Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 103 The way to protect yourself

Chapter 103 The way to protect yourself

The prince went to Beijing without summons, and he committed a crime of rebellion!
It seems that Yong Wang Li Phosphorus wants to play a big game this time!

On the way to the palace, Lin Jian felt a little uneasy.

The most likely to be implicated in the royal fight for power and profit is a courtier like himself.

Ever since Yang Guozhong died, Lin Jian knew that the original historical track of Datang had changed!

Originally, Yang Guozhong was going to be killed by forbidden soldiers during the Anshi Rebellion and the Maweipo Incident in 756 AD.

Now he died prematurely by a decade or so!
So next, I can't be sure about the direction of history!
Not a moment later, they came to Huaqing Palace.

Thinking of Concubine Yang Gui, who is beautiful and beautiful, and the dreamlike night last night, Lin Jian's mood improved a little.

After adjusting his mood, he entered Yang Yuhuan's bedroom - the Palace of Longevity.


The Book of Tea.

After a day's rest, Wu Zetian's body has recovered and she is sitting there drinking tea.

Suddenly, a black cat came in.

Soon, she turned into a beautiful girl, it was Wu Zetian's daughter, Princess Taiping - Li Lingyue.

After the mother and daughter learned the illusion technique, not only did they have nine lives, but they also returned to their youthful appearance.

Therefore, Wu Zetian looked like a young lady, and Princess Taiping was no different from a young girl.

Wu Zetian said: "Just went to the palace?"

Li Lingyue nodded, with a look of joy on her face, and said: "Queen of Heaven, that Lin Jian is really daring!"

Wu Zetian's heart moved, and he said, "He and Yang Yuhuan..."

Li Lingyue nodded heavily, and said, "The whole night last night, the two of you were together!"

Wu Zetian said: "Where is Li Sanlang?"

Li Lingyue said: "Li Sanlang's health is too bad, but as long as Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan remain like this, Li Sanlang will find out sooner or later! If it doesn't work, news of my daughter going for a walk in the harem will naturally reach Li Sanlang's ears!"

Wu Zetian gave an "um" and stopped talking.

Li Lingyue said: "By the way, Yongwang Li Phosphate has led troops into Beijing!"

Wu Zetian laughed lightly, and said, "Let them make trouble! The more chaotic Chang'an City is, the better for us!"

Li Lingyue said: "But what about the military power? How can we interfere? Without military power, it would be foolish to want to regain the throne!"

Wu Zetian said: "Let them make trouble first, it's not too late to make a decision when the situation is clear! Taiping, it's been so many years, and you are still so impatient in doing things!"

Li Lingyue blushed slightly, and said, "Daughter knows she's wrong!"


Huaqing Palace, Palace of Longevity.

Moisturized by Lin Jianyu last night, Yang Yuhuan was in a good mood, and her whole complexion was rosy.

At this moment, she is wearing a light gauze, and she is dancing in the hall, with a slim figure and graceful dance steps.

Although it was freezing outside, Yang Yuhuan's body was dripping with sweat, and the light gauze was tightly attached to her body, outlining her perfect figure.

Lin Jian couldn't bear it at that time, Yang Yuhuan was jumping, and directly hugged her forcibly.

"Don't be dirty!"

Yang Yuhuan wanted to push Lin Jian away.

Lin Jian lowered his head and smelled it, and said, "It's fragrant, where is it dirty!"

Yang Yuhuan snuggled into Lin Jian's arms, with a tender look on his face, he said, "Have you eaten yet?"

Lin Jian nodded first, then shook his head again.

Yang Yuhuan looked puzzled and asked, "Have you eaten?"

Lin Jian smiled "hehe", hugged Yang Yuhuan on the carpet, poked his head into her tulle, and said, "I want to eat my sister!"

Yang Yuhuan was so itchy and comfortable, she pushed Lin Jian's head with both hands, but couldn't exert any strength...

One of the siblings was like a wolf and a tiger, and the other was like a newborn calf. From the living room to Huaqing Pool, and from Huaqing Pool to the bedroom, they didn't calm down until midnight.

