Chapter 1 I, T1000! (Please recommend and collect and reward!)

In front of a cheap rental house, five heavily armed criminal police stood ready to break in at any time.

The surroundings of the house were also surrounded by the police, and the people in the house were hard to fly this time.

The target that the police are about to arrest is a murderer who has been at large for three years.

"Open the door, open the door, the gas company will read the gas meter!"

The leading detective shouted as he slammed the door.

As long as the target believes that the door is opened, the police ambushing outside the door can rush in and arrest the murderer.

The police officer yelled for a long time, but there was no response from the room.

The police officer made a gesture towards his comrades, and he was going to be tough.

In the room, a young man of about 20 years old, who was plainly dressed (in fact he was poor) and had a strong figure (he had been engaged in physical labor for a long time), looked calmly at the door that was locked earlier, and sighed slightly.

"It seems that today is the end of my life, Jiang Feng!"


Feeling something rubbing against his trouser leg, Jiang Feng showed a smile on his calm face, squatted down, and patted its little head lightly, "I can have you by my side in the last days , That’s great! Don’t worry, I’ll ask the police officers to find someone to adopt you, even if I’m gone, you don’t have to wander anymore, my good partner.”

He rubbed his furry little head and said rather sadly.

I saw a black cat with no stray hairs, like a piece of black charcoal, squatting very energetically beside Jiang Feng, looking very comfortable after being rubbed.

This black cat has been with Jiang Feng for a year. It took the initiative to find Jiang Feng on a certain cold night. It couldn't be shaken off. It followed Jiang Feng all the way back to the rental house after returning from part-time work.

Jiang Feng was overjoyed, thinking that this black cat was destined for him, so he happily adopted it.

He even gave the black cat a name, Big Black Cat.

During the days when he was evading the police, Jiang Feng had to keep his name anonymous, keep a low profile, and try not to interact with people deeply. Not to mention his hard life, he was still alone and felt very lonely.

The arrival of the big black cat comforted Jiang Feng's lonely heart.

As far as Jiang Feng is concerned, he is not afraid of death. Since he killed someone, he must have the awareness to bear legal sanctions.

The only worry is to accompany his partner, the big black cat.

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand to stroke the cat, and kept his eyes on the door.Out of his sight, the big black cat beside him tilted his head, looking at Jiang Feng in a very humane way, with a playful smile on the black cat's face.

A black cat... laughing?
So weird.

But Jiang Feng didn't see it.

He collected himself, stood up, and was about to walk towards the door, "Okay, I'm going to surrender myself. Goodbye, my good partner, Big Black Cat!"

"Jiang Feng, if I knew today would come, would you regret killing that woman?"

"Since she has the guts to set a trap and murder my father. Even if there is no evidence, even if she wants to kill her, I will kill that bitch to avenge my father!"

"According to my calculations, you killed that really didn't kill the wrong person."

"who are you?"

Only then did Jiang Feng realize that someone was talking to him, and he immediately looked around vigilantly.

There was no one else in the room except him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, there was a loud knock on the door.

The police outside the door began to take action to break the door!

It is estimated that in less than a minute, the police will rush in and pin Jiang Feng to the ground, hold a gun to his head, and put a pair of cold handcuffs on him.

"Jiang Feng, I'm here."

A small paw grabbed Jiang Feng's jeans leg and pulled it hard.

Jiang Feng sensed the movement and looked down, a little dumbfounded.

It's a big black cat.

I saw the black cat stand up like a human on its hind legs, and a small black paw was still pulling on his trouser leg.

"Big black cat, are you talking?"

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, then asked a question that others thought was out of his mind.

"Are you surprised, are you surprised?"

The eyes of one person and one cat were facing each other. The black cat opened its round eyes and smiled at Jiang Feng, showing its mouth full of small fangs.


If it weren't for the policemen trying hard to break through the door, Jiang Feng would have died imminently. If it were before, he would have been terrified.

But now Jiang Feng was already a person who was about to go to the execution ground to be shot. Since he was not afraid of death, he stabilized quickly.

"Congratulations, you have become a master."

Jiang Feng said very easily, feeling a stone in his heart fell to the ground.

The big black cat may have evolved suddenly, or it may have become a monster or something else.Jiang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what the big black cat has become, if it can talk, it means no one will take care of it anymore, and it can live well in the human world.

As for whether a surreal existence like the big black cat has the ability to endanger human society?
Jiang Feng is about to be caught and shot by the police uncle, that's none of his business!
"I'm right when you say that. Just a few minutes ago, Benmao, like the protagonist in the online novels you often tell me, had an adventure and became a great life."

The big black cat held its head high, its hind legs stood straight, its paws folded across its chest, and a thick tail flicked back and forth behind its buttocks. It looked awesome.

"So, great big black cat, I'm going to be caught and shot by the police now, can you save me?"

Jiang Feng didn't want to be shot either, his eyes lit up, and he asked eagerly.

"Hmm, Jiang Feng, you have to understand that although this cat is great now, no matter how skilled he is, he is still afraid of kitchen knives."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on the black face of the big black cat, "So, this cat is also very afraid of the small pistols of the police uncle, and there is no way to save you from their siege."

"Then you are a great wool!"

Jiang Feng twitched an internationally accepted middle finger, and threw it in the face of the big black cat very unceremoniously.

"However, this cat is extraordinary after all. Although it is still the same as before, its combat power can only beat mice, not even dogs, let alone a police uncle."

The big black cat was not angry either. It glanced at Jiang Feng who was disappointed, and then said unhurriedly, "However, this cat has the ability to let you cross!"

