Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 394 Repairing the Giant Ship

Chapter 394 Repairing the Giant Ship
It was only when I got to the front that I realized that the energy furnace was a bit large.

Also, how can something that can supply all the energy of a giant ship the size of a city be smaller.

But fortunately, Wang Qi is still able to pretend.But after carefully observing the various connection structures of the energy furnace, he decided to go to the bridge first to see if there was any relevant information left, so it would be safer to dismantle it.

The inside of the giant ship was pitch black, and there were robots lying on the ground everywhere. It was unknown how long it had been without power.But fortunately, most of the environment inside is sealed, and there is no dust accumulation. Only the arrival of Wang Qi, an outsider, can disturb the air that has remained unchanged for many years and start to flow again.

With the Condor's ability to shuttle regardless of obstacles, Wang Qi quickly found the bridge of this giant ship, or the most core data processing center.

Sure enough, this giant ship was able to be preserved so completely, and as a data center protected at the same level as an energy furnace, it was not damaged at all.

Although the automatic defense system had failed, the closed gate kept the place well closed. Wang Qi had to cut a large hole in the wall with his long sword to get in.

After entering, a very sci-fi data processing and command center appeared in front of Wang Qi.Although it was a little strange that robots needed such a place, Wang Qi didn't think too much about it. Instead, he found a few consoles that were still glowing slightly, and then took out his laptop from his gourd.

He has learned a lot of basic knowledge in the real world. For the basic principles of computers, programming, hacking, etc., although he has not reached the top level, he is much better than ordinary people.

With the help of the data lord, the notebook was soon connected to the data center, but it got stuck on an interface.

Uh, do you need permissions?Wang Qi felt a little dizzy.

Suddenly, he thought, as if he had gotten a coin from the robot that was killed before, and he didn't know if it was useful.

So with the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Wang Qi directly took out the coin. He didn't know how to use it, so he put it on the console in front of him, which looked like a disk for reading data.

Suddenly, Didi sounded a few times, and the screen on the notebook actually started to move.

"Hey, it's really useful... It's really strange that this kind of setting that must be used in the quest after hitting the quest item in the front is really strange."

After complaining, a large amount of data began to refresh the screen in an instant, and a new unknown text began to appear on Wang Qi's computer screen.This script is not the same as any of the 26 lost ancient languages ​​that Wang Qi learned after borrowing from Gary before, and it seems to be a unique language of the Machine Empire Kingdom.

"Uh, why don't you use Chinese at this time, bad review."

While complaining, he quickly recorded all the unknown characters he saw with his eyes, and analyzed them with the ability of the master of data.Soon, Wang Qi built a new set of language fonts in his mind, but he didn't understand the corresponding meaning for the time being.After all, without a dictionary and definitions, a new language has no way of knowing its true meaning.

The storage capacity of the notebook reached its upper limit within a few minutes, and those data transfers had to stop automatically.Wang Qi was a little helpless, but he knew that this was not his problem. It seemed that there was no way to decipher the system data of this giant ship today.

Hey, Wang Qi suddenly thought, I can go to the real world to find out if there is a spirit card with this kind of ability, buy one and use the ability of the spirit card to crack it.

He did what he thought, and put a bunch of summoned beasts here to guard against any accidents that might happen. Wang Qi switched directly with the avatar and returned to the real world.

The avatar was scanning a field at the moment, and all the items of the natural spirit card had been found and held in his hands. He was currently staying on the top of a tall building, leisurely watching the situation below.The level of monsters in this field is very low. A cleaning company team from the imperial capital has already reached the boss. Wang Qi didn't waste any time. As soon as the sword formula came out, he directly charged the boss with a sword, and then left after seeing the pop-up settlement. up the field.

After leaving the domain, Wang Qi didn't leave. Instead, he stayed here, took out his laptop, logged in to the Spirit Card Association's platform, and started searching for the Spirit Card abilities he needed.

