Travel from the collapse

Chapter 68 The Third Herrscher Reappears

Chapter 68 The Third Herrscher Reappears

Ye Yu directly turned on the eternal kaleidoscope, and the focus of the pupils was directly adjusted to just enough to see the dead men under Ye Yu's feet. Immediately, the dead men under Ye Yu's feet were directly ignited, and the black flame directly burned the dead men under Ye Yu's feet .

After being suddenly burned by the black flames, the dead soldiers began to run wildly. After a while, the dead soldiers under Ye Yu's feet were completely burned by Amaterasu. Ye Yu directly fell to the ground and put Mei down. , while Qiyana, Bronya and others jumped off Ye Yu's back, looked at the street that had been burned into wreckage, and couldn't help saying, "It's really miserable."

The ground still had the remaining warmth left by Amaterasu, and Ye Yu pulled Mei, and said to Kiana and Bronya, "Let's go, the Amaterasu flames here have completely burned the target. , let's go quickly." After saying that, Ye Yu pulled Mei Yi and started to leave here.

"En." Kiyana and Bronya on the side also responded and left here.



Ye Yu and the others came to a dilapidated house, sorted out some usable things, and then lay down on the sofa.

Seeing that everyone was exhausted, Mei at the side looked to see if there was any food to eat in the kitchen, but to Mei's disappointment, there was no food to eat in the kitchen.

Ye Yu looked at Mei who walked into the kitchen, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. After walking into the kitchen, she looked at Mei who looked distressed, and said, "What's wrong? You look distressed."

"Ah, oh, it's okay. I saw that everyone was so tired, so I wanted to make dinner, but I found that there is nothing to eat here." Mei said, feeling a little disappointed, because she can be said to be the weakest among them. Yes, even the youngest Bronya is stronger than herself, but she can't do anything.

Looking at Mei, Ye Yu couldn't help feeling amused, and said, "That's it? I thought it was a big deal."

"Um, aren't you hungry?" Mei could not help being a little puzzled, Mei looked at the dark circles in the corners of Ye Yu's eyes, and couldn't help being a little strange, Ye Yu is also a human being, how could she feel that she is not hungry?

However, Ye Yu's next sentence directly left Mei speechless, and said, "I'm really not hungry, because I don't need to eat, but for you, I'd better bring out some food."

Immediately, Ye Yu swept across the kitchen table, and a large amount of raw food appeared on the kitchen table.Mei, on the other hand, was a little surprised, looked at Ye Yu and said, "How did you do it?"

"Have you forgotten what I said? I have a private space where people can live and things can be stored." Ye Yu looked at Mei and smiled slightly.

"Oh." After saying that, Mei stopped paying attention to Ye Yu and began to deal with the food on the table.


After a while, a table of delicious dishes appeared on the dilapidated dining table, and the bowls and chopsticks were a little old. Looking at the old tableware, everyone reluctantly picked up the bowls and chopsticks and began to eat.

But Ye Yu didn't join in the sweeps of food on the dining table. After Kong Kong took out a can of Coke, he sat on the sofa and drank it.

Seeing that Ye Yu was not coming to eat, Mei Yi looked at Ye Yu and said, "Yu, come and eat."

"No, it's fine for you to eat, and there's a foodie here, so leave those meals to her." After Ye Yu waved her hand, she looked at Mei and said, while Qiyana at the table saw that Ye Yu couldn't come to eat , Excitedly took Ye Yu's dinner directly, and said, "Hey, since Ye Yu won't come to eat these delicious foods, then let me eat them. If you don't want to eat for nothing, don't eat such delicious food. Eating is wasting."

On the other hand, Mei and Bronya looked at the excited Qiyana and shook their heads helplessly. Qiyana is so greedy that she even eats Ye Yu's share. Lost.

Ye Yu held the Coke and drank it slowly. Then, Ye Yu took out the book that he read when he was still in Europe from the void.


Just like that, after dinner, Mei directly let the youngest Bronya lie on her lap, while Kiana fell asleep leaning on Mei's shoulder.

Yai looked at the two people who were sleeping soundly, and couldn't help but smiled knowingly, while Ye Yu sat on the edge of the balcony, and began to use exercises to heal his injuries.Mei looked at Ye Yu who was sitting on the edge of the balcony, and couldn't help being a little puzzled, and said lightly, "Yu, what are you doing?"

"Healing." Ye Yu answered Mei's words with her eyes tightly closed.Seeing that Ye Yu just answered her own words, Mei fell silent, put her hands on her chest, and couldn't help showing a warm smile on her face, and said to herself, "It's incredible." , I've only just known you, Yu, but it feels like we've known each other for a long time..."

Listening to Mei's murmur, Ye Yu felt a little helpless, and said to Mei, "Okay, don't think about it so much, I will definitely take you out of here, and then we will go to Kiana's aunt There, her place is very safe, and I can say that I have some relationship with Qiyana's aunt."

"Yeah." Mei looked at Ye Yu with a smile, and after responding, the smile on her face made Ye Yu a little dazed.


Suddenly, the ceiling of the house cracked directly, and finally spread directly to the entire house, and everyone was awakened by the sudden collapse, and quickly jumped out of the house.

A large amount of dust splashed up when the house collapsed gradually dissipated, revealing a huge sword in the dust, but Ye Yu looked a little dignified, what appeared in front of him was actually the kind of headache-provoking Thor-level sword. Honkai Beast, this gave Ye Yu a headache. The Amaterasu used by Ye Yu this morning has almost completely exhausted the excess fighting energy in his body. At this time, it can be said that the energy in his body has been exhausted , and the sudden appearance of the Thor-level Honkai Beast made Ye Yu's expression very serious.

Bronya, who was woken up by the side, activated the reloading bunny, and directly started the battle mode. The reloading bunny held a long spear and stabbed at the Thor-level Honkai beast, and the Thor-level Honkai beast also He raised his right hand with the gun head, and stabbed at the gun head of the heavy armored rabbit.

The attacks of the two directly made a huge impact sound, and Bronya was directly knocked out. Mei looked at Bronya who was knocked into the air, and couldn't help but shouted, "Bronya!"

At this moment, the Thunder God-level Honkai Beast slashed at Mei with the tip of the gun, while Qiyana quickly rushed to Mei, blocking the Thunder God-level Honkai Beast's shot with her body.

Kiyana fell directly into Mei's arms. Mei saw that Qiyana's back was directly cut open by the Thor-level Honkai Beast, and she couldn't help crying in horror, "Qi...Yana."

However, the Thor-level Honkai Beast pursued again, and this time, Ye Yu directly forcibly opened the Susanoo, blocked Mei, blocked the Honkai Beast's attack, and Ye Yu couldn't help but spit out a mouthful Blood, kneeling in front of Mei, said with a slightly tired expression, "Don't cry, it's not good to cry." After saying that, Ye Yu fell to the ground, and Susano, who forcibly opened it, Also can't help but disperse directly.

"Yu..." Mei's voice trembled, and seeing Ye Yu who had already fallen on the ground, she couldn't help crying even harder.

Seeing that he failed to kill the woman in front of him with three attacks, the Thor-level Honkai beast couldn't help stabbing Mei again.

However, at this time, a mutation appeared, and Mei's eyes turned into fox eyes. Looking at the Thor-level Honkai beast stabbing at her, she said coldly, "Go to hell, bastard."

(End of this chapter)

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