Chapter 87

"Teacher, your strength is also very strong. It seems that you are not the kind of mentor who just talks but has no strength." Fu Hua said with a slightly weak voice.

At this moment, Fu Hua gasped heavily, staring at Ye Yu with an ugly expression.

Ye Yu gave Fu Hua the feeling that he was too much like the man back then, with that absolutely powerful strength, the man who crushed him 100%.

Fu Hua looked at Ye Yu helplessly, and put on a stance, ready to face Ye Yu's next attack.But Ye Yu didn't care, and looked at Fu Hua indifferently.

The students around looked at the two who were already fighting, and couldn't help but stop their attacks, watching the battle between Fu Hua and Ye Yu.

The battle between the two lasted only a few minutes, and the students present looked at the unrecognizable field that was beaten by the two in these few minutes, and one of the girls with long red hair reaching her waist couldn't help saying, "So strong, really It's too powerful, I didn't expect sister Fu Hua to be so powerful."

"Yeah, sister Fu Hua never used such a strong force when fighting us before." A girl with short blue hair said.

"But having said that, the teacher's strength is also very strong, and his expression is so calm when facing sister Fu Hua's attack."


Fu Hua stared at Ye Yu, trying to find a flaw in Ye Yu's body again, but what made her helpless was that Ye Yu's demeanor was calm, without a trace of tension at all, and looking at the other party, it seemed to say that you are weak, want to It's easy to hang you.

In desperation, Fu Hua didn't bother to look for flaws again, and simply put aside all distracting thoughts, his eyes became a little firm and ready to attack Ye Yu.

Looking at Fu Hua whose eyes became a little firm, the corners of Ye Yu's mouth could not help but slightly raised, looking at Fu Hua and muttering to himself, "Oh? It seems that I have given up on finding flaws in me, then I will be a little bit more You play."

After the words fell, the surrounding time seemed to be stopped by half, and then, two afterimages began to appear in the field, colliding constantly.


"Cun Jin!" Fu Hua's fist had already come to Ye Yu, but Ye Yu didn't care, and Fu Hua immediately shot Cun Jin, hitting the opponent directly.

However, something that surprised her happened, she found that when she hit Ye Yu's body, she didn't feel any touch, but passed through it all by herself.But after Fu Hua's attack did not land on Ye Yu, Fu Hua's fist directly hit the ground, creating a big hole.

"It's a good fist, but unfortunately, at the moment of punching, the speed slowed down a bit." Ye Yu's voice sounded beside Fu Hua, and said faintly.

Fu Hua turned his head and found that Ye Yu was already standing behind him, so he rushed towards Ye Yu again.

Ye Yu saw Fu Hua mobilize Cun Jin again, and said helplessly, "Why do you only know how to use Cun Jin?" After saying that, Ye Yu raised his hand and clenched his five fingers into a fist, with boundless and terrifying power erupting in his hand, blocking Fu Hua fist.

Seeing that Ye Yu directly blocked his fist, Fu Hua couldn't help being a little surprised. His Cun Jin can be said to be invincible, unless he is facing a Houkai beast above the judgment level or someone who is more skilled in using Cun Jin than himself. Otherwise, he would basically be blown away by his own strength.

However, in the next second, Fu Hua felt the boundless and terrifying power contained in Ye Yu's fist, and he was directly sent flying, hitting the wall.


A huge crater was directly smashed into the wall, and Fu Hua was caught in the crack of the wall.

Seeing that Fu Hua was directly beaten into the crack of the wall by Ye Yu, the people present couldn't help exclaiming, "Sister Fu Hua!"

Ye Yu looked at the commotion and said calmly, "Okay, Fu Hua is fine, with that punch just now, I released all my strength, Fu Hua will not have any problems and will still be alive and well. "

And Fu Hua, who was beaten into the crack of the wall by Ye Yu, stretched out his hand, like a normal person, looked at Ye Yu, and said with a very ugly face, "This kind of boxing is you, right? Pass me asshole."

At this time, Fu Hua could be said to be in a very embarrassing state, with dust all over his body, staring at Ye Yu with an ugly expression.

Facing Fu Hua's questioning, Ye Yu expressed a little helplessness. He didn't expect his identity to be found out so quickly, and then he quickly walked in front of Fu Hua, put his right hand on her shoulder, and put it close to Fu Hua's ear. He said softly, "It's a surprise? But I can tell you the truth, I was just playing with you just now, if I really wanted to kill you, that punch would be enough to turn you into blood mist."

After saying that, Ye Yu left Fu Hua's ear, and said with a calm smile, "You did a good job in this battle, you can mention rewards or requirements at will, even..." Ye Yu smiled slightly, looking at it as before. It was Fu Hua with an angry face.

Seeing that the brazen guy in front of her could still laugh, Fu Hua couldn't let out the fire in her stomach. She wished she could just grab Ye Yu and beat her up, but she understood that even if she could recover her strength now, she would still beat her. If she doesn't win against Ye Yu, Ye Yu is much stronger than herself after all. From that battle back then, she knew that Ye Yu was an existence that she could never surpass in her entire life.

The people present didn't know what happened to the two of them at all, but they couldn't help but admire the wonderful battle between the two just now.

And the tip of the iceberg of Ye Yu's strength was also displayed in front of everyone.


After the actual combat class was over, Ye Yu looked at the people present and said lightly, "Okay, from now on, your actual combat class will be free training, and I have nothing to teach you. The enemy should never let up a bit, kill the enemy directly, regardless of whether the opponent will surrender or not, as long as you kill it directly, because this can greatly increase your survival rate."

"Also, stand up when the name is read. Ye Bingling!" Ye Yu said.

"Here!" A girl with long black hair reaching her waist stood up with a ponytail.

"He Yuxin!"



Ye Yu looked at the students who were fighting two-on-two-on-two, and there was also a group of three-on-three, one-on-one, plus Fu Hua.

Among them, the two pairs of the second team and the second combination all want to revive their family members, while the three pairs of three want to continue to study by Ye Yu's side, just to become stronger. After all, their family members have died for more than four years. It's been more than a year, so their request is for Ye Yu to continue to teach them and provide individual guidance.

The heads-up group asked for a sword and a spear respectively.But Ye Yu was extravagant, and directly gave two magic weapons in DNF, namely a lightsaber [Prison Dragon Broken Shadow Sword] and a light gun [Ocean Chasing Sun Light Gun], and also taught them how to use them .

(End of this chapter)

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