Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 37 Eastern Slavia

Chapter 37 Eastern Slavia
After a period of half-dream, half-awake, feeling dizzy, Jiang Feng opened his eyes.

He looked around the surrounding environment. Judging from the surrounding furniture and other items, the place he was in should be a residential house, and his family was rich, and it was a foreigner's home.

Jiang Feng saw that on a counter, there were photos of a family of three, all of whom looked like Caucasians.

The glare of the sun shines in from the window, and it is daytime now.

Jiang Feng began to walk around the residence, conducting investigations, and found a newspaper that had been torn in half.


He picked up the newspaper and looked at it, "Eastern Slavia? The first female president, Svetlana Belikova? In the game "Resident Evil", there is such content?"

Jiang Feng was a little confused.

Putting down the newspaper, he walked to a wardrobe mirror and saw his current appearance.

An image of a young soldier wearing a camouflage uniform produced in China, but without epaulets.

This is the appearance of Jiang Feng's own body in the original world.

Is it different from before, this time is the main body time travel?


There was movement from another part of the residence.

Jiang Feng hurried over to check, and saw a refrigerator that had been opened, and his partner, the big black cat, was rummaging through it with great interest, making the ground a mess, and the cat with its mouth in its mouth only ate a few mouthfuls Food, thrown everywhere.

"This sausage is not bad, blah blah."

The big black cat dragged out the sausage and gnawed it until his mouth was dripping with oil.

Seeing Jiang Feng approaching, the big black cat felt a little sorry, "Jiang Feng, I'm sorry, this cat has long wanted to taste the taste of Russian cuisine. After traveling through the house, I found that there is a The refrigerator, let’s have a full meal first.”

"It's okay. You go on, big black cat."

Of course Jiang Feng didn't take it seriously, he even walked over and took out a piece of barbecue from the refrigerator, and started to eat it.

Due to the limited conditions in Somalia, the food provided is relatively simple. Jiang Feng saw the big black cat eating the sausage with great enthusiasm, and he was also a little hungry.

After eating and drinking enough for one person and one cat, the big black cat stroked its chubby belly and sent Jiang Feng the mission after crossing.

Across the World: Resident Evil: Damned

The only task: split must die.

Explanation: The big villain is here, and the protagonist still has a way out of paralysis!Go kill American Secret Service agent Leon Scott Kennedy.Oh, I almost forgot, there was also a male second, who also killed Alexander Korsachenko, a member of the East Slavic rebels, and let the two be good friends before God.

Reward: Plague Parasite Character Card

Current identity: T virus (Jiang Feng's body)
Owned character cards: T1000, Alien Queen, Predator
Do you want to entrust the character card to the cat?

Jiang Feng did not choose hosting, but asked Big Black Cat for information.

Except for the T1000 character card, the rest of the character cards will be weakened to a certain extent after being entrusted to the big black cat.

After the Alien Queen's character card is entrusted, the number of eggs laid is limited to [-], and the Alien that was originally strengthened by the T virus loses the ability to infect and reproduce;
After the Predator character card is entrusted, all Predator equipment will be sealed with invisible ability.

After careful consideration, Jiang Feng chose to entrust the Predator character card to the big black cat.

Although the character card of the Predator has been sealed with the invisibility ability, the equipment such as the Iron-Blooded Shoulder Cannon, Iron-Blooded Pistol, Iron-Blooded Spaceship, and Iron-Blooded Single Shuttle can still be used normally.

Compared with the black technology equipment of the Predator, which can only breed [-] alien queens, it feels useless.

After the big black cat entrusted the Predator's character card, it turned into a fully armed Predator, standing in front of Jiang Feng.

It took down an iron-blooded pistol from its belt, and twirled it handsomely in its hand, just like a western cowboy, having a great time playing.

"Big black cat, do you know what kind of world "Resident Evil: Cursed" is like? I have only watched the movie, and I have only played the game for four generations. Except that Li Sanguang is the main character in the game, I know nothing else. I don't know."

Jiang Feng asked.

When the big black cat was playing, Jiang Feng used the power of the T virus to find Leon's whereabouts.

But it was strange, he only sensed the area closest to him, and there were only two kinds of T virus infected bodies.

One is a licker, packed into a ball, packed in a closed compartment, and is in a state of transportation;

One is a strengthened tyrant that is dormant and placed in a closed space.

Although Jiang Feng still sensed a lot of T-virus infected bodies within the scope of the entire earth, he didn't find any trace of Leon.

"Hold on."

The big black cat put away the Predator character card, and changed back to the original black cat, "This ability of this cat can finally come in handy."

It jumped onto a chair and sat squatting, wagging its tail back and forth and staring round its eyes.

Then, Jiang Feng saw the big black cat's eyes start to shine, like a lighthouse standing on the coast at night, emitting two dazzling rays of light, casting an image in midair.

And this image is the movie of "Resident Evil: Curse".

As soon as the movie started, Jiang Feng knew that "Resident Evil: Curse" was a CG movie, no wonder he didn't know anything about it.

After spending some time watching the movie, Jiang Feng knew where to find Leon, and finally knew that the male second, that is, the one implanted with plague parasites (defective products) in the movie, became the "chief" and could control A licker, but a member of the anti-government armed forces who has to pay the price of his life, who is Alexander.

At the same time, Jiang Feng licked his lips, thinking about the two beauties in the film.

The mysterious and dangerous King Ada;

The femme fatale Svetlana, the first female president of Eastern Slavia mentioned in the previous half of the newspaper, is a strong woman.

Also the main villain in the movie.

A strong woman or something must be very tasty to conquer.

Jiang Feng reached out and pinched his chin, smiling, evilly.

"Big black cat, let's go to Svetlana's presidential palace."

As soon as Jiang Feng finished speaking, he heard the sound of the door opening, accompanied by a lot of strange footsteps, and a low growl. Something entered the house.

Even without looking with his eyes, Jiang Feng knew that what came was the plague parasite zombie.

(End of this chapter)

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