Almighty legend life

Chapter 225 Li Rui's Suggestion

Chapter 225 Li Rui's Suggestion

"Haha, Li, I didn't expect you to be a competent dad. How about raising two children? Isn't it great?" George Krent, who has been single in his 40s, laughed when he came to LaBeouf's house Awoke to Li Rui.

"Don't laugh at me, George, you will know when you have your own children. This kind of thing is tiring and happy. In fact, I usually don't have much chance to bring up children. Lal and Nasha usually don't give me the chance, but There are a lot of people signing up for the Chinese class at Nasha School recently, she is quite busy, and Lal went to the club today, and I am the only one on vacation, so I take care of the children.” Li Rui explained to George Clent why he brought two Cute kids meet him.

"Speaking of Chinese, Chinese classes in Los Angeles are quite popular recently. Haha, this is due to Liu, who made Americans interested in that country on the other side of the Pacific. Come to think of it, the first time a few years ago When we met, he was still a child who could not speak English fluently." George Krent said while looking at Liu Han who was playing with Li Ruikuai's two-year-old son toddler with a basketball. Very happy, seeing such a chubby little thing smiling, Liu Han was very happy.

"Uh, well, if I didn't say it, he is actually a child..." Seeing Liu Han's actions like a big horse monkey, George felt ashamed.

"Isn't that why he welcomes them? Everyone likes children, especially capable children." Li Rui didn't take the opportunity to laugh at George.

"Lee, I need your help today. I know you must have watched all the Lakers games, and you must have learned something about the Jazz. Do you have any suggestions for the next Western Conference Finals?"

George has always been frank with Li Rui. He knows that this guy who seems to be not active in anything actually has a set of special ideas in his heart, and his ideas will always bring him new ideas. This is why George Ke The reason why Lent and Li Rui became good friends.

"What? Do you have any worries? It's fine to play normally. The Lakers have a good lineup. I believe they can win the final victory." Li Rui didn't directly point fingers at George's work. This is probably the nature of the Chinese. Li Rui didn't want George to feel that he had violated his position.

"Damn, you know I don't care about these things. Let me tell you, I'm worried about the defense at the fourth position. Although Karl Malone is not young, his ability is there. Robert Horry is definitely not an opponent. Last year We also have Eldon Campbell and other substitute players at position [-], but now Campbell can’t come back until the finals at most, even if he comes back, he may not be in good condition, so I have to find a way to deal with Malone.” George knew His old friend would not speak unless he was forced to, so George directly expressed his concerns to Li Rui.

"Well, Ma Long is really difficult to defend. He has strength, good skills, and a fierce playing style. He can be said to be a top player in the fourth position. I think only the rookie of the Spurs can match him. But George, I think there is something wrong with the direction of your thinking." Li Rui finally started to express his thoughts.

"What's the problem? Tell me, I haven't slept well since the last game. Look, my hair has lost a lot. You don't want me to be bald?" George also looked like a bald man in front of Li Rui. child.

"What is the purpose of the Lakers playing the game?" Li Rui asked.

"Of course it's a victory. Only after defeating the Jazz can we go to the finals." George was confused by Li Rui's question.

"Yes, it is victory, so what is the most basic factor of victory?" Li Rui continued to ask.

"Score more than your opponent, or let your opponent score less than yourself. Can you say something directly, what I hate the most is that you always pretend to be a ghost, like the guy from the Bulls (referring to Phil Jackson). "

"Okay, don't be impatient, George. Impatience will make your judgment wrong. The basis of victory is to score more than your opponent or let your opponent score less than you. It’s better, you need to restrain the opponent in both. But George, in defense, you can’t let the opponent not get a point, especially for a top power forward like Karl Malone, you can’t completely restrain him, think To guard against such a power forward, you must have an equally outstanding power forward." Li Rui finally began to reveal his "dry stuff".

"Well, you are right. I did think a little extreme before, but if Malone is not defended well, it will cause him a lot of trouble for the Lakers inside." George Clent has always been worried Ma Long broke out suddenly in the game.

"George, you pay too much attention to Malone. The real core of the Jazz is not Malone, but Stockton. Do you remember the first game of the regular season this season? The Jazz team without Stockton at that time How do you feel about the team, do you feel that the opponent's mind is not on the game, and the game is extremely chaotic?"

"Well, it seems that the Lakers lineup was also starting to run in at the time, but that game was very easy. However, it may also be that the Jazz were not ready at the time. It is not the same now. They can reach the Western Conference Finals , This shows that their strength is still very strong." George directed the playoffs for the first time, and although he had done a good job before, he was still a little anxious in the face of such a scene as the Western Conference Finals.

"This is the brilliance of Jerry Sloan, but also his most fatal flaw. The core of his team will always be the point guard. Others just play with the point guard. A team like the Jazz, He may have a chance to reach the finals, but he will definitely not win the championship. As long as he strangles his point guard, the Jazz will basically have no chance to win." Li Rui expressed his thoughts to George Clent .

"Well, what you said is very reasonable, Li, I knew you would definitely have your own ideas, haha, okay, thank you, after listening to your words, I think I have some ideas, I can let Liu come alone in defense Against Stockton, I don't think this kid will let him down just because the opponent is older than him."

"It's okay, George, I'm just giving you a new idea. As for how you choose, that's your problem. But I think you can properly train Steve Nash. He will be a player who leads a style. I like him a lot."

"Thank you, Lee. Seriously, have you considered it? When will you come to help me? I have reserved a seat for you. I think as long as you can come to the Lakers, we can win the championship next year." George Cron Tate had been inviting Li Rui to join his coaching team before, but Li Rui had to reject George's invitation because of his job at Inglewood High School.

"Don't worry, George, I will definitely come back to help you next season, play well, I don't want you to return to Los Angeles in despair."

"Haha, don't worry, Li, as long as that kid is around, I have at least 80.00% confidence to win the championship."

(End of this chapter)

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