Soon, he locked a few spirit cards, and seeing that the prices were not very expensive, even less than [-] million yuan, Wang Qi directly placed an order to buy them, and then saw that the spirit cards could be collected by the Imperial Capital Association within an hour. goods.

After quietly landing on the street, he walked casually, and saw through the void Die Wangqi that the boss and his group had already left the imperial capital and returned to Shui'an City.President Wu and the others were busy with their own business, so he was not interested in saying hello.

After wandering around casually, it was time, and Wang Qi took the spirit card he had just ordered in his hand.

He turned around and walked to a place where there was no one, and then directly cut back to the clone, and the main body returned to the giant ship.

The master of the application data of these spirit cards had deduced them, and now he got them and confirmed them again. If there was no problem, he directly clicked on the book of spirit cards, and then activated the fusion ability.

Soon, two spirit cards appeared in front of him.

"Zwy-α Portable Computer: Prop card, transcendence level. Use 2000 points of spiritual power to summon a Zwy-type portable computer. The performance is the strongest configuration known to the holder, and it will be automatically updated every time it is summoned. Attributes: Unlimited connection to any local area network owned by the current location, no password is required. For every 1 point of spiritual power consumed, 1GB of data can be stored. Any operating system can be customized freely, and 3 applications can be freely set. When the application is set, only It needs to describe the function, which can be automatically generated. It can be used as a mobile power source without charging.”

"God of Hacker Version 2.5: Ability Card, transcendence level. Consume 20000 points of ability to summon God of Hacker Version 2.5 possession, which lasts for 2.5 hours. After completing the possession, you can use God of Hacker's ability to invade any through Electronic devices connected to the network and data lines, completely cracked its operating system, and adapted and customized it as an operating system that you are familiar with.”

These two cards just complement each other, which is exactly what Wang Qi needs now.

In fact, there is no particularly strong sale of this type of Spirit Card on the platform of the Spirit Card Association. It is probably because hacking ability is taboo in the real world, so it is generally controlled. Even if someone sells it on consignment, the level is higher. will also be directly acquired by the association.Only the lowest level of ordinary level will be hung on it, and the association will not care too much.

But who let Wang Qi have the fusion? After buying some related cards to fuse, it quickly reached the level that Wang Qi needed to use, which was enough.

Wang Qi spread out the Book of Spirit Cards, and clicked to use two cards from the free card slot. Suddenly, a very thin notebook appeared in front of him, and Wang Qi also felt a flash in his mind, as if there were some new ones. ability.

Without wasting time, he directly opened the summoned notebook, and the possession of the hacker god made him automatically familiar with everything about this computer. Suddenly, a new application program was customized by him, and then he began to connect to this computer. The data center of a giant ship.

He is called the God of Hackers, but his actual ability is still illusory.It doesn't require a lot of operation input, just click OK, intrusion and cracking are as easy as Wang Qi throwing a fireball, and it is completed in an instant.

Running the newly customized operating software is actually a smart assistant, which can input commands through direct sentences to perform related operations.Wang Qi soon saw that the computer screen lit up again, and just like his laptop just now, a large amount of data began to flash the screen.

Only this time, these contents have completely become Chinese characters that I am familiar with.And the speed of swiping the screen is far faster than that of an ordinary notebook just now. In less than 5 minutes, Wang Qi discovered that all the data stored in the huge data center of this giant ship had been completely copied to this computer. superior.

Taking a casual look at the capacity, Wang Qi was taken aback. Before he knew it, it had reached 3.35PB. That is to say, he had just consumed 351 million spiritual power unintentionally, which was a bit surprising.

But this bit of spiritual power was nothing to Wang Qi, and he didn't pay much attention to it, as long as it was enough.

After copying all the data, the hacker god's ability was activated, and a new system appeared on the screen instantly, and it was completely in Chinese. It unlocked all the permissions here, and it was very convenient to use.

Seeing that it was done, Wang Qi began to operate on it, browsing the records of this huge ship.

The recorded content is divided into many parts, the parameters of the giant ship itself, daily operation data, a large amount of combat data, and part of the data of the machine empire, mainly these contents.

