Almighty legend life

Chapter 290 The Potato Restaurant in the Old Port

Chapter 290 The Potato Restaurant in the Old Port
The midsummer Mediterranean sea breeze blows away the heat from the Gulf of Ajaccio on the west coast of Corsica, and the slightly salty sea breeze mixed with the smell of Mediterranean sea fish permeates the streets of the old port of Ajaccio.

As the sun sets, the afterglow of the setting sun turns the flowers on the old second-floor balconies in the streets of the old port into gold. Everything seems so quiet and harmonious. In this small city of only 5 people, tranquility is most of the time characteristics.

The returning fishing boat broke the tranquility of the old port. The middle-aged captain with a short stature and a big red nose scolded all the crew members one by one with the local French that smelled of Italian olive oil in Corsica, no matter how hardworking they were. The honest crew members who were carrying the harvested fish still looked disgruntled. Even the young crew members with my harpoon in their hands were the targets of the captain’s attacks. In his eyes, there was no fear at all, and he just poured out his own saliva.

When the captain finally stopped and the whole fishing boat was cleaned up, the last twilight of the setting sun had already faded away, and it was time to go home.

"Millers, are you going to go home or go to the bar?" The captain asked the old boatman Millers Mott he was familiar with.

"Sean, you know, I'm the only one at home, and it's not interesting to go back. I'm going to the newly opened restaurant for dinner and then to the bar." Millers Smoot is a native of Corsica, but Some alternatives are that his height is not as short as the average Corsican, on the contrary his height reached 1.9 meters, which is rare in Corsica.

"Miles, it's time for you to find a woman to start a family." Captain Sean asked Pierre to be a very kind boss despite his harsh words, otherwise he would not have allowed a cripple to stay in his on board.

Millers Smoot is the cripple. He is 33 years old now, but he is still not married. When he was young, Millers was once the most famous genius in Corsica and was known as the future No. [-] goalkeeper in France, but To everyone's surprise, Millers did not choose to play football, but engaged in basketball, which in the eyes of Corsicans is different. With his outstanding height and good skills, Millers has been He was selected for the French National Youth Basketball Team, but later he had a car accident while traveling with his parents. Although he was lucky to survive, his parents passed away, and Millers also lost his job because of the car accident. Possibility of movement.

Millers, who was hit so hard, was also depressed for a while. Alcohol was the only "good medicine" he could use to paralyze himself. Millers, unable to find work, ended up working as a boatman on Sean Jean-Pierre's boat.

"Are you talking about the new restaurant opened by the oriental man who came here two months ago? It just so happens that I'm going there too. The oriental man ordered fish from me, and I have to deliver it to him." Sean said to the old man. Everything in the port is very familiar, and he has almost never left here in his life.

"The potato pancakes there are very good, and it's just right to go with the fried fish steak, and I don't know where the oriental got the Belgian beer. I drank it when I was in Paris, and I never drank it again." Mi In fact, Les didn't particularly care about the food in that restaurant, he was more interested in the owner of that restaurant.

"I know, Millers, the owner of that restaurant is probably the only one in Corsica island who is taller than you. I think you have a common language, although I don't think that oriental guy is a good person." Sean said I really like the hash browns there, the novel way is completely different from the local Corsican dishes, so Sean has visited the restaurant many times since it opened.

When Millers and Sean walked into this small restaurant, there were already customers on the other three tables, leaving only one table near the bar empty. Millers and Sean hurried to sit down. There.

Millers walked into the bar with a limp step, and then skillfully took out four bottles of beer from under the bar. The restaurant guests turned a blind eye to this scene, because they also took their own beer. Know, the beer here needs to be "self-serve".

A bell rang from a small delivery port behind the bar, and a pair of big hands placed a plate to the window.

"Table No. [-]." A cold voice sounded from behind the window.

Millers quickly lowered his head and said from the window, "Two people, boss." Although he didn't get any response, Millers knew that the other party had already started preparing his own food.

By the time Millers and Captain Sean got their food, the first table had already left.

Millers looked up at the door on the left side of the bar, and saw a taller, muscular figure who pushed open the door and came out from the operating room.

This tall oriental man had a bald head, and two hideous scars across the ears on both sides made this already strong figure reveal a hint of fierceness.Perhaps because of the scar, the oriental man's originally delicate eyebrows and eyes were pulled up obliquely, making people think that he was a bloodthirsty madman at first glance, and the stubble face that turned blue under the incandescent lamp It makes people feel that behind this face should be a serious prisoner serving a prison sentence.

When the oriental man went to the back of the bar to put the meal money of the first table guests into the drawer, Milles felt turmoil in his heart.

They are really similar, although from the appearance, there is a huge difference between this oriental man and the man in his heart, but for some reason, Millers always feels that the other party gives him a very familiar feeling.

That person has disappeared from the eyes of the world for almost a year. I don't know if that person can know that on this Mediterranean island, there is a fan who is over [-] years old and changed himself because of his deeds.Millers thought to himself as he ate his hash browns.

The shooting incident at Pershing Square in Los Angeles that shocked the world a year ago made Millers' idol announce his retirement to the world only through his agent, and then he disappeared from everyone's eyes, as if he had never appeared in this world.When Millers was most depressed, he began to change after hearing about his idol's deeds.

"Are you Chinese? Boss?" Millers couldn't help the doubts in his heart and chose to ask the owner of the restaurant.

"Leave quickly after eating, this is not a bar." What Milles didn't expect was that the other party was extremely irritable, as if it was the same as the other party's personality.

(End of this chapter)

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