Chapter 40 Hat Trick
There are [-] participating teams in the Cuju competition, which are divided into two halves, the north and the south.

Eight teams from each district, after three rounds of competition, will decide the division champion.

In the end, the top two divisions compete for No.1.

Lin Jian's royal team belongs to the North District, and they are all weak teams.

On the other hand, in the southern district, all the strong teams including Tubo have assembled!
Its purpose is to kill the Tubo team's chances of qualifying in the cradle of the southern half!

In the three wheel battles, it is no wonder that the Tubo team can qualify!

Game start.

As a substitute, Lin Jian could only watch the battle from the sidelines.

I thought I would be able to go up soon, but who knew that after three rounds, the royal team didn't have a single injury!
It turned out that everyone knew well that the royal team was just a bunch of pampered princes and grandchildren, and if they were really hurt, they would not get any benefit.

In this way, the Royals quickly ended three battles and won No.1 in the North Division without any effort.

At this time, the Tubo team is still stuck in the second round!
There is no time limit for Cuju competition.

Whoever scores ten goals first wins.

In the first round just now, although the Tubo team won, they injured two people.

Of course, their opponents were even worse. Not only were they kicked ten to three, they also injured seven people!

I have to say that all these Tubo players are indeed elite soldiers and strong generals, and they cooperate very well.

Breaking through the second round is only a matter of time...

In the stands, the audience was in high spirits, pointing at the middle of the field from time to time.

Only Li Longji frowned.

Soon, came the third round.

At this time, the Tubo team had only 11 players on the field.

Although there were few people, they didn't hesitate at all, but kicked harder and harder.

Because as long as you break through this round, you can qualify.

In the final, the opponent was the Royals.

Those dudes can beat them even with their eyes closed!
Time passed by, and the number of people on the field became smaller and smaller.

It is said to be playing football, but in fact it is no different from kicking people.

After an hour of fierce fighting, finally, the Tubo team finally qualified.

There is only one step away from the first name.

Li Longji groaned in his heart!
Unexpectedly, our own side's wheel battle failed to stop the Tubo team!

And one final battle...

Li Longji's heart was ashamed.

This is simply a sub-question!

It was almost noon at this time.

Li Longji announced that he would have lunch first and then play the finals in the afternoon.

I planned to play tricks on the food of the Tubo people, but who knew that the other party was so smart that they brought their own water and dry food!
Li Longji was helpless, and was depressed throughout the noon.

Yang Yuhuan said: "Why does Your Majesty look so worried? Is there something bothering you?"

Li Longji sighed, and said: "This year's Cuju Competition, I'm afraid the Tubo people will take the first place!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "Just take it, I, Datang, can't even have this kind of demeanor; besides, he plays really well!"

Li Longji sighed: "My dear concubine, you only know what it is, but you don't know why!"

Yang Yuhuan asked curiously, "Is there any secret here?"

Li Longji said: "For the first place this year, you can get a gold medal from my Tang Dynasty!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "The concubine knows it!"

Li Longji said: "And in my sky prison, a heinous criminal in Tubo is imprisoned!"

Hearing this, Yang Yuhuan finally understood, thought for a while, and comforted her: "Your Majesty, don't be too discouraged, there is still the last round!"

last round?
Li Longji smiled wryly.

A few days ago, I also mentioned this matter to Lin Jian.

But at that time, it was just a casual remark, and I didn't expect the Tubo team to reach the final round!
This guy Lin Jian...

Indeed, sometimes people will create some surprises.

But now, he is not facing one person, but the whole Tubo team!
The more Li Longji thought about it, the more he had a headache. He inevitably drank a few more glasses and fell asleep in a daze...


Shen time, about three o'clock in the afternoon.

The two teams in the finals are already ready to go, and the audience has already arrived and can't wait.

After three blows of the whip, the game officially begins!
As soon as it came up, before the royal team could react, the Tubo team took the lead in scoring a goal.

When the royal team came back to their senses, the Tubo team had already scored three goals in a row!
The royal team wanted to exert their strength, but found that the opponent far surpassed them in terms of speed, strength and skill!
You know, just now they easily won three rounds in a row.

After suffering setbacks, it is inevitable that there will be a gap in my heart, and the movements of my feet will become stronger, and the confrontation will be upgraded to a higher level in an instant.

However, this is in the hands of the Tubo team!

Because what they are best at is confrontation!

In just a quarter of an hour, the score had reached five to zero!
The audience shook their heads and sighed.

Losing, it's not that I, Datang, can't afford to lose, but it's really embarrassing to get a bunch of dudes to go up and lose like this!

After playing for a while, the Royals finally got injured.

Lin Jian came off the bench!

As soon as Lin Jian came up, he dribbled the ball past the three of them, and when he reached the midfield, he slapped him!
The ball is in!
After a few seconds of silence, fierce cheers erupted from the venue.

Although they still thought the Royals couldn't win, at least they didn't swallow duck eggs!
Everyone believed that this goal was just the luck of the royal team.

But then...

Lin Jian steals the ball!

Lin Jian broke through!

Lin Jian flak!
Lin Jian scored twice and scored another goal!
The Tubo team members looked at each other, and they all saw deep surprise in each other's eyes.

By the way, where did this guy come from?
It's just a substitute, why is the technique so against the sky?


As the leader of the Tubo team, Princess Ayi Turtle naturally also watched the battle from the sidelines.

Seeing Lin Jian scoring two goals in a row, she felt bad!

"How can this guy still play football?"

A few days ago, Princess Ayi Tubie sent scouts to observe the training of the royal team, and found that the opponent was just a bunch of idiots.

Then, focus on other teams.

It's just that the scouts didn't know that Lin Jian was deliberately showing weakness and concealing his strength.

Princess Ayi Turtle knew that she had been tricked, so she quickly gave hints to the team members and tried her best to encircle and suppress Lin Jian!

After a short while, before the Tubo team could adjust their formation, Lin Jian scored another goal and performed a hat-trick!
"Wow, the little brother who scored the goal is so handsome!"

Many girls in the venue have already started to commit nympho.

"Stop dreaming, he is the son-in-law! I will soon marry two princesses!"

The insider poured a basin of cold water in due course.

Soon, Lin Jian's identity spread throughout the auditorium.

Although he is the son-in-law, this still cannot resist the love and adoration of the girls for him.

No, not only the girls, but also the young women watched with great interest.

"With such a good waist and accurate shooting, I must be very skilled in that area, right?"

"It would be great if you could be my face-to-face!"

"What's so fun about a ball, my wife has two balls!"


(End of this chapter)

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