Travel from the collapse

Chapter 56 The Spirit of the Plane

Chapter 56 The Spirit of the Plane
"Presumptuous!" An emotionless yet inoffensive majestic voice came from the sky.

The icy voice resounded throughout the whole world. At this moment, everyone in the world from scratch looked in Ye Yu's direction.The sky was extremely dark, with thunder and lightning constantly flashing, a black hole formed by dark clouds appeared in the sky above Ye Yu, and a figure slowly flew down from the black hole.

Ye Yu looked at the figure in the sky, and his pupils shrank involuntarily. What Ye Yu saw was a woman who looked exactly like Emilia, and it could be said that she was exactly the same as Shatila. .

Ye Yu looked at the woman in the sky, and the hand that had been helping Reinhardt to gather the source of the world didn't stop, and was constantly refining the world's protection for Reinhardt, intending to protect the world Completely integrated into Reinhardt's body.

The woman's face was very gloomy, and an extremely cold voice sounded in Ye Yu's ears, saying, "Human, stop your actions for me, return my world origin, and I will spare you!"

Ye Yu looked at the woman, couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and said, "...I didn't expect that you, the spirit of the plane, would show up on your own initiative. It really surprised me."

Ye Yu looked at the woman in front of him who looked exactly like Emilia and Shatila, and laughed at her. For Ye Yu, the origin of this world doesn't matter, and now he just wants to have a good fight , since I started to practice, I have basically never encountered an opponent with the same strength as myself. Now this spirit of the plane who looks exactly like Emilia and Shatila appeared in front of me, and Ye Yu's body The restless fighting spirit keeps rising, and now he can't help but want to fight this spirit of the plane.

Seeing that Ye Yu had no intention of stopping at all, the spirit of the plane saw that Reinhardt was about to completely merge with the origin of the world, so the spirit of the plane took the lead and directly directed a wave of elemental magic at Ye Yu.


At this time, inside Roswaal's mansion.

At this moment, Echidona was holding Betty in her arms, and kept acting coquettishly towards Echidna, and Echidna was also stroking Betty's little head, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, smiling slightly.

Seeing her mother suddenly laughing, Betty asked with some doubts, "My lord? What are you laughing at?"

Betty's doubts made Echidna laugh even more, she looked at Betty and said, "Mom, I'm laughing that Betty is already over 400 years old, and she still wants to act like a baby in her mother's arms."

As she spoke, Echidna did not forget to stroke Betty's little head.However, at this moment, a sudden storm swept across the entire Roswaal mansion. Seeing the boundless and terrifying aura, Betty couldn't help thinking that in this world, she had only seen such a terrifying aura from Ye Yu.

The storm swept across the entire Roswaal mansion, and the Roswaal mansion was completely crushed into dust by this storm. Betty saw that the powerful storm in front of her was not something she could resist, so she wanted to use space magic to leave here. But the storm swept faster than Betty's movements.

As soon as Betty activated the space magic, the storm had already swept over Betty and Echidna, and they were instantly torn into pieces by the storm.

Betty and Echidna died.


Ye Yu looked at the spirit of the plane in the sky, one hand was still condensing the origin of the world for Reinhardt, and the other hand directly launched the energy defense, the powerful elemental attack of the spirit of the plane fell directly on the energy On the defensive cover, there was a constant roar.


The spirit of the plane continuously attacked Ye Yu's energy defense shield, and Ye Yu felt the strength of the attack of the spirit of the plane, and his face couldn't help but look a little ugly, and then looked at Reinhardt who had completed the original fusion , said lightly, "Halut, now I'm going to send you out of this world, remember to use the power of the world's origin to protect yourself later, the energy impact produced by time travel will not be small. As for this world... ...act as if you were never born."

Reinhardt, who had just come to his senses at the side, heard Ye Yu's words, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. He had just become stronger with the help of his best friend, and now he could only leave his hometown, or even be His best friend was destroyed.

Reinhardt looked at Ram who was still in a coma, and finally smiled helplessly, then used the original power in his body to eliminate all the fatigue in his body, then walked to Ram's side, and hugged Ram Get up, and say to Ye Yu, "Yu, I'm ready, you can start time travel."

Ye Yu withdrew the hand that had been melting the origin of the world for Reinhardt, and increased the energy output of both hands, boosting the energy of the entire protective cover for 1 minute, and then put down his hand, facing the shield inside the protective cover. Void clicked.

A deep black hole appeared in front of Reinhardt. Reinhardt directly used the energy of the world to protect himself and Ram. Ye Yu looked at Reinhardt and said lightly, "Halut , my dear friend, we have a chance to meet again."

And Reinhardt also responded to Ye Yu's words, and said with a slight smile, "Thank you, my best friend, we will meet again, let's meet again."

After saying that, Reinhardt walked into the black hole, and then the black hole slowly shrank, and then completely disappeared into the void.

Ye Yu looked at Reinhardt who had already left, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became very strong, and then he turned his head to look at the spirit of the plane that was still attacking him in the sky.

At this time, the spirit of the plane was constantly attacking Ye Yu, and she also saw the defensive shield supported by Ye Yu, she was very upset, and then increased her attack strength.

However, when the spirit of the plane saw Reinhardt who was absorbing the origin of the world beside Ye Yu, he suddenly got up and hugged Ram, and walked into the black hole Ye Yu opened. Helping the son of the plane she chose took away all her original power, which made her very angry as a plane spirit. You know, a plane spirit will not last long if it loses the world's original power , and the world that lost the origin of the world is even less likely to last for a long time, and it will be completely destroyed after a hundred years at most. Therefore, Ye Yu's actions completely annoyed the spirit of the plane.

The spirit of the plane looked at Ye Yu furiously, and kept roaring at Ye Yu, "Child of the world from another plane, you stole the origin of this world and helped that person escape from this world. you die!!"

Ye Yu looked at the extremely furious spirit of the plane, and directly took out a hilt from the void, which directly turned into a lightsaber, and this sword was exactly the [Sword of Barklum] in Dungeons and Warriors. And it was the lightsaber strengthened by Ye Yu to the Acquired Spirit Treasure.

Ye Yu raised [Baklum's Sword] and said indifferently to the spirit of the plane, "So what if I helped? What can you do to me? Do you think you can kill me? Stop joking, let's start a war !"

Ye Yu took the lightsaber and flew towards the spirit of the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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