Almighty legend life

Chapter 711 Wolves ravage the Houston Mavericks and meet their rivals

Chapter 711 The Wolves Ravage the Houston Mavericks and Meet a Strong Enemy ([-])
Liu Han advanced the ball to the frontcourt at high speed, then handed the ball to Nowitzki, who was brought up from the high post, and then stuck to Nowitzki's body and inserted into the inside of the Timberwolves relying on the cover of his teammates, and at the same time handed over the ball. Taking the pass from Nowitzki, the Timberwolves had no choice but to shrink their defense. Liu Han cleverly hit the ball from behind with his right hand and passed it to Nowitzki. Nowitzki immediately caught the ball and was ready to shoot.

Garnett is worthy of being the best defensive player of the season. He turned around and rushed to Nowitzki again, but Nowitzki didn't shoot after taking off with one foot. Instead, he threw the ball near the basket and just avoided it. He blocked Garnett's block, and Liu Han, who had passed the ball before, did not stop his pace of cutting inside. He jumped high in the direction of Nowitzki's ball, ignoring Kasai who was chasing and defending. Er directly dunked and scored two points. At this time, the basket of the Timberwolves was almost empty, and the players of the Timberwolves were all attracted out of the inside by the players of the Mavericks.

The first quarter of the game is about to end. The Mavericks have already caught up with the score and surpassed the Timberwolves by as many as 9 points. Now Liu Han and Nowitzki's lob widened the point difference to double digits.

The Timberwolves started their second away game with the Mavericks and played the Mavericks' chasing counterattack normally, which allowed them to achieve a certain effect, but the Mavericks gave the Timberwolves a glimpse in the second half of the first quarter What is real speed flow.

Compared with other teams entering the playoffs, the tactics of the Mavericks are more unrestrained and pure. At the same time, the Mavericks players who have adapted to this "unrestrained" style of play also found in this extreme speed play that they lost at the beginning of the game. The feel and speed sometimes do stimulate some changes in the human endocrine system, which will make players more excited.

At the end of the first quarter, the Timberwolves replaced the starting player first, and Sanders had to make adjustments. In fact, his starting lineup has been dragged down by the speed of the Mavericks.

The fans of the Mavericks became more and more excited as the Mavericks attacked wave after wave. Cuban's face was also flushed. He liked the pleasure of torturing his opponent.

"Speed, what I emphasize is speed. It's not about letting you shoot casually in offense, but to rotate faster in defense. You can't just let the opponent shoot casually. Remember our principle. Any shot from the opponent and You have to take risks for layups, and you have to make your opponent fear, fear, yes, it is fear, the opponent should fear us, not our fear of their speed."

Sanders emphasized his thinking to the players over and over again during the break in the first quarter, but after all, the team had too little time to accept this style, and he couldn't blatantly say that he directly crippled the opponent's players. Able to find more appropriate wording.

Garnett was full of depression and irritability at this time. He had infinite resentment towards the Mavericks and Liu Han. He didn't want to be like some people who have been in the league for more than ten years, and finally hugged other people's thighs for a championship. But the current situation But the mountain in front of him seems impossible to climb at all. If Garnett wants to win the championship, he must either destroy the mountain in front of him, or fly over the mountain in someone else's plane.

After the start of the second quarter, Garnett, who took less than 5 minutes of rest during the quarter, appeared again, and he played with a substitute player, hoping to catch up with the score as soon as possible.

It was also a helpless move for Sanders to send Garnett at this time. After all, the only one with sufficient physical strength in the team is Garnett, who was in his prime.

Seeing this situation, Nelson did not make any changes. He still rested the starters step by step and let the substitutes play the game. Although the Timberwolves may catch up with the score under the leadership of Garnett, Nelson believes that this will be done in the fourth quarter. Nate is basically useless.

Liu Han watched Garnett plunder his team's inside line off the court, but in fact he was thinking about other things in his heart. He was not too worried about this game.

For a moment, Liu Han thought about what Anna was doing at this time, and then suddenly thought about the gap between domestic players and NBA players. Even though NBA players are close to exhaustion, they can still perform at a level close to [-]% to [-]%. , but as long as most of the domestic players are exhausted, they basically lose their due role. It seems that it is necessary for the domestic national team players to carry out some extreme training in the future.

Liu Han is going to participate in the Olympic Games this year. He doesn't want to only win fourth place like last time. He has a lot of ambitions in this competition. After all, he has teammates like Yao Min and an outstanding rookie like Xue Yuyang. The US team is not invincible. (I hope that Chairman Yao can make some good changes in the national basketball team. Let’s hope, and we can only hope.)
After 4 minutes of the second quarter, the Timberwolves relied on Garnett to narrow the point difference to 3 points. Nelson finally replaced Liu Han and Nowitzki, while Sanders still let Garnett Playing, it seems that Garnett didn't think about going on in this game.

After the game restarted, the Mavericks encountered certain troubles. The Timberwolves' defense was very fierce. Although this caused them to get a lot of fouls, it seems that they don't care about these now. They want to give the Mavericks some deterrence. , so that the opponent cannot maintain a good feel all the time.

The strategy of the Timberwolves seems to be drinking poison to quench their thirst, but I have to say that it seems to be effective so far. When the second quarter was halfway through, the Timberwolves had already overtaken the score.

After Garnett held the ball in the low post, he turned around and hit a two-point jumper before the Mavericks double-teamed. And because Nowitzki was too close, the referee blew his whistle. Garnett scored two plus one, and the Timberwolves The team widened the point difference to 7 points.

Liu Han called his teammates together, he knew very well what the problems the team encountered were.

"Guys, the opponent wants us to be afraid of them, to make us afraid, but are you afraid? Haha, so what we have to do is to follow their style of play. Since they want to use fouls to make us afraid, then Just let them get more fouls, we have to slow down, so that it is not easy to get hurt, and then be firm when we can make a shot, and if it doesn't work, we will call for fouls, this is our home field, we can't be pinched by them Let's go, we will lead them, do as we want, OK?"

Liu Han's train of thought is very clear, that is to use tricks, since the Timberwolves have no choice but to use fouls to interrupt the feel of the Mavericks, let them taste the bitter fruit of too many fouls.

(End of this chapter)

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