Travel from the collapse

Chapter 66 The Complete Destruction

Chapter 66 The Complete Destruction

"Hmph ha ha ha ha ha...Ye Yu, this seat won after all, ha ha ha..." The man shouted Ye Yu's name frantically, and laughed wildly as if Ye Yu had lost something.

And Ye Yu, who was far away in the collapsed world, didn't know the crisis he was about to face, but was still protecting and protecting the girls, leading them to St. Freya Academy.


Changkong City.

On a deserted street, a group of women strolled along the street doing mechanical movements.

Some even held an arm in their hands, and kept biting it by their mouths.These people biting their arms, no, these women in front of them can no longer be called human beings, these monsters can only be called zombies, and zombies infected by the Houkai can also be called dead soldiers.

However, on this street full of dead men, there were five young girls and a boy wandering the street, looking leisurely, as if they were visiting their own garden.On this street where mortals stopped, the six people talked and laughed without any sense of tension at all.

"...Hey! Ye Yu, how did you do it? You can become so strong..." Kiyana on the side kept pestering Ye Yu, trying to figure out how Ye Yu changed. The reason why it is so powerful.But what made her helpless was that no matter what, Ye Yu said that you wouldn't understand even if she said it.

But thinking about it, after all, with Kiyana's single-cell IQ, it would be difficult to understand what Ye Yu said about becoming stronger. After all, a lot of knowledge involves dimensions and knowledge outside the earth. With Qiyana's single-cell IQ, it might sound like words in a heavenly book, and she doesn't understand anything.

Yae Sakura and Karen, who watched Kiyana keep pestering Ye Yu, smiled helplessly. Kiyana pestering Ye Yu is nothing, but when Kiyana pestered Ye Yu, she still showed all kinds of cuteness. , which made the two very helpless.Yae Sakura is okay, at most she just thinks that Kiana is Kallen's younger sister, after all, they look exactly the same, if you want to tell them apart, you can only look at the ponytails, Kallen with single ponytails and Qi with double ponytails Yana.

And Karen looked very embarrassed at Kiyana who kept pestering Ye Yu. After all, Kiyana looks exactly like her. Yana, this kind of feeling made Kallen feel like she was pestering Ye Yu, just like a child, she kept asking questions full of curiosity.

Bronya on the side looked at Qiyana who kept pestering Ye Yu, and felt that she couldn't stand it anymore, so she gave Qiyana a heavy blow and said expressionlessly, "According to Bronya Judging by the detection of Kiyana's IQ, even if Big Brother Ye Yu said the reason, Kiyana couldn't understand the meaning of the content, but Bronya could fully understand it."

What Bronya said directly made Kiyana furious, and she rushed to Bronya and said angrily, "What do you mean by being a little kid? Do you want to fight?" However, Bronya still stared blankly. Kiyana taunted, "Bronya's winning rate is 90.00%."

"Ahh!!" Kiyana roared crazily after listening to Bronya's words.Seeing the heated quarrel between the two, Yai couldn't take it anymore, so she acted as a peacemaker and persuaded them, "Okay, okay, you all stop arguing."

Bronya and Kiyana looked at each other and turned their heads with a hum.

Seeing that the two of them still had no intention of reconciling, Ye Yu could only say to them, "Okay, actually, the two of you can't fully understand the reason why I became stronger, because there are many problems. It involves the situation outside the earth, so, judging from your current situation, it is very difficult to master the knowledge that I have become stronger."

"Uh." ×2
The two of them petrified in an instant. They originally planned to ask Ye Yu how he became stronger, but Ye Yu poured a basin of cold water on his head, leaving them speechless.

"Beyond the Earth? Is it..." Mei at the side was about to ask Ye Yu why it was outside the Earth, when suddenly, a huge spear passed through a building, smashed through the building, and stabbed directly in front of Mei's eyes .

Ye Yu at the side saw a huge spear rushing in front of Mei, and hurriedly used the power of words that he had comprehended before, and said in an ethereal voice, "Broken!"

After saying that, the long spear that was in front of Mei's eyes stopped immediately, and slowly, the spear head began to turn into fly ash.Ye Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that Mei Yi was fine, then looked at Mei Yi, and said calmly, "You should follow me."

"Yeah." Like a little sheep, Mei responded to Ye Yu's words and took Ye Yu's hand.

However, Yae Sakura on the side looked at Ye Yu with an incomparably solemn expression, because the power of words and spirits that Ye Yu used just now had already injured the dark disease that had been self-destructed by the law of the spirit of the plane from the zero world, and now it can be said It's the end of the battle, and, in addition to the fact that the time and space turbulence before the injury has not healed, and then the law of the spirit of the plane from the zero world exploded, the many hidden diseases in Ye Yu's body have made it difficult for him to persist for a long time. Leaving aside the unmentionable illness, Ye Yu must find a quiet place to get rid of the unmentionable illness all over his body, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Ye Yu glanced at Yae Sakura with a dignified face, and knew what she was thinking, and then said to her, "Okay, I'm fine, I'll heal my wounds when I go to Saint Freya Academy, although The previous battle with the spirit of the plane aggravated my injuries, which had recovered to [-]%, but the current world is not ending so soon, and I can also recuperate here." Ye Yu looked tenderly Yae Sakura, and Yae Sakura looked helpless, and finally, looking at Ye Yu, said, "Okay, when you get to St. Freya Academy, you should take care of your injuries and stop ruining your body like this."

When the words fell, Yae Sakura pulled Karen and said, "Let's go, let's go back to the chaotic space first, it's really uncomfortable to watch here." After Kallen responded, she glanced at Ye Yu, helplessly He and Yae Sakura returned to the chaotic space.

Mei on the side looked at Yae Sakura's dignified face, and couldn't help but feel a little strange, why Yae Sakura would say that Ye Yu was injured, but she didn't look like Ye Yu was injured, otherwise, How could Ye Yu appear alive and kicking in front of her.The same is true for Kiana and Bronya on the side.

Mei and the others looked at Yaesakura and Karen who had already left, and couldn't help being a little puzzled. They looked at Ye Yu and said, "Yu, where did sister Yaesakura go?"

Ye Yu looked at Mei with a puzzled expression, and thought it was normal, because people in this era believe in science, which is really impossible for those gods and demons, and then explained to Mei, " They returned to my private space, so you don't have to ask, I will take you to see it when I get to Kiyana's aunt."

"Oh." Mei on the side responded obediently, and then fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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