Almighty legend life

Chapter 305 Wenger's Ambition Part [-]

Chapter 305 Wenger's Ambition Part [-]
For Arthur Wenger, Franck Ribery, who is only 16 years old, is the cornerstone of the future he selected for the team. This 16-year-old compatriot was very impressed after Wenger first learned about it from scouts. interest, because Ribery suddenly rose in just over a year, and before that, he was unknown, which means that either this child is an unborn genius, or a shooting star, But for Wenger, it's worth a try. After all, it doesn't cost a penny to invite Ribery to join. Of course, Wenger has many goals. The French have an unusual fondness for young talent.

In view of Franck Ribery's constant hesitation, Wenger decided to go to Lille to see for himself, and believed that his arrival would make Franck Ribery make up his mind.

At this time, Franck Ribery was still eating with Liu Han in Lille, but his meal was indeed a little hard to swallow, because he was still worried that he would not be able to fight side by side with Liu Han. For Berry, he feels that his greatest glory is to show his strength in front of Liu Han. This is the nature of a 16-year-old child. They need someone who cares about them to witness and share their success.

"Let's eat, Frank, don't worry, you make up your own mind whether you want to go to England, after all, it's a foreign country, and you're underage. As a mascot, I guess many teams would like to invite me to join, but I don’t want to directly reveal my identity yet.” Liu Han was comforting Ribery who almost stuffed the spoon into his nostril.

"Liu, I have indeed been reused here, but only in the youth team. The head coach of the first team will always come to the youth training base to select players. I don't know if I will have a bright day when I stay in Lille, and if I have been staying here, and I basically have no income, because the team does not allow underage players to sign professional contracts, but on the other side of the Strait, I want to enter a higher level of league training earlier." He also has a certain understanding of the future. In Lille's youth training base, the reason why he is becoming more and more famous is that he hardly meets opponents in the game. He can get rid of many people's defenses only by relying on speed. This makes Ribe I find it lacking in challenge.Liu Han not only allowed Ribery to regain his confidence, but also allowed Ribery to set a higher goal. If he only wanted to become a professional player, then he would not have to take the risk of going abroad, and staying with Lille would be enough Time can make him a star here, but now Ribery has greater ambitions. Compared with Ligue [-], the thriving Premier League is more attractive.

"Otherwise, you can contact Coach Wenger and discuss with him to see if the other party sincerely wants to introduce you. At that time, I can also talk to him about my problem. I think the other party should Will not reject my application, just like Charente, right?" Liu Han has no requirements on where to start to participate in football, according to his own ideas, while relying on his current ability, one to two years Just enough for him to reemerge from football.

This year's training not only made Liu Han realize the strength of his body, but also made his body even better during the training. The explosive muscles contained this explosive power, At the same time, his stamina and will are also at the top special forces level, otherwise he would not easily become a mercenary in Africa.

Liu Han's words made Ribery finally relieved. Ribery absolutely believed in Liu Han's ability. He felt that his idol might become a world-renowned football star in the next moment.

After Ribery separated from Liu Han, he first took out the contact information left by the Arsenal scout to get in touch with him, but when he learned that Arsenal's head coach, Mr. Arsene Wenger, had left for Lille At that time, he felt that he should go to England to try, at least the head coach attached great importance to him.

After Wenger came to France, he didn’t even go home. He went directly to Lille. He felt that he would only be comfortable if he got rid of Ribery and then went home to enjoy the reunion with his family. Wenger does have some preferences for young talents, especially When the young man was a French lad.

Arsene Wenger, who came to Lille, did not expect Ribery to come to the airport to pick him up directly, which made Wenger feel that it would not be a big problem to get rid of Ribery.

When Wenger and Ribery came to a cafe in the Lille Square area, Wenger became interested in the tall oriental man who had been following Ribery. Ribery's internal scars are similar, and the scars make these two young men look a bit cold.

"Frank, don't you mind if I call you that? Can you introduce this gentleman to me? He is your agent?" Wenger felt that this oriental man should be Ribery's agent.

"Hello Mr. Wenger, my name is Han Liu, you can call me Liu, actually I am not Frank's agent, I am his friend." Liu Han introduced himself to Wenger in fluent French.

"Oh, well, Frank, I believe you know the purpose of my coming here. I am very sincere about your joining. In my opinion, continuing to bring Lille is a waste of your talent. Arsenal have what suits you. Talented youth training system." Wenger was very straightforward, because he felt that Ribery was actually tempted.

"I am very grateful to you for appreciating me. I also want to test my strength in a higher league. I am very grateful to you for coming in person. It is my honor to join Arsenal. But I only have one small request. "Franck Ribery looked very calm.

"Whatever request, as long as it is reasonable, we will try our best to meet it." Wenger did not dare to say too much. If this kid asks him for a sky-high salary, then he will definitely not agree. Although Arsenal have been very good in the past two years , but the economic strength is always not enough.

"That is whether you can let my friend join Arsenal." Ribery's words surprised Wenger.

"Frank, are you talking about this gentleman? With all due respect, you don't look like a football player. Your height is more in line with basketball." Wenger is actually very suspicious of Liu Han's identity, although he once He stayed in Japan for a while, but it was the contact during this time that made him feel that the strength of Eastern players is much worse than that of players from other regions.

"You read that right, I am indeed a basketball player, but I think if you are willing to look it up, you should be able to know that my football level is not bad. Don't worry about what Frank said, I don't need anything else, just give me I have a trial training opportunity, I believe you will be willing to sign me." Liu Han's face is full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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