Travel from the collapse

Chapter 23 The 5th King's Selected Personnel

Chapter 23 The Fifth Selected Person

The mature Susanoo directly squeezed Elsa into a meat paste, and a large amount of blood directly stained the entire Susanoo's arm red.Seeing this scene in front of them, the people present couldn't help but feel disgusted, and it was too powerful to directly crush people to death like flies.

"Okay, can I return the badge now?" Ye Yu turned to look at Felut and asked, at this moment, Ye Yu suddenly froze in place, and after a while, appeared beside Ye Yu out of thin air There are two beautiful figures, one is a girl dressed in pink, and the other is wearing a white skirt.The two figures rushed forward and hugged Ye Yu, saying, "What's the matter with you, Yu? Why did we find you missing when we woke up? You are still seriously injured now, who hurt you?"

"Okay, okay, Sakura, Kallen, am I okay now? Besides, I am immortal. Unless someone can directly destroy a dimension, I will be immortal." Ye Yu said softly He comforted the two beauties in his arms.And these two people are Yae Sakura and Karen.

"Besides, in this world, no one can hurt me. I was unlucky. I wanted to travel to 500 years later, but I encountered turbulence in time and space. I couldn't escape and was severely injured." Ye Yu was helpless. Looking at the two women, he explained to them.

"Traveling through time and space?! Can you do this kind of thing?" Lai Yuesubaru looked at Ye Yu and said in horror.

"Traveling through time and space is extremely easy for me. But traveling through time and space is risky. If one is not good, he will die in the crack of time and space." Ye Yu looked at Lai Yue Subaru with disdain.

"Okay, Felt, do you want to hand in the badge or not?" Ye Yu asked, looking at Felt.

"Um... I'd better hand it over." Felut said as if he was sluggish, and when he finished speaking, Felut looked at Ye Yu and said loudly, "However, can I not be arrested after I hand in the badge?"

"Sah~, it's up to Reinhardt, it's none of my business whether I get caught or not, but...although you may not be able to leave later, you will definitely not be taken back." Ye Yu looked at Felt said mysteriously.

"Hey——, you'd better let me go, I won't dare again!" After finishing speaking, Felt immediately took out the badge and handed it to Emilia. Ye Yu's words made Felt creepy even more, and then said Emilia said, "I'm sorry, you saved my life, I will not repay you, I will return the stolen things to you, if it is very important, you must hide it so that it will not be stolen again next time."

"It's really strange to be advised by you like this." Emilia looked at Felut pretending to be angry.

Felut took out the badge and handed it to Emilia, and this process was directly seen by Reinhardt. Reinhardt couldn't help but looked at Felut with cold sweat on his forehead, and directly grabbed Felut's hand. Hand said to himself, "How could this happen?!"

"Okay, Reinhardt, this little guy is the heir of the former king of your Kingdom of Lugnica." Ye Yu looked at Reinhardt and said indifferently.

"Really?!" Reinhardt said excitedly.

Felut on the side couldn't understand what Ye Yu and Reinhardt were talking about at all, and only knew about the former king.Ye Yu turned to look at Felut and said, "Feilut, I know about your life experience, so let me tell you the truth, you are the heir of the prince who was the previous king of this country, so you Now you need to go to the king election meeting."

"What?! I don't want to participate in the king's election. What I hate the most are the nobles of this country. You ask me to participate in the king's election now. Why don't you just let me be killed by the intestine hunters?" Felut looked at Ye Yu and Reinhardt said.

"I'm sorry." After saying that, Reinhardt directly used magic power to stun Felut, then picked up Felut and looked at Ye Yu respectfully, "Your Excellency Ye Yu, thank you for helping me find the first The five kings choose."

"It's okay, as long as the king's election is found. In addition, you'd better not force this little guy. This little guy had a hard time when he was young, so you'd better be nice to her. If she doesn't want to participate in the king's election, you can Tell her to come to me." Ye Yu casually said to Reinhardt.

"Okay." After saying that, Reinhardt just wanted to get up and leave, and Lord Roma on the side roared at Reinhardt, "Your Excellency Reinhardt, since you want to take Felut away, why don't you directly Let her agree by herself, but forcibly stun her. Since you want to take Felut away by force, then you can only walk over the old man's body."

Seeing that the agitated Master Roma was trying to stop Reinhardt, Ye Yu immediately said to Master Roma, "Okay, Master Roma, now Reinhardt is bringing Felut to the capital. , and Felut was originally the heir of the previous generation of princes, although the previous generation of princes did not die, but now she is only going back to her home, if you prevent her from going home now, then I think you will really die."

"Anyway, the old man has lived a long time, and he has lived enough. Now the old man just wants to have a child to spend the rest of his life with the old man, but now you are taking Felut away. What do you want the old man to do? I can take it!!" Lord Luo Mu shouted at Ye Yu.

"Do you really think that Felut won't remember you?" Ye Yu asked, looking at Master Rom indifferently.

"..." Lord Roma fell silent instantly after hearing Ye Yu's words. He didn't know what Felt would think, but he believed that Felt would never hurt him.

Ye Yu looked at the silent Lord Luo Mu and said again, "She was raised by you, and she also said that she will not repay her kindness, so if she becomes the king of this country, first The first person that comes to mind will definitely be you."

In the end, Lord Roma was persuaded by Ye Yu, let go of his inner grudges, and asked Reinhardt to take Felut away, and Reinhardt said gratefully to Ye Yu, "Thank you, Your Excellency Ye Yu, thank you You can convince that old man to let me take His Royal Highness Felut away."

"It's not a big deal, but I still say the same thing, don't bully this child. The reason why I treat her better is because I have had a similar experience to her in the past, so I can't help but feel a little sympathy." Ye Yu said indifferently .

"That's right!" Reinhardt suddenly realized.

"Okay, but by the way, Lai Yuesubaru, don't you really want to look at your stomach?" Ye Yu turned his gaze to Lai Yuesubaru who fell to the side and said.

Lai Yuesubaru looked at her stomach, then looked at Ye Yu and said, "It's okay!" After saying that, Ye Yu looked at Lai Yue Subaru helplessly, then raised three fingers and said, "Three... two... …one."

As soon as the words fell, Lai Yue Subaru's coat was torn open, and then Lai Yue Subaru's skin began to slowly overflow with blood, and finally there was a big spurt of blood, and then he fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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