Chapter 90 Tell the truth
Lin Jian was extremely embarrassed!
Looking down at himself and Wang Jiao, even though half of his body was no longer in the water, it was still vaguely visible, and said, "What... what should we do now?"

Wang Jiao said: "Can you hide for a while? I'm afraid my mother will come in!"


Lin Jian looked around, and there was no hiding place around.

At this time, there was only a "squeak", and the bathroom door had already opened!
Helpless, Lin Jian could only squat down and hide at the bottom of the water.

"Jiaojiao, so you are here, why don't you talk?"

Queen Mother Cui Yan pushed the door open and entered.

Wang Jiao was terrified.

He lowered his head to look at Lin Jian at the bottom of the water, then calmed down and said, "I... didn't hear it just now! Mom, why did you and dad come here suddenly?"

Cui Yandao: "The matter in Huainan Road is very important, your father is worried, so he came here in person!"

Wang Jiao still had a lot of questions to ask, but she was afraid that Lin Jian at the bottom of the water would not be able to hold back, so she said, "Mother, go get me some clothes first, and my daughter will go out and talk to you."


Cui Yan turned and left.

Wang Jiao called out softly, indicating that Lin Jian could come out.

But he yelled a few times, but there was no response.

Looking down, I saw Lin Jian looking up at himself at the bottom of the water, looking engrossed!
Ashamed and angry, Wang Jiao directly grabbed Lin Jian's dog's head, pulled him up, and said, "I'll call my parents to the main room later, you take this opportunity to go out!"

Feeling lost, Lin Jian took a few breaths and said, "Anyway, I will see them sooner or later. In my opinion, choosing a day is worse than bumping into the sun, or today..."

Wang Jiao said: "Then we can't see you like this! You should go out first, and then pretend that you just came here!"

Lin Jian made sense after thinking about it, "Hehe" said with a smile: "That's fine, I'll go back and buy some gifts first, and come back later!"

Wang Jiao said: "It's so late today, come back early tomorrow morning! My parents are tired from the journey and need to rest!"


Not a moment later, Cui Yan came with the clothes.

Lin Jian sank into the water again.

Soon, Wang Jiao went out after changing her clothes, and took her parents to the main room.

Lin Jian put on his wet clothes and left quietly.

Back to the station, still a burst of aftertaste.

Just in the tub, that was really exciting!

Unfortunately, the critical moment was interrupted again!
Lin Jian was annoyed for a while, and fell asleep in a daze...


Stuff pawn shop.

In the main room, Cui Yan touched her daughter's forehead and said, "Jiaojiao, why is your face so red? Are you feeling unwell?"

Wang Jiao said: "I'm fine mother, maybe I'm too tired recently!"

Father Wang Chuang said: "On the road a few days ago, I got news that Cai Tong, the Jiedu envoy of Huainan Road, was detained in Chang'an City, Zhang Wensheng, the governor of Jizhou, and Wu Yuanwai of Guangji County were all killed by the disaster relief minister. , is this true or false?"

Wang Jiao nodded and said, "Father, these are all true!"

Hearing this, Wang Chuang was overjoyed and said, "This Minister of Disaster Relief is really the lucky star of our Wang family! In this way, we can really start arranging the position of Jiedu Envoy of Huainan Road!"

Wang Jiao remained silent, not knowing what to say.

Wang Chuang said again: "By the way, Lin Jian, the Minister of Disaster Relief, didn't have a feud with Xiaoyu. Why did he help us so much now?"


Wang Jiao still didn't know how to speak.

At this time, Wang Yu's voice suddenly came from the courtyard, saying, "Sister, brother-in-law, are you done?"

Wang Chuang: "???"

Cui Yan: "???"

Seeing the lights on in the main room, Wang Yu came in directly, and then found out that his parents had arrived. He was so frightened that he said solemnly, "Father, mother!"

Seeing his son, Wang Chuang snorted coldly, apparently dissatisfied with his previous actions.

Cui Yan, on the other hand, was in so much pain that he went up to him with red eyes, touched his son's face and said, "I'm thin again..."

