Travel from the collapse

Chapter 75 Promise

Chapter 75 Promise
Ye Yu looked at Teresa who was fixed by her, and couldn't help showing a wicked smile on her face.This made Teresa feel very terrified, silently and directly immobilizing a person, this kind of method can be said to be a shocking thing in this world, this is the method of God at all.

Seeing the evil smile on Ye Yu's face, Teresa couldn't help feeling hairy all over, and said to Ye Yu, "Let me go! You can't do this to me, didn't you say that I am you?" daughter?"

"Okay, okay, I've lost, I'll let you go." When Ye Yu heard Teresa admitting that she was his daughter, Ye Yu's heart softened. In fact, even if it was a daughter in name, Ye Yu Will also spoil it to heaven.Immediately, Ye Yu released Teresa and looked at Teresa with a slight smile.

Seeing that the person she likes turned out to be the father of the principal in front of her, Mei couldn't help being a little messy. The person she liked was actually so much older than herself, more than 500 years old, even a normal person would find it scary.

Teresa, who was unfrozen by Ye Yu, tried to move her body, and found that she could move, so she asked Ye Yu seriously, "What's going on? Why did you say Are you my father?"

Ye Yu looked at Teresa who had a serious and puzzled face, and couldn't help but feel a little funny. He didn't know such a simple thing. Ye Yu felt that Teresa's more than forty years of life were in vain, and said, " Are you not a synthetic human? You are synthesized from a Honkai beast named 'Vishnu' and the genes of Kallen from 500 years ago, and Kallen is one of my wives, so, I can say Yes, your nominal father."

"And Kallen didn't die 500 years ago, but was brought by my side until some time ago when I accidentally fell to another world when I crossed time and space. As for the Kallen who was executed 500 years ago, he It's a clone I created with Kallen's blood, that is, a clone, and it can also be called a clone." Ye Yu explained to Teresa.

When Teresa heard Ye Yu say that she took Karen across time and space, she couldn't help but be surprised. She never thought that her father in name would be so powerful and able to travel across time and space. She couldn't help but said in surprise, "You can travel across time and space?"

"That's right, crossing time and space is very simple for me, but it is extremely dangerous when crossing time and space, because there may be time and space turbulence in the middle, and even some terrifying time and space monsters, so ordinary strong people rarely dare to directly Across time and space, because the time-space turbulence in the time-space rift is irresistible to god-level powerhouses, and the threat of time-space monsters in the time-space rift is at the same level as the time-space turbulence." Ye Yu listened to Teresa's confusion and explained to her The danger in the space-time rift.

"..." Teresa fell silent when she heard this. Originally, she thought that Ye Yu could travel across time and space, so she could take her back to the past and ask her to save her friend, but when Ye Yu said the danger of crossing time and space, , she dared not go, because it is still a question of whether she can travel across time and space to the past. The time-space monsters and time-space turbulence alone can easily kill her, and it is still a question of whether she can defeat that person in the past .

Ye Yu looked at the silent Teresa, and knew what Teresa was thinking, because Teresa lost her best friend 14 years ago, and after hearing Ye Yu say that she could When crossing time and space, she wanted to go back to the past to save her, but this decision was immediately vetoed by Ye Yu, saying, "I know what you think, but it is not feasible to change the past across time and space, because changing the past across time and space will It will lead to great changes in the future, and go back to the past across time and space. If you change a small seedling, it may lead to the destruction of a world, so don't try to go back to the past to be Kiyana's mother."

"But..." After listening to Ye Yu's words, Teresa wanted to say that she missed her friend very much and wanted to save her back, but Ye Yu immediately interjected, "I know you miss her very much, but there are still other things. It’s like resurrecting a dead person.”

"What?! How is this possible?!" Teresa was shocked this time, it's fine to cross time and space, but is it possible to resurrect a person?
"Reviving a person is still possible, but the premise is that the soul must still be preserved. If there is no soul, it is really difficult to resurrect." Ye Yu explained.

"Why? Why is it easy to revive the soul, but it becomes so difficult when the soul loses it?" Teresa asked suspiciously.

"The soul is the foundation of a person. If the roots of a big tree are gone, do you think that tree can still survive?"

"If there is no soul, if you want to be resurrected, you must revive it before the soul enters reincarnation. Otherwise, once the soul enters reincarnation, there will be no possibility of resurrection." Ye Yu explained indifferently.

After Ye Yu finished speaking, the entire ward was completely silent, because the resurrection and time-traveling things are still too far away for the current human beings, but Ye Yu can directly cross over, this kind of thing is already unimaginable.

Ye Yu looked at Teresa who was silent, recalled Teresa's request just now, and said, "Okay, let's put aside the matter of resurrection and crossing time and space, Xiao~de~li~sa~, your request I agree, but which class do you want me to teach the students in?" Ye Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Teresa and said slyly.

After listening to Ye Yu's words, Teresa came back to her senses, looked at Ye Yu, thought for a moment, and said, "I plan to arrange you in Kiyana's class, I hope you can teach Kiyana to be a Excellent Valkyrie, if possible, I hope you can teach her to become an S-rank Valkyrie."

Hearing Teresa's request, Ye Yu couldn't help being a little confused, looked at Teresa and asked in doubt, "That's all?"

"Well, that's all." Teresa responded.

"I thought it was something troublesome. If it was just an S-rank Valkyrie, it would take a month at most. I thought you were talking about the fairy level just now. If it is the fairy level, it is really true for me. It's hard." Ye Yu shrugged, looked at Teresa and said.

"Fairy rank? What level is that?" Teresa asked in confusion.

For Teresa's doubts, Ye Yu is also a little helpless. After all, this world can be said to be a technological world, and there is no such thing as a single path of cultivation. Therefore, Teresa's doubts are still very troublesome for Ye Yu.

"Okay, in short, I will take over the matter of Qiyana. As for the matter of your friend, I can assure you that I will bring her back to life. This is my nominal father's promise, and it is also my promise to you. compensation." Ye Yu showed a sunny smile, looked at Teresa and said.

(End of this chapter)

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