Almighty legend life

Chapter 308 Coming to the Premier League

Chapter 308 Coming to the Premier League
In the two weeks after Liu Han applied for a labor certification to the Premier League, the British Football Association and the Premier League adopted a new regulation after a fairly quick discussion, which is the "special talent clause". Every year, there is a quota to apply for special talent clauses from the British Football Association, and the teams that pass the application can allow the player who does not meet the labor certification application to join the team.The arrogant Anglo-Saxons still did not directly give Liu Han a special case, but only relied on this way of deception to pass Liu Han's application. (The real situation is that the Special Genius Clause was only passed in 2003, and it is now ahead of schedule. Please don’t mind the research party.)
Liu Han did not target the Premier League management again, and the Arsenal club also submitted a special talent application to the British Football Association on the second day after the clause was announced, and the target was of course Liu Han.

As soon as this news was reported by the media, it immediately became the focus of attention of everyone, including football fans and basketball fans. Fame, and many basketball fans think that Liu Han's not going back to play in the NBA is a waste of his talent.

David Stern actually wanted to send someone to invite Liu Han back after he learned that Liu Han appeared in the UK, because last season it can be said that the league fell into a trough.With the disappearance of Liu Han due to the shooting incident, coupled with the fact that Jordan chose to retire again due to pressure and disagreements with the Bulls management, and labor negotiations stalled, the league played less than [-] rounds in the entire last season. The ratings for the final even fell to their lowest point in nearly a decade.David Stern is actually very much looking forward to Liu Han’s return now, but when Liu Han’s agent sent the news that Liu Han will join the Premier League team and engage in football, David Stern was a little angry again. Liu Han was protesting against him. In this regard, Stern decided to let Liu Han out to let the other party realize that he is nothing after leaving the NBA.

Less than a week after Arsenal Club applied for a special talent to the Football Association, the British Football Association issued a labor certificate to Liu Han, which means that the former NBA star will officially join the Arsenal Club.

As for what kind of contract to sign with Liu Han, the Arsenal club actually has its own ideas. They don't want to sign a long-term contract with Liu Han, because they are afraid that Liu Han's football ability will not keep him very popular. With a long-term contract, if Liu Han's popularity drops too quickly at that time, it may embarrass the club. Therefore, a two-to-three-year contract is what Arsenal most want to sign with Liu Han.

And Liu Han's team does not want to sign a long-term contract with Arsenal. On the one hand, the reason is that Liu Han's team believes that Liu Han will eventually return to the NBA, so there is no need to sign a long-term contract with Arsenal, and for Liu Han's Ability, Liu Han's team is also very trustworthy. It can be said that Helga has been watching how Liu Han quickly became a superstar in the NBA. He admires Liu Han's learning ability very much.Since Liu Han has excellent abilities, it would be a waste to sign a long-term contract with Arsenal. Helga can't wait for Liu Han to sign a one-year contract with Arsenal, and then make Arsenal regret it.

However, before signing the contract, the Arsenal club still conducted a comprehensive physical examination on Liu Han, and they did not want Liu Han to have any potential injuries.

Liu Han's honed body shocked Arsenal's team doctor. He had never seen such powerful statistics. His explosive power was comparable to that of an Olympic sprinter, and his endurance was comparable to that of a triathlete. Not to mention his strength, Arsenal The team doctor even suspected that Liu Han was a brown bear in human skin.

Wenger was also very happy when he got the team doctor's report. Looking at the exaggerated data in the report, Wenger at least didn't worry that Liu Han would get injured. As for Liu Han's football strength, we will talk about it later.

After completing the physical examination, Liu Han finally signed a contract with Arsenal Club. The weekly salary of 8 pounds is considered new in Arsenal Club, but Liu Han doesn't care about this. Big brand endorsement contracts.The three-year contract is also an acceptable period for both parties.

So far, Liu Han, a former NBA star, has officially joined the Arsenal club. At the signing site, more than [-] media reporters interviewed him on the spot.

The joining of Liu Han made many teams in the Premier League wait to see Arsenal's jokes.Arsenal's outstanding performance in recent years has made Wenger hostile to many people in the Premier League. The arrogant English always look down on the French, and the tactics advocated by Wenger are also alien to many teams in the Premier League.

As Arsenal, the biggest enemy of Manchester United in the league in the past two years, Ferguson certainly will not miss this good opportunity to laugh at Wenger. In the view of Manchester United coach Ferguson, Liu Han joined Arsenal to be a mascot. He doesn't believe how good a basketball star can be on the football field, even if he is a superstar on the basketball field.

Ferguson said in an interview with the media: "Congratulations to Mr. Wenger for finding a suitable jersey model. I believe that Arsenal's jerseys will have a higher sales volume in the future, but this jersey may not be worn by ordinary fans." In Ferguson's words Although there is no statement against Liu Han, everyone understands that Ferguson is looking down on Liu Han, but Liu Han has no response to this, which makes more people believe that Liu Han's joining Arsenal is just hype.

However, Liu Han's joining Arsenal did not cause turmoil in the locker room. In the eyes of most Arsenal players, Liu Han is here to sell jerseys. As for his football quality, Arsenal players will not believe a basketball player Moreover, when they learned that Liu Han joined Arsenal as a goalkeeper, most of the players in the team were even more convinced that Liu Han was actually invited by the team for promotion purposes, and they all knew that What kind of prestige does Liu Han have? No one is brainless enough to provoke Liu Han. After all, the other party will not have any conflicts of interest with them. Even the main goalkeeper of the team, David Seaman, thinks that Liu Han will not have any influence on his status. threaten.

Liu Han joined the Arsenal club in such an atmosphere where the fans had both expectations and understanding. He rented an apartment near the club's training base, although he could use the funds from the foundation to buy real estate in London But Liu Han did not do this. A year of training has made him adapt to this simple and simple life, and now he is going to devote most of his energy to training football. There is no need to make too much trouble in London. many things.

Under the attention of the outside world and Liu Han's low-key, the Arsenal Club ushered in their first training session of the new season.

(End of this chapter)

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