Almighty legend life

Chapter 294 Old Time

Chapter 294 Old Time

Liu Han was sitting in front of the counter with a half bottle of tequila in his hand. The tobacco between his fingers was slowly burning, but he didn't smoke it at all. Instead, he stared blankly at the little girl Anna sitting at the table eating.From the upturned corners of his mouth when eating delicious food, and the involuntary chirping sound, Liu Han seemed to see another Safina sitting in front of him, just like the first time Liu Han made "potato pancakes" for Safina At that time, the two were not officially in love, and Safina would give Liu Han a face from time to time, but when Safina ate potato pancakes, she was exactly the same as today's Anna.

Liu Han looked at the slender little girl in front of him, Anna, who finished two servings of "potato pancakes" and two servings of fish steak by herself, and also finished a large bottle of juice, which Liu Han had just squeezed. He didn't dare to give this The talkative little girl served alcoholic drinks.

"I'm so full. I have to say that although you don't look like a good person, you are definitely a good cook. Uh, by the way, what should I call you, sir? I know that your Chinese surnames are all one-syllable, Is your name Liu? Haha, I just heard that idiot cripple say that word, that should be your name. Thank you, Mr. Liu, Anna Benosova will remember your kindness.” Still Liu Han could only understand about half of the long list of Russian words, but he was still in a daze now. Anna found that there was no focus in those cold eyes.

"Sir? Mr. Liu? Oh, God, why am I so unlucky, am I another idiot?" Anna found that she couldn't call Liu Han at all.

When Anna kept waving her hands in front of Liu Han, Liu Han, who was caught in the memories of the old days, finally came back to his senses, because the cigarette butt between his fingers almost burned his hands.

"Finish? The rest is your job. Put away the tableware, and then clean the kitchen. Upstairs is the bedroom. You can go to rest. Don't move the drawers in the bedroom. You can do whatever else you want." Seeing that the height is about the same There was a little girl over 1.6 meters looking at him, Liu Han arranged a job for Anna indifferently, and he realized that the little girl opposite could not be Safina at all.

"Uh, I can pay, sir, don't you want me to clean up the dishes, I can't do this, I've never done it, I'm afraid I'll mess up your kitchen." Anna has been trained since she was a child, she Her father, Vladimir Benosov, was the main player of the former Soviet Union's national football team, and her mother, Viktor Ya Benosova, also won the rhythmic gymnastics world team championship, so Anna was regarded as a Trained by athletes, it can almost be said that they have not done any housework.

"I'm not short of money. If you want to do it, you can leave now. I won't force you." What Anna didn't expect was that this man who seemed a little silly at times, but fierce most of the time, actually rejected her. , After he came to France, he was almost never rejected by anyone. Relying on her beautiful face like an angel, Anna was able to come to Ajaccio from Marseille. Unexpectedly, this oriental man rejected him very coldly.

Anna didn't want to leave now. In her opinion, this man seemed fierce but harmless to her, because Anna felt that this man was probably not "straight".

In desperation, Anna Benosova had no choice but to use her own trump card. He raised his head to look at this tall oriental man, expressed his regret with his most innocent expression, and then thought in his heart that his dream was about to be shattered In reality, tears were slowly seeping out of a pair of big blue eyes, and then she said to Liu Han in the most pitiful voice she felt: "Sir..." Anna didn't say much, because he knew that he had said too much. Might be counterproductive.

Liu Han stood up and walked out of the counter. Just when Anna thought that the other party would go to the kitchen to clean up everything, Liu Han went straight to the door and opened it.

Anna shook her hands angrily. It seemed that this burly oriental man was really "curvy". Then she walked towards the tableware she had eaten and was about to take it to the kitchen to clean it up, while muttering in her mouth.

"I don't even mind that you are a crook, you still let me do this, what a fool, curse you for ever finding a girlfriend, no, curse you for never finding a boyfriend. Oh, so strong, sure It’s the one who is good, and the one who is not good is the ‘female’, oh, let’s curse you for never finding a girlfriend.” Anna was so angry that she forgot the fact that Liu Han could understand Russian.

Liu Han felt that his forehead was immediately congested with blood. He didn't expect that the little girl in front of him followed him to the store so boldly because the other party felt that he was a "curvy", which made Liu Han feel dark in front of him. , although he doesn't care much about what others think of him now, but he absolutely can't bear to be regarded as a "curvy".

"What are you talking about? Anna Benosova, do you think I don't understand? So should I do something now to prove to you that I'm not 'curvy'. Or should I throw you in the front Take a good wash in the Mediterranean Sea, your mind is really too dirty." Liu Han, dizzy from anger, said to Anna in an extremely cold voice.

"Ah——" Anna, who was taken aback by Liu Han, threw away the tableware in her hand. She really forgot that the other party could speak Russian just now.

"I, I'm kidding you, sir, I'm kidding, don't get mad, you're definitely 'straight', a man of your size must be 'straight', you won't have the heart to let me This little girl who is not yet 16 sleeps on the street, right? Also, I am not yet an adult, you don't like dealing with the police, do you? And you sure don't like me, a firewood girl with nothing? "Anna subconsciously acted like Liu Han and acted pitifully.

Liu Han was amused by Anna's words. This little girl who looks so much like Safina has a completely different personality from Safina. Like a bird, he kept praying to Liu Han with a crisp voice like an elf.

But Liu Han suddenly felt that he didn't have a headache when he thought of Safina just now, maybe he was really mad by this funny little girl.

Liu Han smiled helplessly, the expression on his face was no longer so stiff, then he closed the door, walked to Anna, when Anna thought that the other party would teach him a lesson, Liu Han bent down and picked up the broken pieces on the ground. Cutlery, and then said to Anna: "What are you waiting for here? I want to wait for me to prove to you whether I am 'straight', go upstairs to the bedroom, don't move the drawers, go to rest." After finishing speaking, Liu Han will Went to the kitchen, leaving behind a stunned little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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