Travel from the collapse

Chapter 129 The Three Dying People

Chapter 129 The Dying Three
Inside Ye Yu's house.

At this time, Yae Sakura was watching TV, holding the snacks in her hands while watching and eating snacks. Immediately, Yae Sakura sensed four familiar auras above St. Freya Academy, three of which had almost disappeared. At the critical point, there is still a strange one, but it is not a big problem.

Yae Sakura felt the three breaths, and found that the one that was closest to disappearing was Mei's breath, and then hurriedly shouted at Icarus who was still cleaning, "Icarus! Quick! You used it for Kiana earlier. What about the medicine?!"

Icarus, who was cleaning, was suddenly startled by Yae Sakura's voice, looked at Yae Sakura calmly and said, "Sister Sakura, what's wrong?"

"There's no time to explain! Hurry up! Come with me! Help!" Yae Sakura hurriedly shouted at Icarus.After the words fell, Yae Sakura got up and flew out of the window, flying to the sky above Saint Freya Academy.

At this moment, Mei has seriously overdrawn her energy, even her life energy, Mei has also used it together, if Mei does not receive treatment within 5 minutes, Mei will die due to the overdraw of life energy within 5 minutes.

Tianyi in Mei's body watched Mei's crazy behavior, and kept robbing Mei's body, trying to gain control of Mei's body, and let Mei stop the energy overdraw. After all, if Mei died, she had to die, and, for For Tianyi, Mei is not only her closest person, but also her best sister, and also the person who knows Mei best.

Tianyi looked at Mei's actions helplessly. At this time, she really hated why she couldn't be stronger. If she could be stronger, she could defeat the Fourth Herrscher in a crushing way, and the energy in Mei's body was not strong enough. There will be only a little bit left, and Mei doesn't need to overdraw her energy to break through the limit and fly back to Saint Freya, and Mei doesn't have to suffer from the pain of this overdraw.

Tianyi hated herself why she didn't cultivate well when she was a Herrscher, why she insisted on seeing her best sister dying and being powerless, Tianyi felt all kinds of powerlessness in her heart, she really felt that she was really too weak.

At this time, Mei had already flown to the playground of St. Freya Academy, and made an emergency landing. Everyone rolled on the floor and rolled more than ten meters away. At this moment, except for Wendy, all three of them were dying.

After Yae Sakura came to the playground of St. Freya Academy, she found four people lying on the playground, three of whom were Mei, Kiana, and Bronya.Yae Sakura felt that the aura of the three people was on the verge of disappearing, knowing that they were about to die, she used the energy to drag the three people in front of her, and used the energy in her body to hang the lives of the three people with all her strength. After all, Yae Sakura didn't know any healing methods. They can only hang their lives with energy.

At the same time, Icarus also flew near Yae Sakura, looked at the unconscious Mei three, looked at Yae Sakura with a serious expression, and said, "Sister Sakura, what is going on?"

"Stop talking nonsense! It feels like the medicine is hanging their lives! They are dying!" At this moment, Yae Sakura was about to burst into tears, and yelled directly at Icarus.But this is also true. For Yae Sakura, Mei can be said to be Yae Sakura's apprentice and her good sister. If Mei dies, she will be sad for the rest of her life. She doesn't want to experience the death of people around her. She really had had enough of the uncomfortable feeling that everyone around her died.

After being yelled at by Yae Sakura, Icarus quickly took out three medicines from his light wings and put them in the mouths of the three of Mei, and then poured the same water into them again, and fed them three people.

Ten minutes later, Kiyana was the first to wake up. Seeing that she had already flown into the air, she looked around in astonishment. Then she found Yae Sakura in front of her. She looked at Yae Sakura in surprise and asked, "Sakura Sister! Why are you here?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, come down quickly, don't occupy the position, you are consuming my energy by occupying that position." Yae Sakura said to Qiyana impatiently.

Facing Yae Sakura's impatient words, Kiyana honestly flew down from above, looked at Mei and Bronya who were still suspended in mid-air, and said to Icarus with some doubts, " Sister Angel, what happened to Mei and the others?" Looking at the pair of white wings behind Icarus, Kiyana was really curious, but she also knew that this was probably Ye Yu's bad taste, so she ignored Icarus Case.

"Just call me Icarus. As for Mei and the others, they are not out of danger yet. They are sent to rescue after all. Otherwise, even if they hang their lives with drugs, it will only delay the time of death." Icarus was very helpless Shaking his head, he let out a long sigh.

"Eh~!? What happened?" Kiyana looked at Icarus with a puzzled expression.

"Don't you know?" Facing Kiyana's ignorant face, Icarus was very surprised, and then she thought again, Kiyana was the least injured of the three, and probably the first One fell down, so there shouldn’t be any serious problems, so he explained to Kiana, “The control chip in Bronya’s brain was burned, causing her current brain to be on the verge of death. And Mei It's even worse, Mei's physical condition can be said to be hanging by a thread, if there is no master to take action, Mei will die due to severe overdrawing of life energy."

"What?! Overdrafting life energy?! What did Mei do?! Why overdrawing life energy?!" Kiyana couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing what Icarus said, Mei actually overdrawn life energy? !Seriously overdrawing life energy is almost [-]% certain death.

Immediately, Kiyana reacted immediately, just now Icarus said that the control chip in Bronya's brain was burned?Could it be that Mei is overdrawing her life energy for Bronya?Thinking of this, Kiyana was really angry. First, Mei abandoned her and chose Ye Yu. Although they were still good sisters, but this time, she seriously overdrawn her life for Bronya. Thinking of this Kiyana really hated herself, hated why she couldn't be stronger, she used such trouble when fighting Bronya, directly crushed Bronya and brought her back, and Mei didn't have to overdraw her life energy for the sake of Bronya became like this.

And here, Qiyana finally understood what Ye Yu said at the beginning, she is not strong, and now she is still very weak, and it is difficult to fight against Bronya when she is injured. An enemy stronger than Bronya, but he was injured at that time, if he couldn't beat the opponent and asked Mei to rescue him, the final ending would still be like this today.

(End of this chapter)

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