Almighty legend life

Chapter 255 Fighting at home against tit for tat 8

Chapter 255

Jordan suddenly accelerated the dribble and broke through to the left side of Liu Han's body, but Liu Han's attention was very concentrated. His lateral movement speed exceeded Jordan's vertical breakthrough speed, and he blocked the opponent's breakthrough line before Jordan. If Jordan still breaks through forcefully, he will definitely hit Liu Han. In this case, the referee will definitely call Jordan an offensive foul, because Liu Han is in place first.

However, Jordan is not such a person who makes mistakes so easily. He saw that Liu Han had moved laterally and blocked the breakthrough route. He dribbled the ball under his crotch and pulled the ball back. Liu Han immediately moved his feet to get closer to Jordan.

Originally, Jordan planned to shoot the ball directly after pulling the ball back. He felt that Liu Han would be caught off guard by such an emergency stop and pull the ball. The move was very fast, and it was posted as soon as Jordan pulled the ball, which made Jordan lose the chance to make a shot.

In desperation, Jordan could only turn his back to protect the ball, and Liu Han immediately leaned forward.

The time passed by second by second, and there were less than five seconds left before the end of the attack time. Jordan's previous breakthrough and pull-back retreat were completely prevented by Liu Han, and now it has formed a pattern of Jordan hitting Liu Han with his back. situation.

Jordan, who was dribbling with his back, didn't have much time to think. After dribbling against Liu Han, he immediately turned with both hands and turned back to make a jumper.

Liu Han's attention was very concentrated. When Jordan approached, he suddenly moved the upper part of his body backwards, making it difficult for Jordan to borrow his strength so smoothly. Then he immediately jumped up to block the shot when Jordan turned around and leaned back. .

Jordan didn't expect that the young man on the opposite side had guessed all his thoughts, but now he had no choice but to shoot. Facing Liu Han who had jumped into the air, Jordan stretched his abdomen in the air with all his strength, and the ball in his hand paused for a while. Afterwards, Liu Han threw the ball while he was already falling. This kind of action was very difficult. Even Jordan himself was able to find the space to shoot when he almost lost his balance. After the ball was released, Jordan fell directly.

Liu Han was ready to grab a rebound after Jordan made a shot. In his opinion, it is generally difficult to score a goal with such a difficult shot as Jordan, but this time Jordan's shot has almost integrated all his energy and spirit. , in the case of losing balance, Jordan's shot bounced twice on the basket and then fell into the basket.

"Come on, boy, Comeon!" After getting up, Jordan shouted loudly to Liu Han. Jordan almost used all his strength for this ball. The conceited Jordan was also very excited to score a goal under such circumstances.

"It's really a super difficult goal. Michael shot when his body was almost in contact with the ground. Liu's defense is commendable for being able to push Michael to this level." Although I feel like Liu Han and Jordan A one-on-one one-on-one fight is not in line with tactics, but Myrph Albert still praised both sides.

Liu Han was not at all moved by Jordan's provocation, and his face was still stern, but he picked up the ball and handed it to Horry at the basket to let him serve quickly, which still made the Lakers happy. The players noticed something abnormal, and the persistence in Liu Han's heart began to be activated by Jordan's provocation, just like the game when he scored 88 points, Liu Han began to transform like a character in a comic, although such a description It seems to be a bit of a secondary school, but it must be said that such a statement is very appropriate.

For a long time, Liu Han gave people the impression that he was an easy-going young man, but in fact, he had a different personality in his body that was different from ordinary people.When Liu Han was a child, he was bullied and discriminated against by many people around him ignorantly. Although he was not sensible at that time, he was constantly compressed like a spring in his heart. This spring is no longer under pressure.After the death of his grandma, Liu Han, who gradually became sensible, slowly integrated into this strange society. As he started to get in touch with and fell in love with basketball, the training of competitive sports made Liu Han more and more mature. As Liu Han gradually gained some glory , the spring in his heart was activated again, that's why the incident of punching Rodman and Pippen happened again, and that's why he scored 88 points in a single game, and now, Jordan's provocation made Liu Han feel The spring is compressed to the extreme, and then it is the moment of explosion.

After receiving the ball from Liu Han at the basket, Horry immediately withdrew from the baseline to serve.

After Liu Han dribbled the ball into the frontcourt, Jordan did not dare to relax his vigilance as before, and he immediately approached Liu Han.

Just when Jordan wanted to attach Liu Han for close defense, Liu Han suddenly accelerated and broke through from the left side of Jordan's body. It was exactly the same as Jordan's movement just now, but the difference was that Liu Han's breakthrough was more resolute and fast.

