Almighty legend life

Chapter 678 Nelson's Bold Experiment

Chapter 678 Nelson's Bold Experiment

Liu Han was injured. This news immediately became the focus of media attention on the second day after the Mavericks defeated the Sixers. You must know that most of the media now think that without Liu Han, the Mavericks are at most an ordinary playoff team. team.

On the second day after the game with the [-]ers, Liu Han was put on the injured list by the Mavericks. After learning the news, local media reporters in Dallas immediately went to the Baiyan Lake Villa District to inquire about Liu Han news, some people came to the Mavericks training hall to inquire about the news.

However, Liu Han's figure was very mysterious, and the reporter did not get any news about Liu Han's injury.

Time went back to one day before, before the start of the game between the Mavericks and the Sixers, Nelson and Liu Han had a private conversation.

"Liu, I have an idea now and I need your help. If you agree, I will implement it, but if you don't want to miss any games, then forget it."

For Liu Han, Nelson still attaches great importance to it. After all, this matter will affect Liu Han, so Nelson changed from his previous strength and communicated and discussed with Liu Han kindly.

"Tang, tell me what you want to see. If possible, I will definitely help you."

Liu Han is actually quite curious about Nelson's thoughts. This old man who is over sixty years old has no rigid way of thinking. Speaking of which, sometimes some of Nelson's ideas are even bolder and more radical than those of young people. Otherwise, He also won't have the title "Mad Scientist".

"Okay then, I'll just say it straight, Liu, I need you to be 'hurt' for a while."

Nelson's words made Liu Han confused for a while, and he couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the old man's gourd.

"Injured? Why?"

"Haha, don't worry, it's not that you are really hurt, it's a fake, but only you and I know, and no one else can know."

"Uh, Don, to be honest, why are you doing this? I don't care about data at all. I didn't care about it before, and even more so now, but I want to know the specific reason for your doing so."

After hearing what old Nelson said, Liu Han still asked what happened. After all, this matter seemed very mysterious.

"It's not as mysterious as you think, Liu. I just want to test how the team will change without you. Of course, to be more accurate, I can only hide it from others and discuss it with you. You know, our goal for this year It is very clear that it is the championship, but I think you are also very aware of the intensity of the playoffs. I am not sure if you are really injured, whether the team can continue. After all, what is the playoffs? Anything can happen, and you're not 'SuperMan', of course I wouldn't be too surprised if you actually told me that you actually go out at night and save the world, after all you are in some ways no different than that guy in his underwear ,Ha ha."

Liu Han was also amused by the old man's witty remarks. At the same time, he also admired Nelson's thoughtfulness. This old man is bold, but his thinking is still much more thoughtful than ordinary people.

"Haha, thank you for your compliment, Don, but I really don't want to wear my underwear outside, it looks too ugly, well, I agree with your proposal, and I will fully cooperate with you. In fact, I still have to thank you , Tang, you know, Anna is pregnant now, I actually really want to spend more time with her to accompany her, I have spent too much time on the field these years, I owe her a debt."

"Then after today's game, you can have a two-week vacation, but try to minimize going out to reduce some unnecessary attention. Of course, you should pay attention to your weight. I don't want to see someone who has gained a lot of weight after two weeks. 'SuperMan'."

"Don't worry, Tang, I will pay attention. Besides, I have to say that the team really can't keep any secrets. You also have to pay attention to being leaked. There will be a lot of trouble at that time."

After negotiating with Liu Han, Nelson announced to the team the day after the Mavericks defeated the [-]ers that Liu Han suffered an accident at home and had to rest for a while.

Thanks to Liu Han's full cooperation (in fact, Liu Han was at home with Anna), Nelson's bold test began.

After losing Liu Han, one of the team's first problems is the point guard problem.

In addition to Liu Han, the Mavericks also have Odom and Travis Best who can control the ball. After all, Odom only started to try to control the ball this season. Best is 1.8 meters taller, and he is also a guy with a strong desire to attack. In this case, the Mavericks' ball control problem has become the primary problem to be solved. However, Nelson's purpose is to test the pressure resistance of the team's current lineup. Best Te and Odom will have to take on the ball-handling task in the future.

In addition, the absence of Liu Han also exposed another problem of the Mavericks, that is, the problem of perimeter defense in the game.

Although the Mavericks do not rely on defense to achieve good results, everyone knows that the level of defense and the intensity of confrontation in the playoffs will be greatly improved on the basis of the regular season. The reason for the rapid development of the team, but the reason why they entered the playoffs but were eliminated in the first round, the team that could not adapt to the rhythm of the playoffs could only be eliminated.

In the Mavericks starting lineup, Lamar Odom and Jamison are both offensively strong and defensively weak. Dirk Nowitzki has played very tough recently but his defense is still weak. Josh Howard has the potential to become a top perimeter defender, but this young man is Howard, who is so stubborn that he can't turn a corner, is a good player for breakthroughs, but defense is a problem.

The above are just some small problems that the Mavericks temporarily exposed after the lack of Liu Han. The specific game still needs to be tried in the game.

In fact, to be honest, when the Mavericks players knew the news of Liu Han's "injury", many people began to worry a little at that time. They were used to Liu Han's extremely comfortable passing. Uncomfortable feeling, this is a habit, this habit will make the Mavericks stronger when Liu Han is there, but when Liu Han is absent from the game, this habit becomes a disadvantage for the Mavericks.

Nelson took the players' concerns into consideration, which was also one of his goals for "injuring" Liu Han. The strength of the player's will is actually related to the results of the playoffs. Any guy who is weak and accustomed to relying on others will not Will go too far in the playoffs.

(End of this chapter)

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