Travel from the collapse

Chapter 145 The Final Battle

Chapter 145 The Final Battle ([-])

boom boom-

The relationship between Ye Yu and the spirit of the plane is close to the white-hot stage. At this moment, Ye Yu is soaked in blood. Although most of the blood comes from the spirit of the plane, he has completely gone berserk at this moment. The ghost hand erupted directly, and at this moment he had turned into a killing weapon.

"Roar!" Ye Yu's beast-like roar directly rushed towards the spirit of the plane, and the weapons of the two collided again, and this time, the earth, which itself was not very strong, had become extremely fragile Now, if they bear the impact of the battle between the two of them again, they will be destroyed directly.

After the weapons of the two collided again, Ye Yu quickly reached out and grabbed the plane spirit by the neck, and directly threw her out, making an intimate contact with the ground.


"Dragon Emperor! You lunatic!!" After being thrown to the ground, the spirit of the plane directly knocked the ground out of a huge hole.The spirit of the plane looked at Ye Yu with a ferocious expression. Facing Ye Yu's ferocious attack, the spirit of the plane couldn't resist it. It is really powerless.

"Roar!" Ye Yu didn't seem to hear what the spirit of the plane said, so he bent over and rushed towards the spirit of the plane, and stepped on the arm of the spirit of the plane.


"Ahh!!" Ye Yu's power directly crushed the plane spirit's arm, and after continuing to growl, he stretched out his right hand to grab the plane spirit lying on the ground, and directly lifted him up.

"Dragon Emperor! You bastard, let go of my old lady!!" The spirit of the plane helplessly grabbed Ye Yu's wrist and beat it desperately, trying to break Ye Yu's wrist directly.However, what made her desperate was that Ye Yu didn't seem to know the pain, and insisted on pinching the neck of the spirit of the plane, and the strength in his hands continued to increase, which made the spirit of the plane feel that his neck was about to be pinched by Ye Yu Broken in general.

"Even... a lunatic... so what? As long as I can... protect... her... I will... kill... all...human beings in the... dimension... I will not hesitate... Roar— ——" After Ye Yu regained a bit of sanity, he watched the spirit of the plane speak out his own thoughts with some difficulty. This was something he had hidden for a long time. For the spirit of the plane, he only regarded her as Yae Sakura's substitute at most, and he didn't really think that she was Yae Sakura.

After finishing speaking, Ye Yu couldn't help roaring, and the strength in his hands increased again. At this moment, he had already pinched the neck of the plane spirit with all his strength.The inspiration of the plane felt that her neck was about to be cut off by Ye Yu, and then opened her palm to the void, and the magic weapon she dropped not far away flew back into her hand.

The spirit of the plane holding the divine weapon slashed directly at Ye Yu's arm, and cut off Ye Yu's arm. Feeling that the strength on the neck had disappeared, the spirit of the plane quickly grabbed Ye Yu's arm. The severed arm from his neck was removed and thrown aside, looking at Ye Yu with a very ugly expression.

"Dragon Emperor, you really haven't changed from back then. At that time, when I was still weak, I watched you slaughter those chaotic powerhouses in the four-dimensional world. Back then, I really wanted to rush up and kill you. You did it for that magic fox back then. Enemy against all dimensions, nearly 5000 chaotic holy spirit powerhouses did not kill you, and you killed nearly 3000 powerhouses. It took [-] trillion years to heal the injury, if I tell you about you now, what do I think you will do?" The spirit of the plane looked at Ye Yu angrily, and roared ferociously.

"Roar!" Ye Yu didn't pay attention to the spirit of the plane. The pain of the severed arm made him growl continuously. The flesh at the mouth of the severed arm was slowly wriggling. A brand new arm grew out again, and the arm was covered with pale golden blood.

Ye Yu's hair gradually turned scarlet, the Sharingans of both eyes were directly covered, and even the whites of the eyes turned scarlet, and a bloody scarlet gradually appeared on the right hand of Ye Yu who kept roaring. The giant sword, holding a lightsaber and a giant sword in both hands, rushed towards the spirit of the plane.

"This posture..." The spirit of the plane looked at Ye Yu, whose hair had become extremely scarlet, and his face changed drastically. Before he could finish speaking, the spirit of the plane felt a pain in his abdomen, and flew thousands of kilometers away in an instant .

"Pfft! It's not good, that was the most terrifying state of big brother before. Big brother is determined to kill me." With a miserable smile on his face, the spirit of the plane watched as he kicked himself into pieces. Seriously injured Ye Yu.

"Roar!" Ye Yu kept roaring, the blade of the giant sword in his hand was slowly covered with a layer of gray energy, and it came to the plane spirit's body instantly from a distance of thousands of kilometers. In front of him, he cut down from the right shoulder to the left waist of the spirit of the plane.

"Ahhh!!" The spirit of the plane who was hit hard again couldn't help but screamed. The gray energy attached to the sword prevented the original recovery ability of the spirit of the plane, and the wound kept bleeding.

After part of the long pink hair of the Plane Spirit was dyed red, he looked at Ye Yu with a miserable smile and said, "Big brother, congratulations...your strength... has recovered again..." Before finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and fell from the sky.

"...Sakura?!" Ye Yu glanced at the pale face, and instantly mistook the spirit of the plane for Yae Sakura. After regaining his sanity, he looked at the spirit of the plane that had fallen, his eyes slightly dull Looking at the fallen plane spirit.

Ye Yu, who came back to his senses, rushed to the plane spirit in an instant, held the plane spirit in his arms, and hurriedly asked, "Hello! Are you... Xiaoxiao?"

Hearing the call in his ear, the spirit of the plane opened his eyes again, looked at Ye Yu, and said with a pale smile, ", you...finally...remember..."

"Hey! Xiaoxiao, don't go! Xiaoxiao!!" Ye Yu called Xiaoxiao loudly, trying to keep her from falling asleep.

", although...your strength...has recovered, but for you," Saying this, Xiaoxiao forcefully pushed Ye Yu away, and directly He will exhaust his last strength against the sky.

"My...familiars, come out!!" Xiaoxiao roared angrily.A huge black hole reappeared in the sky, and Benares flew out of it continuously. Ye Yu used his Sharingan to check the number, and something that surprised him appeared again. After leaving Benares, there were nearly ten thousand heads, and they looked at Xiaoxiao with astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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