Travel from the collapse

Chapter 1 Rebirth

Chapter 1 Rebirth
"It's time for that one to grow up." In the endless darkness, a voice sounded.Immediately, a bright light flashed, and the dark space fell silent again.


Yeling, an ordinary and ordinary boy, was dressed in black, his slightly long black hair covered his dull eyes, his face was expressionless, and his mechanical movements reminded people of zombies in movies.Yeling was walking on the side of the road, and hooligans from various societies shouted at Yeling, wanting to grab some money from him, but Yeling ignored those hooligans like a deaf person.Seeing that Yeling was ignoring them, those hooligans walked straight towards Yeling.

"Hey, kid, what do you mean?!" A yellow-dyed killer man grabbed Yeling's collar and said arrogantly.

Yeling didn't look at the hooligan in front of him, feeling the discomfort of being grabbed by his collar, Yeling directly turned the man's hand aside.

"Fuck! You brat is quite annoying!" the man covered his hands, looking at Ye Ling with pain on his face.

Yeling remained silent, and walked straight forward to the man, pinching the man's neck with his right hand and slowly lifting it up.And the younger brother beside the man watched this scene, and roared at Ye Ling, "Stinky boy, put down my elder brother quickly, or you will look good!"

As if Yeling didn't hear what the younger brother said, he still pinched the man's neck, and the strength in his hands increased a bit.The man shouted to his younger brother with a painful face, "Hurry up and copy this guy! Hurry up and put this guy in!"

The younger brother at the side listened to his boss's words, then took out a small knife from his waist, and slashed directly at Yeling's arm.But Yeling didn't seem to feel any pain, and the strength of his right hand increased a little, and the man was about to suffocate to death.Suddenly, an out-of-control car honked its horn at Yeling. Yeling just looked back, his eyes went dark, and he was knocked out with the man, killing them immediately.

Yeling's eyes lit up again, looking at himself lying in a pool of blood, thinking, 'Am I dead?Dad, mom, my son is here. When Yeling's soul body was about to dissipate, a bright light flashed in the sky. Yeling glanced at the bright light flashing in the sky, and then his eyes went dark again.

After a while, Yeling's eyes lit up again, and he found that he was in a sea of ​​flowers, and there was a huge manor in the sea of ​​flowers.Yeling looked around, looked at his transparent hands, and muttered to himself, "Am I in heaven?"

A hoarse voice sounded, "This is not heaven, this is a small world in the Chaos Orb."

Yeling looked back, and saw an old man wearing a housekeeper's costume standing behind Yeling.Seeing Yeling looking at him, the old man bowed to him.

"where is this place?"

"This is the small world in the Chaos Orb, young master."

"Chaos Orb? Young Master?" Yeling looked at the old man suspiciously.He is just an ordinary high school student. Apart from the fact that his parents earned some money and hired a nanny when he was young, he has never seen this old man, but the old man called him Young Master, which made Yeling extremely puzzled. My parents are gone, and I haven't left any money for myself. It's impossible for me to hire some housekeeper, let alone some young master?

"Master, you don't need to be confused. This old man is just the artifact spirit of this Chaos Orb, not your steward in the mortal world." The old man explained to Ye Ling.

"Oh? Not in the Mortal Realm? Then you are?"

"I have said it before. I am just the spirit of the Chaos Orb. As for the origin of the Chaos Orb, the Chaos Orb is the supreme magic weapon from thousands of dimensions. It can take you anywhere you want, and there is no place it can't go. There are only places you can't think of." The old man explained to Yeling.

"Oh." Yeling responded and then fell silent, his eyes were dull, as if his desire for all life had been wiped away.And the old man looked at Ye Ling and said, "Master, your current state... this old man should let you reunite with your body, after all, this state is really..."

"Reuniting the body? Is it to revive me?" Ye Ling asked.

"That's right, it can also be said to revive the young master, but it should be more accurate to say that it is rebirth. The body is no longer the original body, but the physical body that you were originally born in. In addition, young master, you can call me the butler .” The butler added.

"The body at birth? The body I had when I was a baby?" Ye Ling asked.

"No, it's the body from when Chaos was first born." The old man said.

"The flesh body when Chaos was born?"

"Yes, you are the son of the Dimensional Rules. You were born in the Chaos Era, but for some reason, you, Young Master, were directly separated from your original body, and now you are just returning to your original body." The steward explained road.

"Oh, let's start then." Ye Ling said lightly.

"Good young master, in addition, the fusion of the physical body is [-]% compatible, so you don't have to worry about something wrong with the physical body. As for the fusion, the old man will awaken the physique you should have for you." The butler said to him. Ye Ling said.

"Okay, when you finish awakening my physique later, you can just transfer the information about my physique into my mind. Also, just call me Ye Yu from now on." Ye Yu said impatiently.

The butler listened, and immediately stopped talking nonsense, and Void took out a baby.The baby's eyes were dull, and he couldn't cry or scream, let alone make trouble, but Ye Yu knew that there was no soul in the baby, so he flew directly into the baby's body and began to fuse.Seeing that Ye Yu flew directly into the baby's body, the butler immediately raised his right hand, condensing a gray energy light ball, pressing against the baby's chest, and the energy light ball completely entered the baby's body.

And Ye Yu in the baby's body felt the baby's body trembling violently, and after a while, Ye Yu directly began to awaken his physique.

The sky inside the Chaos Orb began to darken, the sky and the earth began to tremble violently, and the large amount of blue energy in the void began to rush towards Ye Tianyi crazily, while Ye Yu felt the powerful physique of his body.

After a while, the space inside the Chaos Orb gradually calmed down.The steward's voice rang directly in Ye Yu's mind, "Master, I have sent you the information about your physique, and now there are some items such as artifacts and bloodline abilities. What do you think you want?"

"Oh? Then you can just send the information about the artifact and bloodline ability to my mind." Ye Yu said to the butler in his mind.

"Alright, young master." Immediately, the housekeeper sent the information about the artifacts and bloodline abilities to Ye Yu's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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