Travel from the collapse

Chapter 195: Battle Demonized Constellation 6 Shovels

Chapter 195 The Battle Demonic Star Palace Six Shovels (adding another chapter to the gray world)
After Icarus and others deployed a barrier, Ye Yu finally let go of the boulder in his heart, his slender bangs covered his eyes, looked at Liu Gu and continued to ask, "Liu Gu, do you really have to Do you do that?"

"I said it, it's useless to talk more, use all your strength!" After saying that, the cold Liu Gu stabbed Ye Yu again with his halberd in his hand.And Ye Yu was still the same as before, constantly defending against Liu Gu's attacks.


The collision between the weapons sparked a lot of sparks, Ye Yu had no choice but to hold the bitter wheel to continuously defend against Liu Gu's attacks, after all he didn't want to hurt any of Liu Gu's.

"Liu Gu, stop. If you continue to fight like this, your angel will be shattered. In the end, your spirit crystal energy will disappear because of the broken angel, and you will die too." Ye Yu showed sad eyes and looked at Liu Gu. Stop persuading.

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's fight! I won't turn back!" Liu Gu looked at Ye Yu, his expression still cold, and shouted loudly at Ye Yu.

"Liu Gu, stop!" Ye Yu persuaded again.

"Shut up!" Liu Gu yelled again.

"Liu Gu..." This time, Ye Yu was interrupted by Liu Gu before he finished speaking, "Shut up!"


"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Liu Kui roared, sadly, she couldn't accept the fact that there were other women beside Ye Yu, and the reversed Liu Kui was using her spiritual power Unable to suppress his inner emotions, he could only cry unceasingly, crying helplessly like an abandoned child.

"Why?! Why did you treat me like this? What did I do wrong?" Liu Kui's crying felt like being bitten by a ghost in Ye Yu's heart, which was extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, he really wanted to hug Liu Gu into his arms to comfort her, but he couldn't.This time, the reason why the six scorpions of the Xinggong will reverse is all because of him, so Ye Yu has never been able to take that step.

Liu Kui's eyes were lifeless, and her whole body changed again at this moment, the black-purple spiritual outfit completely turned black, her hair, pupils, and even her whole body began to turn black, and her body began to be covered with scales.

"It's's over." Liu Gu, who had no gods in his eyes, held his angel in his hand, and the angel who was replaced by Liu Gu also flew to Liu Gu's side after the reversal. The angel of Lord Mieya and the Lord of Sealing began to merge into one.

"That's it? There's still this aura... Demon Race?!" Ye Yu couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw Liu Gu who had suddenly undergone a drastic change. Ye Yu knew quite well about the Demon Race.

In fact, Ye Yu felt something was wrong when he appeared in the world of Dating A Live. All the planets in the universe centered on the solar system are basically fine, but everything outside the solar system makes Ye Yu feel very strange.

The starry sky outside the solar system is filled with extremely strong magic breath, and that level is basically within the range of energy used by the fairy class.Generally, those whose strength is lower than the eight stars of the fairy rank basically cannot get close to everything outside the solar system.

But what makes Ye Yu strange is why there is a magic breath on Liu Gu's body. You know, most people will be demonized if they take a breath of magic breath. Only the strong can be purified, and there is only one solution to the chaotic holy spirit level, and that is to kill the infected.As for the method of purifying the devil's breath, no one has ever done it since ancient times, because if you want to purify the infected at the chaotic holy spirit level, you must have the strength beyond the chaotic holy spirit.

"Roar—" Liu Gu roared after losing his mind, and rushed towards Ye Yu holding two fused angel annihilation masters. The tin staff turned into a halberd, and began to attack Ye Yu frantically.

Ye Yu looked at Liu Gu, who had lost his mind, and quickly took out Barklum. After blocking Liu Gu's attack, he felt the breath on Barkrum, "This is, magic breath! This is a big trouble now. .”

Ye Yu's face was very ugly. At this moment, Liu Gu was completely infected, but he didn't know how Liu Gu was infected. If he could find the source, then Ye Yu would have a way to eliminate it and purify the demon in Liu Gu. interest.However, Ye Yu's biggest problem now is the source of the magic breath, and the second is strength.

Ye Yu's current strength is also at the two-star level of the fairy stage. If it wasn't for the previous space shock that allowed Ye Yu to store a lot of energy, otherwise, with Ye Yu's cultivation speed, he would have improved by one level in the fairy stage within half a year. Star, that is undoubtedly impossible.

However, the current Liukui absorbed Ye Yu's blood to make the blood of the chaotic dragons in his body pure. However, after the reversal, Liukui was directly affected by the magic breath because of the spiritual power suppressing the purity of the blood. , the purity of blood and the enhancement of strength also led to the accelerated demonization of Liu Gu, and the stronger the magic breath became, Liu Gu was completely demonized at this moment.

"Liu Gu, I'm sorry, but I will definitely not let you die." Ye Yu's slender bangs covered his pupils, tears flowed down Ye Yu's cheeks to his chin, and he clenched his hands tightly. Bucklum was already trembling violently, as if he felt Ye Yu's mournful cry.

"Thank you, Barklum, then, let us rescue Liu Gu." After saying that, Ye Yu held Barklum tightly, the blue light on the sword gradually turned into a pure white sword, and Ye Yu held the sword tightly. Tears rushed towards Liukui who was flying towards him.


"Cough..." Liu Gu spat out a mouthful of blood, and black air slowly flew out from the abdomen pierced by Ye Yu's Barkrum, and disappeared within the range of the solar system.

I don't know if it's because of the light or other reasons, but after the black air flew out of Liu Gu, Liu Gu's dragon form also changed back to the inverted posture, and then returned to the normal elf mode.

"I'm sorry, Liu Kui, I really... don't want you to die, I really don't want to lose you!" Ye Yu's sad tears flowed down, and she looked at the pale Liu Kui in grief, and could only keep saying Sorry, he supported Liu Gu with one hand and used healing energy to heal Liu Gu with the other hand.

"Ahem... It seems that I... can't... escape from your... palm, you... bastard..." Liu Xie looked at Ye Yu with a difficult tone Said with a pale wry smile.

"I won't let you leave me, Liu Gu, you must live on, I really don't want to lose you!" Ye Yu shed tears, dripping onto Liu Gu's face, and some even dripped onto Liu Gu's mouth middle.

 Well, let me tell you here, Barrum is another lightsaber, not the Barumuk sword in DNF.

(End of this chapter)

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