Travel from the collapse

Chapter 42 Wilhelm

Chapter 42 Wilhelm
Icarus looked at Ye Yu suspiciously, and said lightly, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"'s nothing." Ye Yu glanced to the side in a panic, and said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Oh, then...Master, Icarus has gone to clean up." After saying that, Icarus disappeared in front of Ye Yu.Ye Yu's embarrassing expression was seen by Lamu and Rem on the side, and Rem stepped forward and asked Ye Yu, "Master Ye Yu, what happened?" Looking at Ye Yu with perverted eyes.

Ye Yu ignored Ram, who was on the side, turned to look at Rem, and said in a panic, "'s nothing." A drop of sweat dripped from Ye Yu's forehead, which made his heart feel extremely nervous.

"Are you really alright? Master Ye Yu, your forehead is sweating." Rem looked at Ye Yu with a worried expression on his face.

"It's all right!" Seeing that Rem didn't say anything else, Ye Yu couldn't help letting go of the boulder in her heart, and said while looking at Rem with a smile.

On the other hand, Ram looked at the perverted eyes, and then left Ye Yu and the others without saying anything.

Yae Sakura, Karen, and Emilia, who had been watching Ye Yu practicing sword skills, didn't say anything, but walked to the side and looked at Ye Yu lightly, "How is it? New fighting methods its not bad, right?"

"It's okay, the power of this sword intent is not bad, at least it can be used at the level of the gods. As for the way of the sword, I plan to comprehend it after the five-star level of the gods. Although, the stars of the gods have different stages, but for me It doesn't matter if you say that the realm is only for those who have bottlenecks. As a child of the Dimensional Rules, coupled with the heaven-defying physique of the Chaos Devouring Body, it can basically be said that there is no bottleneck at all." Ye Yu looked at The three of them explained in a straightforward manner.

"Then..." Yae Sakura looked at Ye Yu, and said with some hesitation, but Yae Sakura only said one word, and stopped saying anything, but turned her head to look aside with a slightly embarrassed expression.

In fact, Yae Sakura also wanted to use Soderos' sword god inheritance orb that Ye Yu had used. After all, it recorded a strong man who could challenge monsters at the peak of the fairy rank with only the ninth rank. People are very powerful, and Yae Sakura is also a person who likes to pursue the ultimate swordsmanship, so Soderos' inheritance orb is very attractive to Yae Sakura.

Although Yae Sakura has also comprehended a trace of sword intent from Ye Yu, but it is far from enough for Yae Sakura's desire.

"What's the matter?" Ye Yu was a little puzzled, Yae Sakura's sudden situation made him a little puzzled, after all, he didn't like to observe his lover's actions, and he didn't like to read his lover's mind.Although Karen's incident was just an accident, at that time Karen and Ye Yu were still confirming their relationship, so Ye Yu was a little more straightforward, directly observing Karen's actions, expressions, and eyes, and read all the things in her heart. think.

As for Yae Sakura, it can be said that after Yae Sakura took Ye Yu home, Ye Yu never read Yae Sakura's mind. After Ye Yu's rebirth, the first family member is Yae Sakura, who is his favorite sister. He is also the person he loves the most.

"'s nothing, I just want to..." Yae Sakura's intermittent words made Ye Yu a little anxious. If there is any question to ask, it's not like I won't agree.It is basically impossible for Ye Yu to refuse Yae Sakura's request. As a patient with severe sister-conflict, Ye Yu can agree to any request of her sister.

"I just want Soderos' inheritance orb, right?" Ye Yu simply stopped adhering to those principles and went all out, read Yae Sakura's mind, then looked at Yae Sakura and said with a faint smile.

"Well, I... I really want Soderos' inheritance orb." Yae Sakura looked at Ye Yu in a very embarrassed way.

"Here, here you go, just say what you want, I will agree to all your requests, after all, you are my sister and the one I love deeply." After saying that, Ye Yukong took out a Soderos He put the orb into Yae Sakura's hand, then hugged Yae Sakura again, and said tenderly.

"I..." Yae Sakura wanted to say something, but she hesitated to speak, and just let Ye Yu hug her quietly.

An old man with white hair in front of the mansion, wearing a ponytail, looked at Ye Yu and Yae Sakura who were embracing each other not far away, and couldn't help smiling, but there was a slight frown in his smile, as if he was dissatisfied with something.

Ye Yu also noticed the old man's gaze, walked straight forward, looked at the old man and said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Ye Yu, who is your Excellency?" Although Ye Yu knew the name of the old man in front of him, but out of politeness , I still asked.

"The old man is just a deacon of the Karsten family, not a big man." The old man stopped and said calmly.

"No, I can see that your body is very strong, and you have a domineering spirit that is different from ordinary people. Presumably, you must not be a simple person." Ye Yu squinted, looked at the old man and said calmly.

"Emmm, well, old man Wilhelm Van Astrea, grandfather of the current Juggernaut, please take care of him." Wilhelm said lightly.

Ye Yu looked at Wilhelm, paused, and then said, "What does the old man think of Wang Xuan?"

"Is the king elected? Although the old man cannot guarantee that His Highness Crusch will become the king, but the old man will try his best to help His Highness Crusch become the king of the kingdom." Wilhelm looked at Ye Yu and said calmly.Wilhelm looked at Ye Yu, and also felt Ye Yu's situation, and found that Ye Yu had no aura of a strong person at all. There were only two situations. One, Ye Yu was just an ordinary person, but this It's impossible. The information I got from my grandson is that Ye Yu's strength is extraordinary. He didn't even make a move. He just opened his eyes and used his ability to instantly kill the frightening intestinal hunter in the capital. Then there is only one situation left, Ye Yu's strength surpasses him too much, and he can no longer feel it, but he can feel his breath in front of Reinhardt, but Ye Yu can't feel it at all .

Wilhelm looked at Ye Yu, thinking that the future of this little guy in front of him was limitless, and lamented that he was old and didn't have that kind of talent, let alone that kind of strength.

"Emmm, then... let's look forward to the start of Wangxuan." Ye Yu squinted, looking at Wilhelm and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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