Travel from the collapse

Chapter 10 The Death of Francis

Chapter 10 The Death of Francis
Seeing that the speed at which he devoured the Honkai Beast was really slow, Ye Yu immediately closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his pupils turned a strange red, and a big windmill with six fan leaves appeared in the pupils , then shouted in a low voice, "Susano."

As soon as the words fell, black flames ignited directly on Ye Yu's body, and the aura emanating from the flames made people feel extremely horrified, and the ominous aura directly disturbed all the Honkai beasts and humans present.Before the two parties could react, another skeleton appeared in the flames, and two big hands without flesh and blood appeared directly behind the skeleton, grabbing several Honkai beasts and directly devouring them.

Karen and Otto on the side looked at Ye Yu and Francis who were fighting in the front, and then looked at the Houkai Beast lying on the ground, then walked out bravely, watching Francis and Ye Yu fighting.

Not long after Kallen and Otto stood up, the Honkai Beast appeared directly behind them, using one of his wings to aim at the back of the two of them, and Ye Yu glanced at Kaka again inadvertently. Lian and Otto also saw the Honkai Beast behind Kallen and Otto, and immediately, the skeleton on the body quickly turned into a human-shaped skeleton with an upper body, and then grew blood and flesh, and finally covered it with a Putting on the armor, a black bow appeared in the left hand, and a huge black arrow was condensed in the right hand, aiming at the Houkai beast behind Karen and Otto.

And Kallen and Otto looked at Ye Yu's actions, thinking that Ye Yu was going to attack them, they squatted down and hugged their heads, and then heard a loud crash.


The Honkai Beast behind Kallen and Otto was directly shot to death by an arrow that penetrated the entire body, and Ye Yu turned to look at the other Honkai Beasts after shooting the arrow.Karen and Otto were directly blown away by the huge air wave generated when the arrow hit the ground. After rolling a few times, they looked at the position where the arrow hit just now, and found that the arrow was going to face the arrow. The Houkai beast they were attacking suddenly turned to look at Ye Yu's back.Karen looked at Ye Yu's back, and gradually changed from the initial plain eyes to admiration, even fanaticism. In Otto's eyes, this move was just pretending to be aggressive, and he couldn't help clenching his fists. The anger in his eyes more exuberant.

After Kallen and Otto, Ye Yu turned his head to look at the rest of the Houkai Beast, and lifted the armor-like Susano to the skeleton posture, continued to grab the Houkai Beast and began to devour it.

Francis on the side looked at Ye Yu's actions just now, thinking that Ye Yu was going to kill Kallen and Otto, and then he saw the Honkai Beast appearing behind Kallen and Otto, so he completely let go of his guard and concentrated on dealing with it. The Honkai Beast in front of him.


The more and more people fought, the more tired they became, and finally the most powerful Houkai Beasts were left, while Ye Yu became more excited and motivated as he fought, and finally looked at the most powerful Houkai Beasts , eyes full of blazing heat.

At this time, Ye Yu devoured most of the Honkai Beasts present, and directly raised his own strength to the seventh-order two-star, while the Chaos Devourer condensed nearly a palm-sized chaotic energy in Ye Yu's body, which made Ye Yu very excited .

On the other side, Francis looked at a few Honkai beasts not far away, and couldn't help but look a little ugly, and said to Ye Yu, "Ye Yu, can I ask you something?"

"Say." Ye Yu said lightly.

"I'm going to activate the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment later, can you take Karen and Otto out of here, okay?" Francis said to Ye Yu as if he was saying his last words, but when Ye Yu was about to refuse, suddenly Thinking back, when Kallen became the strongest Valkyrie in the entire Destiny at the age of 24, wasn't the reason why she became more motivated because of Francis' death?Then if I changed Francis' death, Kallen would not have transformed into the strongest Valkyrie in the entire destiny, and Otto would not have aroused the desire in his heart to study those technologies desperately, and it would be impossible to successfully revive him. In Shaniat during the Black Death, Otto is even more unlikely to live to be five hundred years old, and Teresa will not be born, and Kiana's body k423 is even less likely to be manufactured. Wouldn't it be even more difficult for me to find the Herrscher of the End alone?
After Ye Yu communicated with these, he ignored Francis, but rushed directly to Karen and Otto, hugged them, and then directly showed Susanoo's mature body, enveloping the three of them, Prepare to defend against the fiery impact of the Heavenly Fire Tribunal.

And Francis is also stupid. Ye Yu is by his side, but he has nothing to do to die. He won't use the powerful combat power around him to destroy the Houkai Beast, and Ye Yu's strength is even stronger than him. A hundred times as much, how could it be possible to lose to these Houkai beasts? Immediately, Francis cut the Heavenly Fire Saint into a big sword.Francis raised the big sword in his hand and shouted at the remaining Honkai Beasts, "Heavenly Fire, unsheath."

Suddenly, a huge heat wave of energy impacted the town square, while Karen and Otto were wrapped in Susanoo by Ye Yu.Feeling the heat energy coming from the interior of the current Susanoo, Ye Yu directly increases the energy output of the flames of Susanoo, almost making the flames solidify, and absorbs the heat energy of the flames from the outside from the Heavenly Fire Sect. hold back.

"No——!! Don't!!" Karen watched Francis use the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, and finally burned herself, and cried out sadly looking at Francis' back with tears, and even tried to stop Francis from stopping The launch of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, while Otto was quietly watching the scene in front of him.

Ye Yu grabbed Karen's hand to prevent her from leaving Susanoo's range. Seeing her madly wanting to rush out, Ye Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore and yelled directly at Karen, "Idiot! What do you want to do now? What are you doing?! You will die if you go out! Didn’t you see that I am now using my strength to block the flame heat from the Holy Order of Heavenly Fire? Have you forgotten what I said last night? Now Francis directly uses the Holy Order of Heavenly Fire , this full blow has reached the level of the seventh level, what will happen to you if you go out now besides sending you to death?!"

"Do you know what the core of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order is made of? The eighth-level seventh Herrscher, the strength of the seventh herrscher has reached the strength of the eighth-level two-star, and the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order uses the seventh law It is made of the core of the ruler, and the full force of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment can even hurt the Herrscher, are you going now to let your father die in peace?!" As for Otto, who was on the side, he couldn't understand what Ye Yu was saying at all. Tier Xing or something, looked at Ye Yu with a confused face, and Ye Yu felt that the heat energy from the outside world had gradually decreased, and finally removed Susano directly.

 Note, there are super beast armed things in the next chapter, you can jump if you don’t think it looks good, and Otto will put on a hat in the next chapter/funny
(End of this chapter)

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