"What rice? Time travel?"

Jiang Feng was stunned.

"That's right! It's time travel! Traveling through the villain system is the cat's innate supernatural power!"

The big black cat suddenly used all four limbs to climb Jiang Feng like a big tree, and soon climbed onto Jiang Feng's shoulders, stood up again, stretched out a small paw and pointed at Jiang Feng's face, proudly Said.

"Young man, I saw your bones are amazing, go through time, and create miracles."

The big black cat simply jumped onto Jiang Feng's head, posing as if Columbus was looking for a new continent, "Besides, the enemy army has 17 seconds left and is about to arrive at the battlefield... Well, they are about to break in."

"Then what are you waiting for? You can figure it out."

Jiang Feng had no choice. Although he knew nothing about time travel, and he didn't know what would happen after time travel, it was better than going to the execution ground and getting shot, right?

"Drive! Start traveling now!"

The big black cat was like a racing driver, its claws firmly grasped Jiang Feng's scalp, and it screamed excitedly.

Then, without the special effect of fifty cents, Jiang Feng and the big black cat disappeared out of thin air.


Slowly, Jiang Feng regained consciousness. The first thing he saw was a police car with lights on in the night.

"It's night?"

Jiang Feng looked up at the stars all over the sky, a trace of confusion flashed across his face.

And soon, he found that he had turned into a man in police uniform, standing in a remote alley.

To be correct, it is not a human being, but a liquid metal robot named T1000.

By searching the database in his body, Jiang Feng quickly figured out the origin of his body.

Sent by an artificial intelligence called "Skynet", through a time machine, back to Los Angeles, the United States in 1984, to kill a human named Carl Reese.

"Jiang Feng, this is your first time travelling, are you okay?"

At some point, the big black cat appeared at Jiang Feng's feet, rubbing his trouser legs affectionately.

"It turns out that all this is true? I really traveled to a world of movies! Hahaha!"

Jiang Feng opened his arms and laughed wildly, "You want to catch me? It will never be possible, you bastards!"

After laughing for a while, Jiang Feng felt sad, "But this also means that I will never be able to go home."

In the original world, with fond memories of his father, Jiang Feng was unwilling to give up all of this.

"How could it be? As long as you complete the task of coming to this world, you can travel back to the original world again!"

The big black cat ran to Jiang Feng's shoulder, stretched out its small tongue and licked his hair and said.

"Go back? Hehehe, are you going to eat a gun?"

Jiang Feng said angrily.

"No, no, Jiang Feng, as long as you complete the missions in this world, you can get a character card with the power of the character in the character card."

The big black cat playfully raised a cat paw, and shook it in front of Jiang Feng, "For example, the Terminator T1000 is occupied by your will, you have its character card, and you can play it in the original world." its power."

"Hahaha! Big black cat, why didn't you say it earlier? With the power of the liquid metal robot, even if all the official police are dispatched, they will never catch me!"

Jiang Feng asked impatiently, "Tell me, what should I do?"

The big black cat immediately issued a task to Jiang Feng.

Across the World: Terminator: Genesis

Novice task: Congratulations, you have become the villain in the movie.As a villain, it is necessary to be ruthless, and it is necessary to become an enemy with the protagonist.So, go and kill the protagonists such as Carl Reese, Sarah Connor, and the old governor without hesitation!

Task reward: a Terminator T1000 character card.

"Big black cat, let's go, don't waste time."

Jiang Feng is not a good man and a faithful woman, and the three years of fleeing life have already wiped out the excess kindness in his heart.

What's more, if people don't destroy the world for themselves, they will not be able to survive, so how can they have the right to show mercy to others?

Throwing the body of an American police officer killed by the original T1000 into a nearby trash can, Jiang Feng and the big black cat set off in a police car to find Carl Reese according to the information in the T1000 database.

Intelligence indicated that Carl Reese would appear in a secluded alley of a street.

It was already late at night, and there were few vehicles on the street. Relying on the driving skills of the T1000, Jiang Feng drove the car into the air. It took less than 10 minutes to arrive at the entrance of a small alley.

Under the light of the car lights, a scruffy bearded tramp appeared in Jiang Feng's eyes.

With a "snap", he closed the car door casually, and Jiang Feng walked towards the homeless man.

"Very well, we appeared earlier than in the movie."

After looking at the trousers that were still on the homeless man for a while, a bloodthirsty grin appeared on Jiang Feng's face.

Carl Reese, destined to be the second human being killed by him.

"Officer, what's the matter with you?"

The tramp looked at the oriental police officer standing in front of him with a black cat at his feet, and asked carelessly, "I slept here, but I didn't break the law."

"If you don't want to die, you'd better leave now."


Under the terrified eyes of the homeless man, Jiang Feng shot the wall beside him, and smoke rose from the muzzle of the gun.

After replacing the Terminator T1000, Jiang Feng can speak American English more fluently than most Americans.

Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, the homeless man didn't dare to say a word, and he was about to leave the alley even if he was scrambling.

"Take this and get out!"

Jiang Feng threw a wallet to the homeless man.This wallet was found together with the pistol from the body of the policeman killed by the T1000 before, and Jiang Feng put it in his pocket.

After the homeless man ran away with the wallet, the big black cat asked in confusion, "Jiang Feng, why didn't you kill the homeless man?"

"A poor homeless man. Come on, why take his life?"

Jiang Feng put the gun away, walked to the place where the homeless man was originally, and sat down, "According to the plot of the movie, Carl Reese will appear in at most 10 minutes."

The new book is on the road, please recommend, please collect.

 This is a new book written with a different idea, I hope you will support me a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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