As for the other parts, Wang Qi felt that he was not in a hurry to read them. He mainly wanted to read relevant information about the giant ship itself, so he clicked on this part first.

Soon, Wang Qi read all the content and fully understood the situation of the giant ship.

After clicking the button on the operation interface, this huge ship, which has been silent for more than 700 years according to the records, began to conduct a self-inspection of the whole ship.

If someone is watching from the outside at this moment, they can find that this huge ship is seriously starting to shine.All the internal lighting systems that were intact were relit at this moment.Defense, cleaning, flight, weapons and other systems, as long as they can be connected, will gradually wake up.

Finally, after 10 minutes, Wang Qi saw the self-inspection completion data of this giant ship.

The damage rate of the entire giant ship's hull was 64%, the defense system was 100%, the weapon system was 98%, the power system was 100%, and it no longer had any combat and action capabilities.The damage rate of the internal robot control system is 0, but it is currently unable to connect to any available robots. It is necessary to manually complete the activation of the maintenance robot.All other systems are damaged.

"Well, that is to say, in fact, apart from the combat part of this giant ship, most of it can still be used!"

Wang Qi was a little delighted with the result.

If this is the case, the plan may have to be changed.Wang Qi felt that he should be able to consider taking away the entire giant ship.

And there are a total of four giant ships in the same situation next to them. Maybe there are still under the nearby mountains. When the time comes, I will pick up more and piece them together, and maybe I will be able to piece together a complete one.

It just so happens that I have another gourd secret realm now, and it is still empty, so it is almost perfect to put this.

Well, I calculated the size issue in my head, and I can indeed put it down, but I can only put one at most, and it is a bit reluctant to put two.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi directly made a decision to repair all the robots first.

But before that, it is necessary to change all the settings of the robot.These robots were originally set to be loyal to the Machine Emperor Kingdom. If I rushed to recharge them for repairs, then maybe after repairing them, I would see Wang Qi and come right away.

So Wang Qi directly manipulated the system and reset the lowest-level commands for these robots. As long as they are recharged and activated in the giant ship, these contents will be updated, and then they will only listen to Wang Qi in the future.

After setting, Wang Qi directly followed the ship's internal map and found the nearest maintenance robot charging room. Sure enough, the maintenance robots inside were all docked in a nearby corridor in a crooked manner.

After putting all the robots back into the charging slots by himself, Wang Qi returned to the control room, and then ordered to activate the energy circuit that had been silent for a long time, completely restoring the life of this giant ship.

After that, without waiting for the robots to be fully charged, he directly put away his things, and then flew back to the outside of the giant ship.

Looking at this huge ship, Wang Qi was also a little excited. Without hesitation, he directly put this giant ship into his gourd secret realm, and immediately filled the secret realm to the brim, leaving the mountain where it was. A huge pit.

Leaving aside the other ships for the time being, he turned around and returned to the Gourd Secret Realm, looked at the giant ship on the ground with satisfaction, and then re-entered the interior of the giant ship.

In just a short while, several maintenance robots have been fully charged and reactivated to carry out Wang Qi's orders.

They rushed to other charging centers inside the giant ship, looking for all the maintenance robots to put in to recharge, and continued to look for new ones after they were done.Soon, this snowball-like behavior filled the giant ship with various maintenance robots.

As for combat robots, Wang Qi doesn't plan to activate them for the time being, and it doesn't seem to be necessary to activate them.After all the maintenance robots were activated, Wang Qi gave a new order to the 13 robots in the huge ship—to start dismantling the damaged structures.

The giant ship itself must have some repair and replacement parts, but they are not complete and the number is not enough.But Wang Qi thinks it doesn't matter, as much as he can repair first, is there any more outside.

 I... I've been in a trance for the past few days, and I didn't notice that a few book friends gave me rewards... I really won't say too much, thank you for your support... The writing is not good, I really don't want it in the future I've given a reward, I'm satisfied to give a subscription
(End of this chapter)

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