Travel from the collapse

Chapter 135 Icarus' First Battle

Chapter 135 Icarus' First Battle

"I see. Mei, get ready to fight, you will be needed to deal with the judgment-level Honkai beast later, and I will fight with all my strength when I get to the laboratory of destiny, and I will support you until you come over." Deli After Sha responded to Icarus, she gave orders to Mei who was on the side, and then she was ready to attack Destiny.

"I know the principal." Mei said with a serious face.

"Okay, you don't need to call me headmaster anymore, I'm just a traitor to destiny now, not the headmaster of St. Freya Academy anymore, and your current generation is at least a level higher than mine. "Theresa waved her hand, saying that she was no longer the headmaster of St. Freya Academy, and she still didn't forget to tease Mei.

After all, Mei is now one of Ye Yu's wives. Regarding the relationship of seniority, Teresa would probably call Mei more mother.Thinking of this, Teresa couldn't help but feel that the information in her mind was very messy. One of her students turned into an existence of the same level as her mother, which made Teresa feel very speechless.

"Theresa, a large number of Honkai beasts have been detected five kilometers away from the Helios, and the judge-level Honkai beast Benares is about to arrive on the battlefield." Ai-chan said suddenly.

"I see. Mei, get ready for battle, Icarus fire support, and clean up the small Honkai beasts." Teresa ordered solemnly.

"Understood." Icarus replied indifferently, as if the nearly [-] Honkai beasts were very simple to her.

Immediately, Icarus unfolded his divine thoughts and looked at the densely packed Honkai beasts five kilometers away from Helios, "All targets are locked, and there are [-] air-to-air missiles that are permanently tailed. All are launch. "

As soon as the words fell, the pair of pink wings behind Icarus turned into pink light wings, and missiles were continuously fired from inside the light wings, aiming at all the Houkai beasts five kilometers away.

And those Houkai beasts who were five kilometers away saw a figure floating above the battleship in front of them, trying to rush up and tear the opponent apart, but the next moment, they found that there were countless densely packed people flying over there. The black dots, the most primitive animal senses make them feel the danger of those black dots, and they are ready to avoid those black dots.

However, Icarus's permanent tail-rearing air-to-air missiles are not so easy to hide. As the name implies, after all the missiles lock onto their targets, they start bombing those Honkai beasts one after another.

Boom boom boom...! !

Huge explosions continued to sound over the Pacific Ocean, and most of the Houkai beasts locked by Icarus were directly killed, and a small part of them were lucky enough to guide all the permanent tail-rearing air-to-air missiles. In front of the companions, the two missiles collided and exploded before they could turn and track.

Facing the remaining Honkai Beasts, Icarus felt that it was better to eliminate them. If there were too many remaining, it would easily cause trouble for Helios.

Seeing that there were only a few Honkai beasts left, Teresa stopped Icarus and said, "Miss Icarus, wait a moment, stop chasing them."

"Huh?! Why, attacking Destiny later will cause trouble for you." Icarus frowned slightly, wondering why Teresa stopped by herself.

"Miss Icarus, we must preserve our combat power later. Didn't Dad just say that we might encounter the Herrscher later?" Teresa explained.

"Okay, I will protect you if the Herrscher of the End appears later, after all, according to Yu's speculation, if the Herrscher of the End's consciousness descends on that Kiyana of Destiny himself, the initial state of the Herrscher is the lowest It is also a four-star fairy rank, and it is not something you can resist." Icarus replied solemnly, facing the combat power of the Final Herrscher, she could not make up her mind. According to the speculation, the consciousness descended at least at the level of the four-star fairy rank, and her strength now only exists at the nine-star fairy rank, and this is in addition to the Uranus system behind her light wings.

According to Ye Yu, the Herrscher of the Last Yan may even be the spirit of the plane. If it is the spirit of the plane, even Ye Yu himself is not [-]% sure to defeat it. After all, every spirit of the plane At least at the level of gods, the weaker the strongest in the plane, the stronger the spirit of the plane, because if the strongest in the plane is just an ordinary person, the origin of the world that the son of the plane possesses is There are almost none. In this case, the spirit of the plane can monopolize nearly the entire world source. At that time, if the opponent of the source of a world is the enemy, then the opponent's realm is at least nine stars above the god level, which is not possible for them at all. The existence of victory.

"Okay, I got it." Facing what Icarus said, Teresa was very helpless. Ye Yu's guess was that the combat power of the Herrschers was far superior to them. Even if Mei could use the power of law, but If she wanted to use her mortal strength to fight the final Herrscher of the fairy rank, she would be hitting a stone with an egg.

Afterwards, Helios sailed all the way to the front of an airport at the headquarters of Destiny, while Icarus directly entered the Helios, ready to wait for a while to fight.However, when heading to the largest airport of the Tianming headquarters, an accident happened.

"Theresa, what do you want that kind of toy for?" Suddenly, the communication screen on the Helios was automatically displayed, and Otto looked at Theresa with a loving and naughty granddaughter in his eyes, very calm road.

"Heh... Go back obediently. Everyone has a rebellious period. I won't blame you for being naive." Otto looked at Theresa who resisted him, and looked at Theresa with doting eyes with interest road.

Just when Teresa was about to mock Otto, Icarus looked at Otto and said, "Sure enough, Yu is right, you are an idiot."

"Hey—! Ms. Angel, the feather you are talking about is Ye Yu? Why do you say I am an idiot?" Looking at the pair of pink wings behind Icarus, Otto knew that it was likely to be 500 Years ago, the ghost created by Ye Yu, who lived with his childhood sweetheart, was the only person in this world who could create some weird things, but what he did not expect was that there would be ghosts in this world. Such a beautiful angel as Icarus.

"Humph——! It seems that you are not really stupid. As for saying that you are an idiot, I am really not wrong about this, no... To be more accurate, it should be said that you are a lunatic. In your technological world Here, with this level of technology, you still want to control the Herrscher who is one of the spirits of the planes, it's ridiculous." Icarus taunted Otto with disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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