Travel from the collapse

Chapter 58 The Destruction of the World from 0

Chapter 58 The Destruction of the Zero World

Ye Yu looked at the spirit of the plane with a very solemn expression. Now he didn't have much energy in his body, and he was helpless in the face of the spirit of the plane.

At this time, the body of the spirit of the plane has just recovered, but because Ye Yu directly smashed her body into slag, she directly consumed nearly [-]% of her own energy when recovering, and now the two of them are at the end of their strength .

Ye Yu's energy was running low, and it was difficult for Ye Yu's energy to launch an attack, but the spirit of the plane could.At this time, the spirit of the plane was panting heavily, the mountain in front of his chest kept rising and falling, and he looked at Ye Yu with vicious eyes.

But it was true, Ye Yu stole her original power, and also severely injured her, anyone would have the intention of killing the other party.

Ye Yu looked at the spirit of the plane with cold sweat on his head. Now he can be said to be an ordinary person who can kill him once with a knife. Now the energy in Ye Yu's body can only enter the Chaos Orb at most.And the Chaos Orb is also a magic weapon, which requires energy to open, so Ye Yu really doesn't plan to consume any more energy, anyway, he will die if he dies, and he is immortal and can be resurrected.

The spirit of the plane looked at Ye Yu with firm eyes, and the already depleted energy in his body suddenly began to surge.Seeing this, Ye Yu suddenly felt very bad. The current situation of the spirit of the plane seemed to be burning the last source of the world, and planned to kill Ye Yu completely.

The body of the spirit of the plane began to emit white mist, and the whole world began to burn slowly. Slowly, the zero world directly turned into a flaming hell.

Ye Yu looked at the spirit of the plane, and just when he was about to escape from here, the spirit of the plane suddenly moved, and rushed to Ye Yu at a speed that Ye Yu's naked eyes could not see clearly.

The spirit of the plane rushed in front of Ye Yu, and directly pressed Ye Yu's face with his big hand, and directly pressed Ye Yu to the ground, hitting the ground, producing a huge roar.


Ye Yu's head was directly held down by the spirit of the plane, and it was slammed to the ground, and Ye Yu couldn't help but sweeten her throat and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The spirit of the plane looked at Ye Yu, and roared with an extremely ferocious expression, "The son of the world of another plane! Since you have taken away the origin of the world from this seat! You have also severely damaged this seat! As a result, there is still a hundred years to re-condense The original energy of the world has been completely wiped out! Since you want to let me die! Then I will also drag you as a backup!"

Facing the roar of the spirit of the plane, Ye Yu was very speechless, thinking, "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have robbed the origin of this world. I didn't expect to make so many troubles for myself. Now I can basically do whatever I want." The crazy woman in front of me is slaughtered."

The face of the plane spirit was ferocious, and the flames burning in the world began to rush towards the two of them, and a frightening smile appeared on the ferocious expression of the plane spirit, and then, the body of the plane spirit faintly emitted a faint White light, finally, the spirit of the plane became very dazzling.And Ye Yu looked at the spirit of the plane with even more horror.


The plane spirit directly blew itself up, while Ye Yu was blown to pieces by the zero-distance self-detonation of the plane spirit. From Zero World also began to collapse involuntarily, and the whole world began to resound with deafening explosions.


two hours later.

In an endless dark void, a large amount of dust began to slowly gather, and finally, those large amounts of dust condensed into a human shape.

At this time, Ye Yu looked at the endless starry sky, and then looked at the surrounding gravel, covering his chest with his right hand, and muttered to himself, "Damn, I didn't expect this face spirit to use the law to self-destruct. The thing will hurt the current me, and the current me has no way to absorb the energy of the law."

Ye Yu looked at the Cong Zero world that had been blown into nothingness, and said helplessly, "I didn't expect that this guy, Plane Spirit, would really go all out, even if he sacrificed his own world, he would kill me."

Ye Yu helplessly looked at the CongZero world that had become fragments, and finally put aside those random thoughts in his mind, and muttered to himself, "It's time to go back, and the collapsed world still needs to be solved. To lose the Herrscher, that's my agreement with Lian."

Afterwards, Ye Yu disappeared into the void.


chaotic space.

Ye Yu entered the chaotic space with her whole body naked, without any embarrassment or shyness. Anyway, the chaotic space is Ye Yu's private space, and there are only women in it, and they are all women who have had relationships with Ye Yu, so Well, there's no need for Ye Yu to make such trouble, of course, Priscilla has to be removed from it.

Ye Yu Chiguo came to the villa in the chaotic space with his whole body in his body. He didn't pay attention to what the people inside were doing, and directly opened the villa door and walked in.

In the villa at this time, the girls were still playing with their mobile phones made of chaotic beads. At this moment, the door of the villa rang open. Karen turned her head and took a look. Ye Yu couldn't help shouting, "Yu, you're back..."

"Eh?!" However, before Kallen finished speaking, she took a closer look at Ye Yu's current situation, her pretty face flushed, she immediately turned her head, and said in a panic, "Why don't you, Yu Yu?" Get dressed!"

The girls on the side also turned their heads involuntarily to look at Ye Yu at this time.Ye Yu's nakedness made the girls even more blushing, and the Optimus Prime on Ye Yu's lower body made the girls feel that it was so huge that they didn't even dare to look at it.

Ye Yu looked at the girls with blushing faces, took out a set of clothes helplessly, and after putting them on, she came to the girls and said, "Okay, why are you so shy? We are all old couples, and we are still shy." .”

And the girls turned their heads, and seeing Ye Yu put on her clothes, they couldn't help but look at Ye Yu and said, "Yu, what happened this time?"

Ye Yu gave up helplessly and said, "I was blown up. To be honest, this time I really didn't expect that the plane spirit of that world would come out and kill me once..."

Afterwards, Ye Yu told the girls everything about his encounter with the spirit of the plane.

Yae Sakura on the side couldn't help but smiled when she heard it, and said, "That's because I'm stupid, the spirit of the other plane didn't rob you of anything, but you directly robbed him of the original power of nearly a world, It's no wonder she didn't fight for you!"

"Well, I won't be so stupid next time. It's okay to find trouble with the spirit of the plane. To be honest, the spirit of the plane is really strong. I have plundered so much original power and can still exert immortal power. The strength above the five-star level of the spirit rank is really strong, nothing to say, on this point, I estimate that the strength of any plane spirit in any world must be above the god level, and they are all abnormal." Ye Yu was helpless He waved his hands away, brazenly saying that the spirits of the planes in every world are pervert-level powerhouses, but Ye Yu is not a pervert?With the strength of a ninth-level four-star to beat a strong person above a fairy-level five-star, no one in this world can be so perverted except Ye Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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