After the mother and son finished exchanging greetings, Wang Chuang looked straight into his son's eyes and said, "What happened to the brother-in-law you called just now?"


Wang Yu was stunned, not knowing how to explain it, so he could only look at his sister.

Wang Jiao thought, this is the way it is, parents will know sooner or later, so she plucked up her courage, knelt down with a "plop", and said: "Father, mother, my daughter is not filial!"

Wang Chuang and Cui Yan looked at each other, both puzzled.

Cui Yan hurriedly helped her daughter up, and said, "Jiaojiao, what's going on?"

Wang Jiao roughly explained the matter.

It's actually very simple.

First, Lin Jian asked him to cooperate in planting potatoes, and then helped the Wang family deal with Cai Tong and Zhang Wensheng, and his request was to marry himself!
After hearing this, Wang Chuang was furious, slapped the table hard, and said, "Absurd! When has my Taiyuan Wang family been threatened like this!"

Wang Yu said weakly: "Father, this is actually not a threat. To be precise, it is cooperation! Brother-in-law... um no, that Master Lin is indeed very capable! If our Taiyuan Wang family can get such a talent, we will surely It's like a tiger with wings added!"

Wang Chuang said, "When is it your turn to dictate the affairs of the Wang family in Taiyuan?"

Wang Yu was too frightened to say anything.

Seeing that the head of the family was angry, Cui Yan hurried over to smooth things over, saying: "Old Wang, it is not easy for the children to go out, and they all have their own difficulties. The matter is already like this, so don't blame them anymore! Their cooperation with the disaster relief minister , it’s just a verbal agreement, and as for marriage, there is no engagement at all, so it’s not counted!”

After finishing speaking, he touched his daughter and said, "Isn't it, Jiaojiao?"

Cui Yan was originally speaking for his daughter.

Unexpectedly, Wang Jiao shook her head and said seriously, "Father, mother, my daughter is serious!"

This time, both Wang Chuang and Cui Yan were dumbfounded.

Cui Yan faintly realized that something was wrong, and said, "Jiaojiao, you and the minister of disaster relief have what extent?"

Wang Jiao didn't directly say how far the two of them had developed, but she truthfully told every detail of how they were trapped under the coal mine and how each other took good care of themselves.

After finishing speaking, Wang Yu hurriedly added, in short, he praised Lin Jian too much.

After listening, the old couple fell into silence.

If the Minister of Disaster Relief is really what they said, it's not impossible to consider it.

But there's a catch!
As we all know, Lin Jian, Minister of Disaster Relief, is the quasi-consort!
I heard that the emperor promised him that when he returned to Chang'an City after the disaster relief, he would marry the two princesses!
Since he is a prospective son-in-law, how can he marry his own daughter?

If it's a woman from an ordinary family, it's okay to be a child to the son-in-law.

But something is wrong with Taiyuan Wang's family!
For thousands of years, emperors have changed their surnames one after another, but the royal family in Taiyuan is firmly seated as one of the "five surnames and seven wangs"!

In their bones, they even look down on those royal families!

If you really marry, you have to make your daughter grow up!
But in this way, the emperor will definitely not agree!

After Wang Jiao and Wang Yu finished speaking, they felt uneasy in their hearts, not knowing what their parents thought.

After waiting for a long time, Wang Chuang stood up and said, "Let's talk about it another day!"

The siblings led their parents to arrange the bedroom.

After entering the room, Wang Chuang said suddenly, "By the way, where is Yue Nu? Why aren't you with you?"

Wang Yu didn't dare to talk about the previous grievances between himself and Yuenu, he hurriedly said: "Yuenu is taking care of potatoes in the field, come back tomorrow!"

Wang Chuang nodded and said, "Okay, you two should go and rest quickly."

When the siblings left, Cui Yan closed the door and said, "Master, what should we do about this matter? Do you really want Jiaojiao to marry that Lin Jian?"

Wang Chuang said: "It depends on how much benefit Lin Jian can bring to my Taiyuan Wang family..."

(End of this chapter)

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