to the Wordless Heavenly Book.

This time, he planned to stay here for the time being, and when he finished learning all the runes in the stele, he would leave again.

However, a month later, Wang Qi felt that he had really underestimated the number of runes in this stele.

In one cubic centimeter of the most common water, there are 3.34*10^22 water molecules, and one water molecule has one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.A hydrogen atom is composed of two protons and two electrons, and a proton is composed of two up quarks and one down quark.

As for the existence of smaller particle structures, the current level of science and technology in the ordinary human world is not conclusive.

But in the world of spirit card masters, this kind of smallest discovery, compared with ordinary people, has one more layer, which is the particles of spiritual power.

At present, Wang Qi's data master can see that ordinary water, with structures smaller than quarks, are naturally spiritual particles.Each particle of spiritual power, through a specific method, gradually rises upwards to form everything in the world.

Of course, in the real world, because of the inactivity of the spiritual power, all the basic spiritual power particles are in a calm state. They only constitute everything, but they will not react with any creature other than the spirit card master who has obtained the key.

On the other hand, the spiritual power particles in the spirit world are very active, which is why all the people in the spirit world have spirit card slots.

Let’s get far, let’s continue talking about the wordless celestial book stele.

As the third type of elementary particle observed by Wang Qizheng'er, the rune structure in the Wordless Heavenly Book is much smaller than the spiritual particle.

This has caused, in the same volume, the number of these rune particles exists like an astronomical number.

According to the degree of Wang Qi's photographic memory, he can see a hundred runes in one second. After a month, he has only seen the rune particles that are less than one cubic centimeter.

With the ability of the master of data, Wang Qi can calculate it in an instant. To see all the rune particles in the entire stone tablet, he probably...don't even think about it in this life.

This made him feel very sorry.Unexpectedly, I was facing a treasure mountain, but I could only take a little bit of it away with my hands.

But even so, Wang Qi also felt that his harvest was very huge.

From the spirit world to the tower, Wang Qi probably has less than 1 basic runes of spiritual power.

I learned the power of truth in the tower, and by analogy, I learned about thousands of new spiritual power runes.

And the fishing rod he got from the bird Lei Zhuantian made his harvest improve again, and he learned nearly 1 new runes.

Although Chairman Zhao's books have not been sorted out, I believe he will not learn too many new runes.

But right now, in the past month, the basic rune particles he learned from this wordless book have mastered basic runes like astronomical numbers.

Although, every rune is just memorized by rote, completely just memorizing the structure.However, for Wang Qi, who is the master of data, he only needs to perform deduction to master the functions of these basic runes after a period of time.Then add it to your own spiritual power rune knowledge system.

This kind of leap forward in knowledge will definitely improve his manufacturing level of spirit cards and spiritual items by a huge margin.

"Forget it, you shouldn't force it. I'm lucky, why be too greedy."

Wang Qi shook his head, ended the month-long meditation, then rubbed his eyes and stretched himself.

Taking back all the summoned objects, Wang Qi thought for a while, and went straight into the gourd.

Allocated 95% of the data master's computing power, and started to deduce the rune particles. Every moment, a large number of rune particles were figured out and added to Wang Qi's knowledge.And he himself didn't think about it for the time being, but picked up the seed of the tree of the world that Feng gave him.

Feng said that this seed can be easily irrigated with only Wanhua Leishui, and enough real water will allow it to germinate and take root quickly, and then grow into a tree of the world.

This may be troublesome for others, but for Wang Qi who has mastered the control of ten thousand waters, it is nothing at all.

He is real now, and he has already felt how much benefit the spirit card of Yu Wanshui has brought him.Speaking of which, I really have to thank this guy, Fathead Fish.

I just don't know if there are any other creatures in the sea that have condensed the same dao seed card in the four seas.

Well, other people don't say it, the girl Lord of the World must have the same ability.

Of course, what Wang Qi didn't know was that the fat head fish's ability to condense this special dao seed card was also the most coincidental thing in the world for thousands of years.

Apart from it, there really is no other creature in the water that has condensed such an ability.In the end, this card was not protected by Fathead Fish as a natal card, but continued to be placed in the card slot of the spirit card, and then easily fell into Wang Qi's hands. I have to say, everything is a joke of fate.

Came to the space in the space of his universe gourd, right in the middle, and then Wang Qi tossed the seed lightly, and it was suspended in the void.

With a thought, a large amount of Wanhua Leishui began to rush toward the center like money. Soon, Wang Qi condensed hundreds of tons of Wanhua Leishui out of thin air, wrapping the seed.

Wanhua Leishui is condensed from the most refined and pure thunder. Thunder is the source of all life in the world. It naturally has the strongest life attribute and has the ability to give birth to everything, especially plants.

Therefore, when these myriad lightning waters came into contact with the seeds of the World Tree, a large amount of life energy began to infiltrate the outer shell of the seeds, and then silently and slowly invaded the inside of the seeds.

Wang Qi watched quietly and patiently.In his eyes, the seed was clearly visible, and all the details could not escape his observation.

Finally, after twenty hours, Wang Qi finally saw that Wanhua Leishui had consumed dozens of tons unknowingly, and a tiny, almost imperceptible crack finally appeared on the shell of the seed. .

With the first crack, the rest is easy.

Soon, the cracks became more and more thick.Finally, three days later, Wang Qi clearly heard a crisp sound, and then, as the absolute master of this gourd world, he felt the space tremble.

Boom, the seed shell of the World Tree was torn apart, and then rays of light began to shoot out along the cracks inside the seed.

The light gradually became softer, and those split shells did not break away, but gradually became softer.The time of this change was much faster than the previous process. In just a few hours, a small sapling completely appeared in front of Wang Qi.

At this moment, Wang Qi felt that his gourd space trembled again, as if there were some inexplicable things.

(End of this chapter)

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