Chapter 296
Like a little mouse, Anna squeezed between two big men who were both 1.9 meters tall. She was very interested in the stories between the two men, and at the same time was very curious about the mysterious Oriental Boss. Fantasizing about all kinds of bizarre stories, of course, she also feels very magical about the things in the oriental boss's bedside drawer.

Millers understood Anna's English. In France, many people learn English as a second language. After all, they all belong to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family.

But just when Millers was about to explain his relationship with Liu Han to Anna, Liu Han suddenly said to Anna: "Anna Benosova, I didn't ask you how you came here yesterday, and I didn't ask you how you got here. Find out what you have done before, but should you leave today, I am not a free hotel here." Liu Han's words were very indifferent.

Millers did not expect that Liu Han would be so indifferent to Anna who was very similar to Safina. He originally thought that Liu Han would cheer up after seeing Anna. Millers still hoped that the former basketball king would come back.

But just when Liu Han and Millers thought the little girl would rush out of the door angrily, Anna suddenly burst into tears, tears overflowing from her beautiful big eyes.

"Well... I'm not here to travel. I grew up in Ukraine. I want to be a ballet dancer, but our family's family conditions are very poor. My father wants to marry me to a wealthy old man in France. They They are all villains, I escaped here with great difficulty, and you let me leave. Once I leave, I will probably be arrested and raped by that old man who is like a devil. You have the heart to watch a beautiful girl like me fall into a pit of fire Is it because I can’t get enough to eat at home, that’s why I’m so thin. If I eat like this every day, I guess I’ll grow into that kind of sexy girl with boobs. I know you’re a good person , can you let me stay here for another two days, I promise I won’t disturb your life.” Anna’s speech speed slowed down this time, because she spoke in English, and she didn’t count on this Ukrainian escaped marriage story of her own She cheated the shrewd Boss Dongfang, she just wanted to let the cripple next to her be fooled, because Anna knew that as long as this idiot cripple was fooled, she would probably be able to stay here. Anna didn't want to go back now, she felt that she had to Father realizes his "mistake".

Sure enough, as Anna thought, Millers was already a little angry following Anna's pitiful performance. He didn't expect to see such a tragic story when the new century was approaching, and Anna was indeed very beautiful. , every French male has no resistance to beautiful things.

"Liu, I think we can let her stay for another two days, and then I can call the police. It's really unimaginable that such a thing will happen now, and you see she looks so much like Sa..." Milles Seeing that Liu Han's expression suddenly became colder and colder, he quickly stopped, it seemed that his idol still hadn't recovered from that incident.

"Only two days." Liu Han finally tolerated Anna's "story". Although the story was full of loopholes in his opinion, at least the latest pair of Adidas women's running shoes on Anna's feet let her leak.Although Liu Han knew that the little girl on the opposite side was only very similar to Safina in appearance, deep down in his heart he still didn't want Anna to leave with other men. Liu Han, who has experienced many trials, now has a strong desire to possess in his heart.

"YES—, I knew you were a good man, and you, this, uh, what should I call you, sir? Thank you for helping me, and you are a good man. Now I will clear the dishes and come back Listen to your stories, wait for me." Anna felt that she was a genius, or that she should go to Hollywood to try, the tears just shed as soon as she said it, and Anna felt that she was really amazing.

Seeing Anna happy to take the initiative to clean up the tableware, Liu Han couldn't help laughing. He doesn't like washing dishes and cleaning up the tableware. This is very similar to Safina, because in the past, Safina followed Li After Rui went to China, he washed the tableware for four years. LaBeouf and his wife intended to cultivate Safina's hands-on ability, but unexpectedly, Safina hated it. After living together with Liu Han, Safina Every time I always beg for mercy like Liu Han, and then beg Liu Han to wash the dishes or clean up the tableware, although they don't have much time to eat together...

Seeing Liu Han staring blankly at Anna, Milles knew that this was a good opportunity to restore his idol. Although Milles knew that the possibility of this might not be high, he still wanted to see that idol again. The legendary star Liu Han.

"Liu, maybe you can find out if Anna is related to Safina. After all, they are both Russians and they look so similar." Millers bit the bullet and chose to express himself directly to Liu Han. I don't know if Liu Han will explode suddenly in the next moment.

Liu Han stared at Millers coldly, and then said to Millers in an almost icy voice: "She is gone, there will be no second one."

"But Liu will never have another one. He is a legend and a hero in my mind. He aroused my confidence when I was at my worst. He made me feel that the world has not abandoned me. Liu , Many people want to see you again, and many people don't want you to be depressed like this, you should go back and return to the life you should live." Millers suddenly broke out, and he directly shouted at Liu Han, Mi Les doesn't want to see his idol live like he did.

Liu Han listened to what Millers said to him, and he felt a terrible headache, and the scar on his head began to stimulate his nerves like a fire.

Liu Han, who was in a frenzy, tore off the collar of Millers' clothes with both hands, and then lifted the 1.9-meter-tall Millers up.

"Should I go back? Am I supposed to go back to this dirty, disgusting, disgusting business like nothing happened? Am I supposed to just play ball like I've always been like an idiot? That The bastard is still alive, just because those bastard judges said he is crazy, so can I just go and kill him like a crazy person?" Liu Han completely vented the anger in his heart, after that incident happened Afterwards, the white man who shot Liu Han was sent out for a psychiatric evaluation, and then only sentenced to life imprisonment under the manipulation of a group of judges. This is one of the main reasons why Liu Han left the United States.

"Bastard, let go of your hands. This is Corsica, not your barbaric East." Just as Liu Han vented his anger towards Millers, the door of the shop was pushed open, and Captain Sean and a short-tall young man Walking in together, seeing Liu Han directly lift Millers in the air, Captain Sean also got angry.

(End of this chapter)

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