Global game: I can increase a hundredfold

Chapter 186 Ceremony Complete

Chapter 186 Ceremony Complete
Under the preparation of the Devil Slayer Swordsman Church, Bai Chen's blessing ceremony also slowly spread in the Sky City.

For most human professionals, it is extremely rare to witness the blessings of the gods to their believers. After all, in the Human Federation, although there are many churches, they can truly be loved by these human believers. There is no god who bestows blessings.

Therefore, when other human professionals knew that Meritia would perform a blessing ceremony for Baichen, many of them also gathered in the Sky City.

On the one hand, these human professionals want to see whether Meridia, the god of ancient times, will keep his word, and whether he will really bestow his power on the blessing ceremony promised by Bai Chen. A human being is still fooling them, just to reap their beliefs, but not willing to let them gain power.

Although to a large extent, these human professionals came to the city of the sky with a wait-and-see attitude, but in fact, these human professionals came to see if Meridia would honor their promise.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, the gods should not lie to their believers, but from the establishment of the Human Federation to the present, none of the many professionals in the entire human race has won the favor of other gods, so this makes them feel that those gods They also have some resentment.

Now there is only initial suspicion of Meridia believed by the newly emerged Demon Slaying Swordsman Church, and these professionals are already looking at the face of the Human Federation.

Therefore, this time, as long as Meridia can fulfill what she promised as she agreed, it will actually be very beneficial to the spread of her own belief.

On the other hand, the arrival of those human professionals is another layer of preparation made by the Human Federation.

In the past, high-level demons had descended near Sky City. Therefore, for the high-level federations of Sky City, they had to be prepared when they were beaten in Central Asia.

Neither the evil monsters nor the malicious elements hiding in the Human Federation can give them a chance.

After all, Meridia, which the demon-killing swordsmen now believe in, is the most valued deity of the Human Federation, and the only deity willing to bestow its divine power on human believers.

Therefore, this time, the high level of the Human Federation does not want to have any problems in this blessing ceremony. In that case, it is very likely that the new god will misunderstand them. At that time, if it affects the entire human camp , that would be bad.

It's just that these high-level people of the Human Federation don't know the real details of Meridia.

Although Meridia was a deity in ancient times, the power of this deity is very weak now. Without the current human believers, this deity may fall directly.

Therefore, although the Human Federation now attaches great importance to Meritia, why does this god that existed in ancient times not value these human believers?

It's just that the two of them don't know each other's specific situation.

Bai Chen knew the situation of both sides, but he didn't tell each other all the details, which made the whole situation into a strange balance.

Time passed day by day, and under the hype of the Demon Slayer Swordsman Church and the entire Human Federation in Sky City, Bai Chen's blessing ceremony finally began.

At noon, Bai Chen wore a set of extremely gorgeous armor, and personally boarded the high platform built by the demon-slaying swordsmen. There, he knelt down on the ground and recited praises to Meridia.

And after a while, Meridia's phantom slowly appeared in midair.

Although what appeared above the Sky City was just a phantom of Meridia, the height of this phantom was already over [-] meters, and it looked like a huge mountain from a distance.

Moreover, even though the god is very far away from them, the humans in the sky city can still clearly feel the powerful power coming from the phantom of Meridia.

There are many senior professionals who came to the Sky City this time, but even they, when they saw the phantom of Meridia, there was still an unrivaled feeling in their minds. Feel.

Originally, their strength in the Human Federation was considered relatively high. When fighting against those alien races, they were not incapable of fighting back. Even the masters of those alien races could survive a few tricks.

This makes them think that those so-called powerful gods are just of a higher level, and as long as their level rises, they will naturally have such powerful power.

There are not a few people who have this kind of thinking in the entire human federation.

But now, after they witnessed the phantom of Meridia with their own eyes, they immediately understood the huge gap in strength between themselves and the gods.

The phantom of Meridia that appeared this time did not deliberately target them, but it was the power fluctuations emanating from such a phantom that made them have no strength to resist.

Even the thoughts of resistance can't arise, because they have already realized the huge gap in strength between each other, even if they want to attack, but before they launch an attack, they may have lost their lives .

Therefore, from this point of view, these human professionals have realized the power of Meridia.

"Is that Meridia? The ancient god that the demon swordsmen believed in?"

"Is this the power of the gods?"

"Too strong, not a dimensional opponent at all."

"Is this how the gods exist?"


Among the many human professionals, after seeing the phantom of Meridia, they began to discuss it.

And those demon-slaying swordsmen who believed in Meridia had already knelt down on the ground.

"Is this the great His Royal Highness Meridia? It is my honor to be able to serve such a Highness."

"Great, I finally met Her Majesty Meridia. One day in the future, I will definitely be blessed by His Majesty."

"Yes, as long as we continue to worship His Highness devoutly, we will definitely be able to gain His Highness's favor."


Unlike other human professionals, as believers of Meridia, many demon-slaying swordsmen, when they saw Meridia, what they thought in their hearts was for their own gods. Offer the most devout faith.

After all, the current Bai Chen is already their role model.

Although some demon-killing swordsmen envied Bai Chen for being blessed by Meridia, they also knew about Bai Chen's deeds.

As the first demon-killing swordsman in the Human Federation, it is only natural that Bai Chen could win the favor of Meridia. Therefore, from this point of view, those demon-killing swordsmen, after seeing Bai Chen's current After the treatment, my belief in Meridia became more devout in my heart.

As a god, Meridia can naturally feel the attitude of many humans in the Sky City towards her.