The super fast first step made it too late for Jordan to retreat. Liu Han's current physical fitness is similar to his peak. Now Jordan can't keep up with this speed at all, but Jordan didn't give up easily. He moved his feet and stretched his knees forward. Going out, trying to interrupt Liu Han's breakthrough through such an action, at the same time his right hand also stretched out from behind Liu Han's body, trying to stab the basketball in Liu Han's hand.

Jordan's intention was useless under Liu Han's resolute and fast breakthrough. In the previous games, Jordan and Liu Han entangled more because of his weight and experience. Now facing Liu Han's extremely fast and resolute breakthrough Jordan's defense didn't help.

It took Liu Han almost two steps to completely get rid of Jordan. At this time, only the Turk Tony Kukoc, who came to defend him, was left in front of him.

Toni Kukoc didn't feel good today, but he is a very smart player and has been paying attention to the situation on the field. Seeing that Jordan was easily broken by Liu Han, Kukoc immediately ran to the outside of the reasonable collision zone and prepared to make a move. Liu Han's offensive foul, even if Liu Han is ready to dodge in the end, he can still use the foul to stop the opponent's morale-like attack, so that he, Tony Kukoc, has made a contribution.

Kukoc, who had thought everything over, saw that Liu Han's direction didn't change and rushed directly towards him. He was secretly happy in his heart. In order to let the referee see it more clearly, he even moved a small step outside, and at the same time Kukoc covered his crotch with his hands, and his knees were slightly bent to prepare for Liu Han's impact.

Liu Han, who has completely sped up, now only has the basket in front of him. He just wants to smash the basketball in his hand into the basket in the most violent way to declare that he is the king here, and Kukoc in front of him will be the one who leads to A small stone on the throne path.

Liu Han, who had already started to speed up completely, jumped up when he was more than one meter away from Kukoc. He pressed down slightly with his right hand and raised the ball high with his left hand.

Kukoc was ready for the collision, but Liu Han, who flew up in front of his eyes, flew higher and higher like clouds and fog, and the opponent's legs were gradually separated in the air. At this time, Kukoc had already realized that something was wrong, but now He thought it was too late to make a foul, but he felt that his eyes went dark, that was Liu Han's right hand pressing on his face, and then there was a loud noise behind him.

"Liu Han dribbled the ball forward very quickly, Jordan went up, wow, was broken, Liu showed an amazing first step speed, easily broke through Jordan's defense, Kukoc's defense was in place, Liu did not have the slightest slowed down, straight up, oh no, what is he doing? oh my god, it's impossible, it's impossible, lol what happened, my god, he flew In the past, he just flew over." What happened on the field made Rego Sager on the commentary stage completely excited, and he saw a scene that he had never seen since he was engaged in commentary.

The Los Angeles fans on the sidelines had already started cheering when Liu Han rushed to the basket, but when Liu Han flew directly over Kukoc's head and completed the dunk, the audience on the sidelines suddenly stopped for a second , followed by cheers that almost broke the Great Western Forum.

Kukoc's fair face turned red like a new layer of skin. He was completely humiliated by Liu Han. Liu Han flew over his head. Yes, from his [-] meter tall Tony Kukoc Koch flew over his head, and for many years to come, this scene was a classic in the NBA.

Reg Sager on the commentary stage was still in a state of excitement, and even the usually calm Myrph Albert was also in a state of excitement.

"It's an unbelievable dunk, Liu, this young man provided a classic scene for the league. He flew directly over Kukoc's head. A big player who was close to [-] meters was directly leaped by Liu Han. This is the history of the league. Never before."

After the dunk, Liu Han still ran back to his own half with a stern face. When he passed by Jordan, he did not forget to say "Comeon" to the opponent.

Before returning to his own half, Liu Han was greeted by hugs and chest bumps from Lakers players. Liu Han's dunk shocked everyone in the arena.

Just when the referee was still hesitant to continue the game, George Krent solved his troubles for him. George directly called a timeout, giving the fans on the sidelines a chance to watch the defense.

Kukoc returned to the bench almost with the support of his teammates. It is believed that he will be in a sluggish state for a long time.

The big screen above the center of the field is constantly replaying Liu Han's stunning dunk just now. I believe that this dunk will be replayed countless times in a long period of time.

"See, that's Liu, that's why he's loved by everyone in Los Angeles, because you never know when he's going to surprise people, and I'm sure his fans will have a big hit after today. Growth, because this dunk is really incredible." Magic Johnson also said to these commentators after the atmosphere on the sidelines gradually calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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