Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 29 What You Can't Get Is Always Restless

Chapter 29 What You Can't Get Is Always Restless

To ride, or not to ride, that is the question!
After a fierce ideological confrontation, in the end, reason prevailed.

Lin Jian took a deep breath and put on his clothes.

Women can ride anytime.

But the system task, if you miss it, you can't come back!
Since traveling to Datang, more than half a year has passed, and you still care about one month now?

In fact, compared to the last mission, this mission is much less difficult.

As long as you take good care of your body, you will be able to learn the 72-way yin-yang hand in a month!

When the time comes, ride the horse and gallop, chic and unrestrained, you can ride whoever you want!
As for Pei Rou...

You can't believe everything she says, but you can't believe it!

After all, what she said made sense!
For Yang Guozhong, it's best to be on guard!

Pei Rou lay on the table, looking forward to it.

Unexpectedly, with a little trick, I actually managed to get this future son-in-law!
It's exciting to think about!

You must know that this son-in-law not only has a bright future, but also looks like a beautiful tree and is a good-looking talent!

I heard that last time he beat a group of Tubo envoys to pieces by himself. He was very majestic!

Even the servant girl who is in love with Dou Chukai in the family often talks about him in secret!

"It seems that my old lady still has some strength!"

"What fresh meat and tender grass, I will eat them all!"

"In the future, I can show off in front of my sisters again, hehe..."

Pei Rou thought she was going to succeed.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement behind.

what's the situation?
Pei Rou looked back and was dumbfounded.

I saw that Lin Jian had put on his clothes!

Pei Rou was shocked, and stammered: "Young Master, you..."

"Cough cough..."

Lin Jian blushed and said: "I have something to do, I have to go back! Let's fight again in another day!"

Hearing this, Pei Rou was not happy.

What is more important than sleep?

Obvious excuse!

"Young Master, you can't be... No way?"

As she said that, Pei Rou looked at Lin Jian, but she clearly saw that it was normal!

Not only normal, but more normal than the average man!

Lin Jiandao: "Mrs. Pei, we will have a bright future!"

"and many more!"

Pei Rou quickly stopped him and said, "Little devil, what do you mean?"

Lin Jiandao: "Although I believe Madam's words, after all, we have just met."

Pei Rou frowned and said, "So?"

Lin Jiandao: "If you want, I will give you one month. Within this month, if Brother Yang has any troubles, you must report to me in time. If you pass the test, I will trust you completely!"

a month?

Good guy, you think my old lady is a monk!
Pei Rou was really pissed off, and said: "Damn bastard, brat, are you still a man!"


"Dare to scold me?"

Lin Jian took a step forward, raised his big hand high, and hit Pei Rou behind him!
With a slap, Pei Rou let out a "hmm", and her whole body softened.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes also became blurred, and she said coquettishly: "My son-in-law, I want more!"

Depend on!
It really was a shake...

Lin Jian didn't feel it was funny, and said: "I've said everything that needs to be said, it's up to you whether you want to do it or not!"

After speaking, he pulled the latch and prepared to go back.

With Pei Rou's beauty and appearance, which man he usually wants is just a matter of pointing his fingers.

Unexpectedly, today I ran into such a freak as Lin Jian!

But the more this happened, the more excited Pei Rou was!

Seeing that Lin Jian had gone out, Pei Rou hurriedly chased him out and shouted, "Hey, stop!"

Lin Jian stopped and turned around, "What else is there for Mrs. Pei?"

Pei Rou bit her lip, and said coyly: "Well... if someone has news, where should I report it to you?"


He actually agreed!

Lin Jian thought for a while and said, "There is a 'Lin's stockings' shop on Suzaku Street, you can wait for me there."


Pei Rou watched Lin Jian leave, feeling quite uncomfortable.

"Damn brat, you really know how to show off!"

"One day, my old lady will punish you, and let you taste the power of my star-absorbing Dafa!"

After leaving the Yang Mansion, Lin Jian let out a long sigh of relief.

Today, he almost lost his defense against Pei Rou. It seems that within this month, it is better to avoid running to Huaqing Palace.


the next morning.

Lin Jian put on a brand new official uniform and came to Si Tiantai to take office.

After exchanging greetings, accompanied by all colleagues, we boarded the Star Observation Tower together.

The Star Observation Tower is the headquarters of Sitiantai, and its main function is to watch the sky at night.

The building is located in the northwest corner of the Imperial Palace, and it is the tallest building in the entire Chang'an City.

Climbing up to this building, you can have a panoramic view of the entire palace, which is refreshing.

Lin Jian looked down, and soon, his eyes locked on the south direction.

There, a group of young people are playing football.

No, to be precise, it should be called Cuju.

The official in charge of documents said: "My lord, that's the Imperial College."

Lin Jian said casually: "Isn't the Imperial College a place to study? Why do these people play Cuju?"

The clerk explained: "The Qianqiu Festival is coming soon, and the Cuju competition is the opening ceremony of the Qianqiu Festival every year. This year, not only the various towns will organize teams to participate, but even the Tubo envoys will also form a team, so the competition is fierce."

"I see!"

Lin Jiandao: "This Cuju competition, how many people are in each team?"

The clerk said: "My lord, there are 16 people in each team, and a substitute is set up to prevent anyone from being injured."

"16 people?" Lin Jian said, "Are there so many Tubo envoys?"

The clerk said: "A few days ago, only five people came, but recently many more have come. It seems that they have been prepared for a long time!"

Lin Jian didn't have much interest in Cuju, but he was a little curious about the prizes, and asked, "What will His Majesty reward you for winning No.1?"

The clerk said: "I heard that this year's No.1 prize is a gold medal for avoiding death."

"One piece?" Lin Jian said, "How do you divide it?"

The clerk said: "Naturally, one person will be selected from the winning team; but the others will also receive generous rewards."

"Gold medal for avoiding death..."

Lin Jian became a little interested.

In ancient times, this thing was equivalent to a resurrection armor at the beginning!

No, the Resurrection A can only be used by oneself, and the death-preventing gold medal can also resurrect others!
The death-preventing gold medal was cast by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin. A total of 24 medals were made that year, and were rewarded to the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion or their descendants.

Unfortunately, one of the heroes not only died early, but also did not leave a son and a half.

Therefore, only one of the 24 gold medals is left, which has been passed down to the present.

Lin Jiandao: "Can I...can participate?"

The clerk was stunned for a moment, then nodded fiercely: "Of course! My lord is the son-in-law, and according to the usual practice, he can represent the royal family in battle!"

Lin Jian was overjoyed and said, "Where do you go to sign up?"

The clerk said: "Wei Langzhong is in charge of the Department of Rites under the Ministry of Rites."

(End of this chapter)

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