When she felt the powerful force of faith gathering in her body one after another, her heart was about to burst into joy.

As a god, Meridia also has her own plans. Although she admires Bai Chen more, this blessing ceremony is what she promised Bai Chen before, but if she can use this blessing ceremony, it will greatly benefit her. Meridia would naturally not refuse if she strengthened her faith transmission.

Therefore, when she saw that her plan finally worked, she was extremely happy to give Bai Chen her own strength.

Immediately, as Meridia waved her hand, a huge force suddenly appeared from mid-air and flew straight towards Bai Chen.

This sudden scene immediately attracted the attention of others.

"Is this the power of the gods?"

"Meridia actually has so much divine power. Could it be that her strength has really recovered?"

"Praise be to the great Lord Meridia."


All of a sudden, among the many human professionals present, many thoughts immediately popped up. Some of them lamented the strength of Meridia, some were jealous of Bai Chen's increase in strength, and some of them were A look of regret.

And no matter what they thought, none of the human professionals present dared to stop the blessing ceremony this time, so the Meridian divine power, which contained enormous power, immediately flew to Bai Chen.

"You have received the blessing of Meridia, and your attributes have been greatly enhanced."

"You have completed the blessing ceremony of Meridia, and your Dawnbreaker has acquired the characteristic, the pain of Meridia."

Listening to the system prompt, Bai Chen also looked at his Dawnbreaker. This artifact is his most important weapon right now. His combat power has a lot to do with this weapon. Therefore, the change of Dawnbreaker , he naturally attaches great importance to it.

Dawnbreaker (Artifact)

Attack +250, Health +5000 (Every time a feature is unlocked, the attributes of Dawnbreaker will get a bonus)
1. The Wrath of Meridia (Dawnbreaker has a fire attack, when attacking the enemy, it will take an additional 30% fire damage, and the damage of the evil camp is doubled.)
2. Mercy of Meridia (The Dawnbreaker comes with a blessing effect. When fighting with the Dawnbreaker in hand, you can gradually gain the blessing effect of Meridia as time goes by, and you can get a layer of blessing effect every 30 seconds. Each layer of blessing effect can Increase the owner's attack and defense bonus by 1%, up to 10 layers. When the number of layers of the blessing effect reaches the full layer, an additional death-proof shield will be obtained. After the shield disappears, the effect of the ten layers of blessing will be cleared, and after 10 minutes , to get new layers of blessing.)
3. The Pain of Meridia (Dawnbreaker, as an artifact forged by Meridia herself, has extremely powerful power. Facing those evil creatures, this weapon can cause higher damage. Effect: the holder increases 50% crit chance, 50% increased crit damage.)
4. Guardian of Meridia (Unblocking condition: Defeat ten Maharaja level evil monsters, including Demon Maharaja, Vampire Maharaja, Undead Maharaja, etc.)
5. Sealed (the unblocking condition is triggered after unlocking the previous feature)

Durability: none

Equipment level: lv1.

"too strong."

Bai Chen looked at the Dawnbreaker in his hand, and was stunned for a while.

Although he had already thought that Dawn Breaker would become stronger after being unblocked, but this is too strong.

The current Dawnbreaker, regardless of the characteristics it carries, its basic attributes alone have surpassed ordinary artifacts.

It's not that Bai Chen has never seen other artifacts, like the staff of eternity held by Irina, the witch of fate, and the blade of doom held by Jezebeth, he has seen them all with his own eyes.

Therefore, he couldn't be more clear about the attributes of the artifact.

Among them, compared with the Dawnbreaker, the Eternal Rod is far inferior to the current Dawnbreaker. This artifact, which has been unsealed three times, has surpassed the Eternal Rod in terms of attributes alone.

In terms of the characteristics it carries, the Dawnbreaker also has more characteristics than the Eternal Rod. Although the Eternal Rod has a high damage output bonus for mages, it is reminiscent of the fact that the Dawnbreaker still has two characteristics that have not been unlocked. Then we can distinguish the pros and cons of both sides.

However, after all, the Eternal Rod is an artifact used by mages. Compared with the Dawnbreaker, it is also somewhat abnormal.

Compared with the Doomsday Blade, although the current Dawnbreaker is somewhat insufficient, there are still two chances for this artifact to be unsealed, and the gap between the Dawnbreaker and the Doomsday Blade is already very small.

Therefore, Bai Chen could imagine that once the five characteristics of the Dawn Breaker were all unsealed, then it must be able to surpass the Doomsday Blade.

Of course, if the Doomsday Blade is a complete body, then the Dawnbreaker may not be the opponent of the Doomsday Blade. Although this artifact has undergone his hundred-fold increase talent, theoretically speaking, it is already better than the original Dawnbreaker. Not much, but, after all, before Baichen was strengthened, the Dawnbreaker was severely damaged. Therefore, there is still a certain gap between the Dawnbreaker after the boost and the complete Doomsday Blade.

However, now that the Doomsday Blade has been manipulated by Yezebeth, it is naturally no longer a match for Dawnbreaker.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After reading the attributes of Dawnbreaker, Bai Chen also suppressed his excitement, and began to praise Meridia.

He is quite grateful for this ancient god. After all, if it weren't for her, he wouldn't be able to live today. The fact that he can have such a strong power now is inseparable from Meridia's help.

Of course, his help to this god is not insignificant. In other words, he and Meridia can be regarded as the achievements of each other.

And the other demon-slaying swordsmen at the scene also started to cheer after seeing Bai Chen's blessing ceremony completed.

(End of this chapter)

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