Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 25 Destroy the Predators!

Chapter 25 Destroy the Predators!

In the empty pyramid, ripples suddenly appeared in the air, and soon, a tall and strong body walked out of nothingness.

The Predator Scar came to the meeting place agreed with his partners.

He looked at the empty place, and couldn't see the expression on the face covered by the helmet, but his right hand clicked a few times on a device on his left arm.

Celtic did not return his call.

Scar's heart sank, knowing that Celtic was also in danger.

Now, in this dangerous pyramid, he is left alone.

However, Scar is fearless, even if he is the only one left, he still has to complete this hunting mission.

Facing the danger, never backing down, this is the Predator!

After clicking a few more times on the rectangular device on the left arm, a projection inside the pyramid appeared, and a bright signal also flickered in an area of ​​the pyramid projection.

This signal was sent by the Jagged Shoulder Cannon.

Soon, Scar's figure disappeared again, but ripples flashed in the air, and he quickly moved towards the area where the signal was located.

Scar, he is going to get back his own weapon.


Wieland sat with his back against a column, his body had never been as relaxed as it is today.

Feeling the joy of health, Wieland took out a delicate can from his backpack, heated it up, and began to eat it with gusto.

And the iron-blooded shoulder cannon was placed by his side.

Near him, there were three aliens lying in ambush, as if they were about to deal with someone.

Wieland is very smart, he knows that he has been used as a bait, but he dare not refuse Jiang Feng's order.

He fully believed that the moment Jiang Feng cured his terminal illness, he had already tampered with his body and could take his life at any time, and it was not an empty threat.

Because of empathy, if Wieland was Jiang Feng, he would do the same.

Suddenly, Wieland, who was eating steaming food, felt uncomfortable all over his body. His intuition, which he had trained through years of business wars, told him that he was being targeted by something.

Swallowing the food in his mouth, Wieland looked around, but saw nothing.

The fact that the eyes cannot see does not mean that the other party does not exist.


The enemies who had previously attacked the expedition were invisible to the human eye.

Wieland sneered secretly, and he already understood who the enemy the aliens were ambush to deal with. "Both sides are not good. It turns out that they are dog-eat-dog. It would be best if they all die!"

Ignoring the monsters killing each other, Wieland picked up a spoon and continued to eat the food in the can.

Wieland's intuition was correct. At this moment, Scar was cautiously approaching him with his invisibility turned on.

Scar felt that the human beings in front of him were abnormal, but he was a cautious Predator, he didn't dare to attack Wieland rashly, and planned to observe before making a move.

Sneaking around behind Wielander and looking at him for a while, Scar didn't feel that there was anything special about this old male human being compared to other human beings, so he popped a sharp blade from his wrist and wanted to Get rid of Wieland and get back the Jagged Shoulder Cannon.

Raising the sharp blade, he was about to strike, but Dao Scar suddenly felt that his mind became dizzy for no reason, making it difficult for him to concentrate.

"not good!"

I don't know how long after this half-awake and half-drowsy state, Scar suddenly woke up, turned around like lightning, and saw a strange shape hanging in the air, grinning at him.

With a sound of "swipe", the sword shot like lightning, and the sharp blade cut through the alien's head.

Then, without looking at the alien, he turned around pretendingly, and when he was about to kill Wieland...

"Wait, this feels wrong..."

Just as Scar reacted, the alien he had attacked before had a long scar on his head, and his slender forelimbs cut off both of his arms.

Then, Scar was pushed to the ground by two other aliens who rushed out, took off his helmet, and forcibly stuffed a fleshy, disgusting bug into his mouth.

Not long after, a young iron-blooded alien poked its head out from Scar's chest as a pale green blood that radiated a faint fluorescence spurted out in the darkness, and let out its first roar when it came to this world.

The last Predator, and also the strongest Predator, was the only scar in the movie who had killed the aliens and achieved results. He didn't even kill a single alien, and ended up dying tragically in the pyramid.

Scar is too confident in the cold weapons of the Predator family. He did not expect that the alien in front of him has been strengthened by the T virus, and his shell has been greatly strengthened in defense.In the movie, the sharp blade that can cut through the alien's head can no longer cause fatal damage to the strengthened alien with one blow.

If Scar had realized this information earlier, maybe...

Maybe a fart, even if Scar knew about it, he would definitely die.

Jiang Feng arranged for three aliens to serve him. Without a shoulder cannon, Scar would be a ghost if he could beat him!
Regarding the death of the Predator Scar, Wieland saw the death in his eyes with a look of indifference, but deep in his eyes flashed deep worry.

If monsters like Alien are allowed to leave the pyramid and come to the human world...

Looking at the corpse that devoured the scar, and the iron-blooded alien whose body was inflated as quickly as a balloon, Wieland's body couldn't help but shudder.


"Mission 2 completed!"

The big black cat jumped on Jiang Feng's head with a fan-shaped crown, and gave a thumbs up again.

"Now that the task in the pyramid is completed, it's time to complete the rest of the tasks."

Jiang Feng fiddled with a rectangular device hanging in his paw for a while, and smiled happily, although his expression was ferocious.

Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!
(End of this chapter)

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