Travel from the collapse

Chapter 83 The Decision of the 3-member Girl Group of Honkai

Chapter 83 The Decision of the Honkai Trio Girls Group

After Rem opened the door, she was a little surprised to see the figure in front of her. She never expected that the person who came would be Raiden Mei.


Since yesterday's practical class ended, Mei felt a little uneasy, and planned to move to Ye Yu's side by herself, and take care of him with Yae Sakura.

And Kiyana, who lived with Mei, was furious. Even if Ye Yu saved her life, it didn't mean Ye Yu could blatantly snatch Mei.

So, Kiyana and Mei quarreled, but Qiyana couldn't hold back Mei, so she had no choice but to admit her love obediently, and Mei began to pack her things immediately after seeing Kiyana's love.

Seeing that Mei was already packing up, Qiyana felt that it was inappropriate for Mei to leave so early, so she hugged Mei's thigh and cried and begged her to stay.

However, at this time, the part of Mei's heart related to Ye Yu has almost occupied [-]%, facing Kiana's pleading, Mei Yi is unmoved, and still packs her luggage and prepares to move to Ye Yu's side.

After packing up, Mei directly pushed Kiana away, and went to Ye Yu's room with her luggage.

Carrying the luggage, she came to the door of Ye Yu's house, and Mei knocked on the door of Ye Yu's room with a feeling of anxiety.


When Rem saw that the person knocking on the door was Leiden Mei, she couldn't help showing a look of surprise, she never thought that the person knocking on the door would be Leiden Mei.

Seeing that the person who opened the door for her was not Ye Yu, but the maid Ye Yu brought with her when she first met Ye Yu, Mei Yi couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, what is Ye Yu doing now?
Seeing that it was Leiden Mei who came, Lei Mu had a faint smile on his face, which made Mei very puzzled.

Afterwards, Rem put away the faint smile that made Mei feel awkward, looked at Mei with a light smile and said, "It's Miss Mei, please come in, just now Rem cooked the meal, and now Master Ye Yu and the others are still here." Enjoy, please go and enjoy together."

Mei looked at Rem in some panic, and after a response, she walked into the house with her luggage.

When Ye Yu saw that the person who came was Lei Dian Mei, she couldn't help being a little surprised, it was still lunch time, why did Mei come here?
Mei, on the other hand, looked at Ye Yu in a panic, her face flushed involuntarily.

Seeing this, Yae Sakura and Kallen silently smiled, and no one present noticed that smile.Of course, this does not include the two of them not noticing each other's smile.

After Yae Sakura and Kallen exchanged a glance, they cleaned up the dishes on the table, looked at Ye Yu and Mei and said, "We are full, you can eat slowly." After saying that, Yae Sakura and Kallen Then he picked up the bowl and chopsticks and left the table.

Ye Yu looked at the food on the table that had only moved a little, then glanced at Mei again, and said, "Let's eat together?"

Mei Yi looked at Ye Yu who called her to eat together, nodded her head in response, and obediently walked across from Ye Yu.

Rem on the side had already taken a new pair of bowls and chopsticks and placed them in front of Mei.

Afterwards, Mei began to eat the first meal at Ye Yu's house.


On the other hand, after Kiyana ate the toast pizza she made, she began to think about what to do in the next period of time. After all, Mei had already left their dormitory, and Ji Zi was just an older leftover woman. An alcoholic, and Bronya doesn't know how to fuck her at all, she's just a dead house with a pet hamster.

After thinking about it for a long time, Kiyana still made up her mind to live with Mei.Afterwards, Qiyana started to pack up her things, and was about to move to Ye Yu's place. Even if Ye Yu refused to take her in, she would let her live with Mei with shamelessness.

After Kiyana packed her things, she left Jizi's dormitory, and Bronya, who heard Kiyana packed her things and left, hid in a corner, watching her dragging her luggage and leaving, feeling in her heart The thought of leaving here suddenly came up, and then, Bronya also started to pack her things and prepared to go to Ye Yu's place to stay at home.

As for Ji Zi in this dormitory, she was directly forgotten by the trio.


After Ye Yu and Mei finished their lunch, they looked at Ye Yu and said shyly, "That... Yu, can I live with you?"

Ye Yu looked at Mei Yi in astonishment, he had no idea that Mei Yi came here solely to live with him, and he also didn't know how to deal with Mei Yi's problems.

Originally, he just planned to separate Tianyi from Mei's body, and after the separation, Tianyi would lose all the power left in Mei's body, but Ye Yu still had a way to let Tian Yi practice, because Ye Yu had Chaos Orb, you can do whatever you want.

But the current situation is very bad. Mei seems to be inseparable from her, and Tianyi doesn't know how to deal with it. As for Mei's father, Thunder Dragon Horse, Ye Yu doesn't know how to deal with it at all. After taking Mei away, what should my father-in-law do?He is not like Yae Kakki, who is so cruel and vicious, and he doesn't want to be a fool like Francis, who obviously has a powerful combat force by his side, but doesn't know how to rely on it, but runs to die in vain.

Thinking of Ye Yu here, she couldn't help showing a very distressed expression on her face, and Mei Yi saw Ye Yu's expression was very distressed, but also a little scared, always feeling that Ye Yu would not let her live with him.

However, at this moment, there was another knock on the door.

Rem on the side was about to open the door, but Ye Yu stopped her, shook her head, and said flatly, "I'll go and open the door."

"Then... alright." Rem responded, and then went to do what she should do.

Hearing the knock on the door, Ye Yu shook her head helplessly, and immediately put the matter of Mei behind her.Get up and go to open the door.

After Ye Yu opened the door, she looked at the two figures standing at the door, and looked at the two standing at the door speechlessly.

And these two people are Qiyana and Bronya who packed their luggage and came here to live with Ye Yu. For Kiyana, Ye Yu can more or less guess it, after all, this single-celled girl wants her to be alone. It is probably not possible to live alone. The current girl can be said to be inseparable from the meals made by Mei.As for Bronya coming over, Ye Yu said, what are you doing here if you have nothing to do?
Bronya is just a little loli, but that doesn't mean she's a single cell, even if Mei isn't around, you can still cook for yourself!

Qiyana looked at the speechless Ye Yu, and said with some displeasure, "What? Are you not satisfied that a beautiful girl came to live in your house?!"

(End of this chapter)

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