Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 51 No wonder!

Chapter 51 No wonder!
Both Ninja and Dou Zhe were newcomers to Infinity Squad at the same time.

At that time, there were eight other rookies who entered the Infinity Squad at the same time as them, but the only ones who survived in the end were Ninja and Dou Zhe.

The first plot world the two experienced was "StarCraft".

The Infinity Squad at that time took refuge in the protagonist of the Terran campaign plot, Jim Leilo, and then followed the protagonist to seek refuge in the villain of the Terran campaign plot, the anti-federal military organization "Sons of Keha" established by Arcturus Mengsk, Fighting all the way, finally at the Battle of Tarsonis, ushered in the greatest crisis.

As an elite force under Jim Raylor, the Infinity Squad was brought to the planet Tarsonis by the heroine, Lieutenant Kerrigan, and was attacked by Zerg together and betrayed by Mengsk.

In that survival mission, the ninja almost died. He had already been bitten off half of his body by a springtail. When he was about to die, the infinite team completed the mission and was sent back to the space of the main god. Life.

And these two sets of marine equipment that killed TX are the harvest of the two ninjas in the world of "StarCraft".

In order to celebrate the successful killing of the villain TX in "Terminator 3", Ninja and Fighter gave each other a high five.

"Hahaha, even if the combat chassis of the TX is extremely strong and can carry an RPG, it is not as fragile as glass in front of an electromagnetic rifle."

Before the smug smile could fully bloom, it froze instantly on the faces of the two of them.

Because, ninjas and fighters, they did not receive the notification from the main god that the TX had been eliminated.

Of course, he didn't get rewards for completing side missions either.

This means, TX is not dead yet!
However, under the fierce firepower of two electromagnetic rifles, TX was clearly smashed to pieces...

"This is how the same thing?"

In the face of the two people who saw hell in the daytime, the TX that was shattered all over the ground turned into a silvery white liquid, and quickly merged with each other, forming a human silhouette.

Standing with Kate Brewster, John Connor, who was hiding behind the Infinity Squad, was also reminded of the horror buried in his heart by the scene in front of him, and his pupils shrank violently.

Ninja and Dou Zhe also had ugly faces, and together with John Connor, they almost groaned out a name: "T1000!"

"Why? Why did TX become T1000? This shit is still knitting!"

The two ninjas, whose bodies were wrapped in CMC power armor, were already sweating coldly.

The electromagnetic rifles in the hands of the two can even blow up the most advanced M1 main battle tank of the US military with a few shots, but they can't kill the pure liquid metal T1000.

"Damn it, if I knew today, in the world of "StarCraft", I should have two sets of Pyro equipment."

In the heart of the ninja, he put an afterthought.

If you have two sets, no, even a set of Pyro equipment, even a T1000 that is immune to kinetic strikes, he can kill you!
Just when the two ninjas were about to retreat, the silver-white silhouette had turned into the appearance of TX (Christina) again, stretched out an index finger with a mocking face, and shook it in front of them.

In order to test the depth of Infinite Squad, Jiang Feng went out in person.

He used the identity of T1000 and changed into the appearance of TX.

Although the T1000 is not as powerful as the TX, its survivability far exceeds that of the TX. It is very suitable for this type of mission that will be hit by the opponent's powerful firepower.

"Fuck you!"

Ninja and Dou Zhe immediately raised their electromagnetic rifles and fired a series of bullets at Jiang Feng who provoked them, smashing him to the ground again. When they were about to turn around and run away with the rest of them, they were suddenly caught in the darkness. A few blue meteors shot out, and the CMC power armor he was wearing was severely damaged, and he fell down with electric sparks all over his body.

It was the big black cat, TX, and the governor who were ambushing nearby, and opened fire according to the order that Jiang Feng had just sent.

Jiang Feng had no choice but to kill the ninja and the fighter.

Originally, he had no plan to kill the two of them, but wanted to dig out each other's secret from the ninja and the others.

But the two suddenly turned into human marines, which scared Jiang Feng a lot.

Nima, since these two guys can turn into marines, can they also turn into siege tanks?Can it become a Goliath robot?Even... Can it become bigger and bigger?

Thinking that the opponent might become a Yamato (human battlecruiser), Jiang Feng felt a long-lost fear of imminent death. Can he bear it?

It's better to kill it quickly to avoid future troubles!


The remaining three rookies of Infinity Squad saw the two veterans being knocked down, they were ordinary people in essence, they could no longer suppress the fear in their hearts, screamed heart-piercingly, and fled in all directions.

John Connor and Kate Brewster also wanted to run, but the big black cat, TX, and the governor appeared from the darkness and stopped them.

The moment John Connor saw the governor appearing, there was a very complicated look in John Connor's eyes, "Are you also here to kill me this time?"

As for the three escaped members of Infinity Squad, Jiang Feng had already known that these quiet people were just ordinary people who had just joined the team by listening to their previous conversations, so he didn't bother to pay attention to them.

However, even if Jiang Feng ignored them, the three newcomers were still under the control of fear, and ran out of the 100-meter range of the hero and heroine.

"Mission failed, obliterate!"

Accompanied by the icy voice of the Lord God, there were three deafening explosions in the night.

The three newcomers were wiped out.

However, only the seriously injured two ninjas heard the three explosions. The rest of Jiang Feng and the others were completely unaware of the explosions, as if they couldn't hear them.

After ordering TX and the governor to watch over John Connor and his wife, Jiang Feng and the big black cat walked towards the two ninjas who fell to the ground and moaned in pain a few meters away.

They want to have a shot while it's hot... Well, while the other is still alive, they want to try to get some secrets hidden in the two of them.

Walking in front of the other party, the big black cat suddenly changed back to its original body, "Jiang Feng, this cat has sensed a strange power hidden in them, somewhat similar to this cat's power, but obviously different."

It thought for a while, turned into a Predator again, and took out an Iron-Blooded Saber from its belt, just like cutting tofu, easily broke through the CMC power armor of the two ninjas, and took off two pieces from the opponent's left hand A watch with a dark color and a simple and elegant shape.

Jiang Feng quickly realized, "Wait, when did these two watches appear on the opponent's left hand? Before, when I was face to face with them, they obviously didn't exist."

"The strange power that this cat feels comes from these two watches."

The big black cat raised the watch in front of his eyes, "This power... is like the super delicacy that this cat has never tasted before, and it is tempting this cat."

"This cat can't bear it anymore!"

Before Jiang Feng could stop it, the big black cat turned back into its original body again, and swallowed the two watches with its three-petal mouth.


It yawned, curled up into a ball by itself, and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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