The siblings were lying tenderly on the big soft bed when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Lin Jian was startled, and looked at Yang Yuhuan in bewilderment.

Yang Yuhuan said: "Don't be afraid, I don't know who it is yet!"

As soon as the words fell, the eunuch's voice came from outside: "Imperial Concubine, are you asleep?"

Yang Yuhuan said, "What's the matter?"

The eunuch said: "Your Majesty has been in a coma for a day, and just woke up suddenly, saying that he wants to see your empress."

Yang Yuhuan said: "I have already fallen asleep, let's talk about it at dawn."

The eunuch had no choice but to go back and return.

When the eunuch's footsteps faded away, Lin Jian said, "Sister, should I hide for a while?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "The emperor looks like that, do you think he can come here?"

Lin Jiandao: "What if it's a flashback?"

Yang Yuhuan made sense after thinking about it, but she still couldn't give up, so she hugged Lin Jian tightly and said, "Don't go, stay with me..."

Lin Jian felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

Although this sneaky feeling is exciting, it is indeed extremely dangerous!
Going on like this is not a long-term solution!

Lin Jian looked at the woman in his arms reluctantly, feeling every inch of her body.

Seeing Lin Jian's strange gaze, Yang Yuhuan smiled and said, "What's wrong with you?"


Lin Jiandao: "By the way, King Yong has entered the capital this afternoon. I'm afraid this Chang'an city is going to be in chaos!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "The more chaos they make, the better, so that no one will bother us!"

Lin Jian thought about whether it was a woman, and his thoughts were still too naive, and said: "If the power falls into the hands of King Yong, he must first eliminate dissidents and support his own people to be in power. Like my Dali Temple, it must be the focus!"

Only then did Yang Yuhuan realize the seriousness of the situation, and said, "Then what should we do?"

Lin Jiandao: "But it's not so easy for King Yong to seize power. I'm just making an analogy."

Yang Yuhuan said: "It would be great if my brother was still here. Both of you are in the court, so we can discuss something."

When Yang Guozhong was mentioned, Lin Jian felt a little guilty. After all, he was killed by himself, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "I have an idea, but I can protect myself temporarily."

Yang Yuhuan hurriedly said, "Say it!"

Lin Jiandao: "I have an engagement with the two princesses, but we have never been married. If we get married and become a son-in-law, then I shouldn't have much problem protecting myself."

Hearing this, Yang Yuhuan's heart moved, and said: "This method is not bad! Anyway, you are going to get married sooner or later!"

Lin Jiandao: "However, His Majesty's current state, I'm afraid it will be delayed for some time!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "This is just right!"

Lin Jian was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "We are doing marriage now, that's called Chongxi, and it's also for the emperor's sake!"

Lin Jian thought it was true!

At least this reason is aboveboard, and no one dares to stop it!
Yang Yuhuan said: "Tomorrow I will go to discuss this matter, and fix the date as soon as possible."

Lin Jiandao: "You are really my good sister!"

Yang Yuhuan giggled and said with a coquettish smile, "Sister, or Princess?"

"That must be my sister!"


early morning.

Lin Jian left Huaqing Palace.

Just after leaving the palace gate, the little princess Li Xiaolu walked towards her.

Lin Jiandao: "Lu Lu, where are you going early in the morning?"

Li Xiaolu said: "Father is ill, he said he wants to see the imperial concubine, I will call the imperial concubine!"

Lin Jian pondered, fortunately it was Li Xiaolu who came here, if an older girl entered the bedroom, she would definitely be able to smell some clues!
After all, I and Yang Yuhuan got too dirty, everywhere!

Li Xiaolu said: "By the way, bitch, why are you here?"

Lin Jiandao: "I also came to call the imperial concubine, but I came out before the empress woke up!"

Li Xiaolu said: "Let's go, let's go together! This imperial concubine is really good, my father loves her so much, and now my father is sick, it is so difficult to see her!"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't say that, the imperial still very good!"

After speaking, he secretly smacked his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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