Travel from the collapse

Chapter 164 Ye Yu Who Restored Her Memory

Chapter 164 Ye Yu Who Restored Her Memory

chaotic space.

Yae Sakura put Ye Yu on the Soul Purification Lotus, and used the power in her body to start warming Ye Yu's soul, and at the same time slowly using her power to warm and nourish Ayato Amagiri's body, if Aya Amagiri Dou's body exploded, and it would be difficult for Ye Yu's soul to return to her body.

"Yu, you have to hold on, if your current soul explodes this body, no one can help you return to your own body." The energy transmission in Yae Sakura's hand did not stop, and her face was a little He looked at Ye Yu who was feeling extremely uncomfortable at the moment.

At this moment, Ye Yu was enduring great pain in Ayagi Ayato's body, soul repair, and Ayagi Ayato's body was under that kind of swelling pressure, which made Ye Yu extremely uncomfortable.

"I... who am I?!" In the darkness, Ye Yu struggled uncomfortably. The huge pressure from his soul made him uncomfortable. Ayato Amagiri's body became a little swollen. The body has not yet reached the fifth level, and Ye Yu's soul can easily explode Ayato Amagiri's body.

"Who are you? Why do you feel so familiar to me?" In Ayato Amagiri's body, Ye Yu looked at the memory in his soul, Yae Sakura and others appeared in his mind, Ye Yu was puzzled, Suffering great physical pain.

Ye Yu's soul breath spread throughout the chaotic space. The women of Ye Yu felt Ye Yu's soul breath, and they came outside the villa one after another, rushing towards the direction of Yae Sakura. After a while, Ye Yu's women all Arriving at Yae Sakura's side, she looked at Ayato Amagari on the Pure Soul Lotus with suspicion.

"Sister Sakura, what's going on here? Why did Yu's soul breath appear on that man?" Mei looked at Yae Sakura suspiciously and asked.

"Before Yu ran away and his soul escaped, and directly landed in that boy's body, now the boy's physical toughness must be raised to level five or above, otherwise, once this boy's body is blown by Yu, it will be very difficult for Yu in the future." I'm back in my body." Yae Sakura looked at the suffering Ye Yu with a serious expression, Amegiri Ayato's fragile body put Yu under tremendous pressure.

"Then what is the maximum level of this boy's body now?" Tian Yi on the side asked suspiciously.

"That boy's body will swell into this shape. I'm afraid his body is only at the level of a first-order six-star." Kallen on the side looked at the state where Ayato Amagiri's body had swelled into a ball, and his face was very dignified. If the level is raised to the fifth level, the energy required for it will probably not be small.

Emilia on the side looked at Ye Yu who had swelled into a ball, bit her lip, and said to Yae Sakura, "Sister Sakura, let me directly transmit energy to Yu Yu's current body, anyway, I'm just The weakest of all, I still have a long time, and I can still cultivate slowly."

"This..." Yae Sakura hesitated, Ye Yu's other women are basically above the eighth rank, and Emilia is the only exception among them, only her strength has only reached the sixth rank, and, plus The problem with Emilia being a half-elf is that Emilia can live for a long time even if she loses all her powers.In the end, Yae Sakura gritted her teeth, determined to use her own power to increase the toughness of Ayato Amagiri's body to the fifth level.

Yae Sakura knows that she is currently the strongest in this. Although her current body has at least one star power at the stage of the Holy Spirit of Chaos, even if she consumes part of the energy to raise Ayato Amagiri's body to the fifth level It will lose too much energy. Although I can only use the power of the peak of the fairy rank at this moment, there is no big problem if I consume it.

Afterwards, when Yae Sakura was about to lift Ayato Amagiri's body, a black flame flew by and directly ignited Ayato Amagiri's body.

Yae Sakura was very surprised, then turned to look at Yae Rin who threw the black flame aside, looked at Yae Rin very puzzled and asked, "Rin, why did you set that boy's body on fire?"

"Sister is fine, I just used my fire power to temper the boy's body, what I got from my brother is the strongest Zihuo, it will be fine later, I'm completely fine." Yae Rin smiled lightly He looked at Yae Sakura and said.

"But, your strength..." Yae Sakura couldn't help but want to talk about her strength to Yae Rin, Yae Rin immediately interrupted, "Sister, you don't need to talk, I know my own strength, my strength At the level of the gods, the long-term tempering of the fire seed power directly made me reach the gods, so my brother and you can't see it. Sister Tianyi's is a bit different, her fire power is relatively weak, and now sister Tianyi's strength is no more than It's only three stars at the fairy level."

"The weakening of the power of the fire will only slow down the speed of my strength cultivation, there is no big problem." Yae Rin looked at Yae Sakura with a faint smile.

"Then... alright." Yae Sakura was very helpless, for Yae Rin's arbitrary decision, Ye Yu would probably be angry after waking up.

Slowly, the power of the Chaos Flame Seed gradually tempered Tianwu Lingdou's body to the sixth level. At this moment, Ye Yu's soul could stay quietly in Tianwu Lingdou's body, and Ye Yu's soul could also stay in Tianwu Lingdou's body. Because Yae Rin's fire power has been restored, all of Ye Yu's memories at this moment have been completely restored, and Amagari Ayato's swollen body has slowly returned to its original state.

A few hours later, Ye Yu slowly opened his eyes and looked at the women around him, tears streaming down his face, especially when he saw Yae Sakura, he couldn't hide his excitement at all.

"Sakura..." Ye Yu's trembling voice softly called Yae Sakura's name. For him, seeing Yae Sakura again at this moment is really a blessing from the heavens. Ye Molong's battle made him crazy. Let him be buried with people who want to kill the whole world, but now that Yae Sakura is standing in front of him safe and sound, Ye Yu's heart filled with killing has also calmed down.

"Welcome back, Yu, we have been waiting for you to come back." Yae Sakura couldn't help but shed tears that made her happy. When she saw Ye Yu when she was tired, her excited heart was completely exposed. At this moment, she just wanted to be quiet. Staying in Ye Yu's arms, it can prove that her efforts were not in vain.

Ye Yu's soul has been completely restored at this moment, and now the only thing left is to recover on the weak soul.Ye Yu quickly rushed to Yae Sakura, hugged Yae Sakura, and happily hugged Yae Sakura and turned around.

"I'm back, thank you, Sakura." Ye Yu's tender voice echoed in Yae Sakura's ears, and Yae Sakura shyly buried her head in Ye Yu's chest, quietly enjoying the night. Yu Yu's arms, although this is not Ye Yu's own body.

 Ye Yu: WTF, why does Mao feel that the top of his head is a little green?

  Author: Because the body you hold your wife with is not your own.

  Ye Yu: MMP
(End of this chapter)

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