Travel from the collapse

Chapter 123 The Conflict Between Ji Zi and Qiyana

Chapter 123 The Conflict Between Ji Zi and Qiyana

Listening to those words that seemed to be said by herself, Yae Sakura was stunned.

Those words seem to have been experienced by herself, and they seem to have known each other, but Yae Sakura feels that she has no such memory, even if she was born until now, she has never said these words in her memory, which makes Yae Sakura very puzzled .

"Sakura! Sakura! What's wrong with you, Sakura?!" Kallen's voice came from Yae Sakura's ear, and Yae Sakura who came back to her senses looked at Kallen's worried face, and looked at Kallen with a little confusion.

"Sakura, what happened to you just now? Why didn't you react at all, and your soul body seemed to be separated from the body just now." Karen looked at Yae Sakura very worriedly and said.

"'s okay, let's go back first." Yae Sakura looked at Karen in a little panic and said.

"Well, let's go back early. It seems that your condition today is not very good. It's better to go back earlier." Karen's worried eyes still did not disappear, and she looked at Yae Sakura and said worriedly.

Afterwards, Yae Sakura glanced at the coffee cup on her desk again, there was still a crack on it for some reason, and Yae Sakura had an ominous premonition in her heart.


new Zealand.

At this moment, Qiyana and the others stood in front of a girl in a wheelchair. The girl's hair was black on the outside, but inside it was a weird green color.

Qiyana looked at the girl, and asked with some doubts, "Who are you, why are you in this kind of place?" For the girl in front of her, Kiyana was still a little wary in her heart, after all, in this kind of place where no shit It is really strange that there are still living people appearing and acting here at will.

"Well, hello, my name is Wendy, and I'm one of the Valkyries here." Wendy said timidly.

"Detected, [Longing Gem]... is the girl in front of us!" Bronya looked at Wendy who was sitting in the wheelchair, and said with some hesitation.

"Huh?! What?! You mean, Wendy is [Desiring Gem]?!" Mei, who was on the side, was shocked. It's really absurd that the experimental subject of [Desiring Gem] would be such a timid girl.

"Although Bronya was also taken aback, the reloaded bunny shows the girl in front of her." Bronya replied truthfully.

And at this moment, Kiyana's communication equipment rang, and a mature female voice came from inside, and said very calmly, "Qiana!"

"Jizi, what the hell is Destiny doing? You put [Desire Gem] on such a weak girl, are you insane?!" Kiyana said to Jizi with a slightly angry voice.

"Qiana, don't be impatient, the reason why Destiny put the [Desire Gem] on that girl is because the [Desire Gem] is very stable in her body, and there will be no accidents. In addition, you Don't underestimate that little girl, she used to be an A-rank Valkyrie anyway, and she is also known as the most potential S-rank Valkyrie." Ji Zi explained to Qiyana that she was very old.

"Fuck off, don't talk about such disgusting things with me, put it in her body for stability, then just take it out and throw it away for a while?" Qiyana said angrily.

"What you said is easy. When the Honkai broke out before, the outbreak directly caused the paralysis of the entire Oceania branch, and Wendy who was carrying the [Desire Gem] also disappeared. With our energy at the time, we couldn't get out at all. Look for her, but fortunately, the location of the satellite positioning is where you are now, and our Far East Branch thinks it doesn't matter if you look for it first or later, anyway, there is plenty of time, and the action of anti-entropy is not so important at all. Quickly find the [Desire Gem]." Ji Zi said with a cold snort.

Faced with Jizi's cold snort, Qiyana was a little furious. Since destiny made it impossible for a girl to stand up and fight again, why didn't she take good care of her? Now that something happened to her, you just leave her behind. On the other hand, I don't care about it at all, as an ordinary person, I would probably be angry when encountering such a thing.

Kiyana directly crushed the communicator with her hands, then looked at Wendy at the side, and asked gently, "Wendy, come with us, we will make you stand up again, come with us to St. Freya Academy, okay?" Kiyana showed that very warm smile, looked at Wendy, and waited for her response.

Mei on the side turned on the communicator, while Jizi on the opposite side of the communicator listened to what Kiyana just said, word for word, and said to Kiyana in a cold voice, "Don't waste your time in vain!" It’s useless to strengthen Qiyana, [Desire Gem] is safest only if it stays in Wendy’s body, if you take out [Desire Gem], [Desire Gem] will become It's extremely unstable, and [Desire Gem] will also dissipate in the air..." As he spoke, Ji Zi stopped hesitantly, and looked at Qiyana with a cold face through the communicator.

"In the end, several cities will be destroyed because of the powerful Honkai Energy, am I right?" Kiyana looked at Jizi coldly and said coldly.

"Well, that's why the headquarters issued an order to keep the [Gem of Desire] stored in Wendy's body." Ji Zi replied truthfully.

On the other hand, Wendy watched the confrontation between the two, gritted her teeth and waited for what they would do to her next.

"Hmph—! Destiny's technology is not good, but it doesn't mean that Yu's ability is not good. He was called a god in Europe 500 years ago. With his ability, he wants to take out and preserve [Desire Gem]. I think it should be very simple. Right." Kiyana confronted Ji Zi with a very cold tone.

Wendy on the side was shocked when she heard what Kiyana said, 500 years ago?What are they talking about?Regarding these questions, Wendy only understood that Kiyana said that her legs could still be healed, and that the [Desire Gem] in her body would also have a chance to be taken out, and a glimmer of hope ignited in her heart.

"Qiana, you are so silly and sweet. Do you think that Ye Yu will listen to you for no reason, and obediently take out the [Desire Gem] from Wendy's body? I know his character better than you. Back then when you were still there During the Abyss War, a senior member of the Far East branch contradicted him and was instantly killed. We don’t even know if he did anything. With his personality, you think Wendy might be able to take out 【Longing for gems】?" Ji Zi asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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